
jiānɡ hú yī shēnɡ
  • quack;mountebank
江湖医生 [jiāng hú yī shēng]
  • (1) [quack]∶假称有医学知识的人

  • (2) [mountebank]∶卖药的流动小贩

  1. 可别上当他纯粹是江湖医生。

    Don 't is taken in he 's just a quack .

  2. 经历多次失望之后,他对江湖医生失去了信心。

    After so many disappointments , he finds it hard to have faith in quack doctors .

  3. 他过去恰恰很可能是个挨家挨户行骗的江湖医生。

    It is just as likely that he was a charlatan peddling hocus-pocus .

  4. 他去看了一个江湖医生,此人说他能用某种奇怪的草药把他的病治好。

    He went to see a quack who said he could cure him with some kind of strange herbs .

  5. 那些江湖医生、虚假医院网站的信息是如何出现在搜索结果前列的?

    How does the information of website of those empiric , false hospital appear in search result front row ?

  6. 就像炼金术士和江湖医生,这些人靠的是我们相信不可能之事的愿望。

    Like practitioners of alchemy and quack medicine , these modellers thrive on our desire to believe impossible things .

  7. 医务室里我请来替我办事的那两个江湖医生,而直到现在还没有弄清楚我到底患了什么毛病。

    Those two quacks I 've got working for me in the medical tent still can 't find out what 's wrong with me .

  8. 与炼金术士和江湖医生一样,风险模型设计者创造了一种行当。他们相互之间激烈的技术辩论让轻信的局外人相信,这是一个拥有真正专业技能的行业。

    Like the alchemists and the quacks , the risk modellers have created an industry whose intense technical debates with each other lead gullible outsiders to believe that this is a profession with genuine expertise .

  9. 那人是一个兜卖整套牙齿、牙膏、牙粉和药酒的走江湖的牙科医生。

    He was a quack dentist on his rounds , who was offering to the public full sets of teeth , opiates , powders and elixirs .