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jiāng àn
  • river bank
江岸[jiāng àn]
  1. 遥感技术在长江南通河段江岸稳定性评价中的应用

    Application of remote sensing technology in the assessment of the stability of river bank , Nantong reach of the Yangtze River

  2. 长沙市江岸锦城商住小区规划设计

    Changsha City River Bank Jincheng Business community 's Planning & Design

  3. 江岸新建的仓库鳞次栉比。

    Row upon row of newly built warehouses line the waterfront .

  4. 本文具体针对原江岸机务段干阻试验系统进行技术改造,主要研究并解决大功率半导体器件IGBT在机车干阻负载试验台中的应用问题,并设计出新型的干阻负载试验系统。

    To upgrade the original locomotive resistor-load test system in Jiang ' an Locomotive Depot , this dissertation mainly studies the application of high-power semiconductor IGBT to locomotive load test system , and designs a new type locomotive load test system .

  5. 上海港国际客运中心建于北外滩,拥有870m沿江岸线。

    Shanghai Port International Cruise Terminal was founded in the North Bund , which possesses about 870 m length coastlines .

  6. 小康家庭建设中的女性教育与就业发展&以昆明市江岸小区为研究个案

    The Development of Female Education and Employment in Building the Well-To-Do Family

  7. 柳工重返长江岸

    Liugong : Returning to the Bank of the Yangtse River

  8. 洪水脉冲作用下漓江岸坡植物生长研究

    Growth of Plants in Bank Slope of Lijiang River by Flood Pulse

  9. 定位抛石在九江长江大堤江岸治理中的应用

    Use of Positioning Throw Stone for the Regulation Project of the Changjiang River in jiujiang

  10. 在晴朗的天空下,汉阳江岸上的绿树可以看得清清楚楚;

    In a clear day , you can see the trees on the side of Hanyang River .

  11. 长江湖口&彭泽段江岸的变化及其对防洪安全影响

    Bank changing and it 's influence on the security of flood control in HUKOU-PENGZE in the Yangtze River

  12. 遥感与地理信息系统技术在长江下游江岸稳定性评价中的应用

    The Application of Remote Sensing and GIS To the Assessment of Bank Stability in the Lower Yangtze River

  13. 涪江流域江岸防护林带淤沙固岸效果的研究

    Research on Effects of Bank Protection Forests in Depositing Sand and Fixing Banks in the Fujiang River Valley

  14. 三峡工程蓄水后万县江岸坡体稳定性分析

    Analysis of Slopes Stability on Bank of Yangtze River in Wanxian after Stored Water with the Three Gorges Project

  15. 武汉市江岸区132名医生心态的调查与分析

    A investigation and Analysis on the psychological State of 132 doctors from a hospital in Jiang-An District of Wuhan City

  16. 沿着外滩和黄浦江岸,上海创造出了世界上最动情和独特的城市空间。

    It has created along the Bund and the Huangpu waterfront one of the most exciting and unique urban places in the world .

  17. 在献冲村一组的江边,湍急的江流受阻变向,将江岸冲刷得支离破碎。

    In Xian Chongcun a group of the riverside , fast Jiangliu disruption to the change , will be washed away in the Jiangan fragmented .

  18. 江岸诸山略微笼罩着雾气,好像不是平日看惯的那几座山了。

    The mountains along the river banks , enveloped in a thin mist , appeared quite different from what we had been accustomed to see .

  19. 我的家就是长江边的一个小镇,隶属于宜宾,在我看来,它的名字就是江岸的意思。

    My house is a small Zhenjiang Yangtze River , safety , belonging to Yibin , in my view , its name is the meaning of the river bank .

  20. 长江岸线段上建设国际邮轮靠泊服务区;黄浦江岸线段建设航运旅游综合配套区。

    The berthing service area for international cruise liners will be built on the shoreline along the Changjiang River , and the shipping tourism pilot area along the Huangpu River .

  21. 由于江岸地形的影响,强震时对振动起放大作用而加大震害。

    ( 3 ) Earthquake hazard would be enhanced due to magnification caused by vibration at the time of a strong event because of topographic influence in the bank area .

  22. 如果在昆明及其附近地区发生强烈的破坏性地震,当地震波传播到盘龙江江岸这一特定的场地条件时,对震害会产生怎样的影响?

    If a severe destructive earthquake occurred in Kunming City and its surroundings , what effect would be caused on earthquake hazard when seismic waves propagate to the very special site condition-Panlong R.

  23. 以治理水土流失为重点,通过试验寻找出几种最佳的立体生态绿色覆盖坡耕地的模式,即:库区江岸边栽种经济竹林带;

    Laying stress on harnessing soil erosion , to find several best stereoscopic models of the ecological green cover slope farmland by research : economic bamboo grove belt in shore of the reservoir area ;

  24. 本文分析了导致长江堤防崩岸的各种原因,在回顾现有各项治理崩岸的工程措施的基础上提出采用水泥固化土工包防护江岸水下部分和挂网喷混凝土防护水上部分的方案。

    The paper analyzes the causes and process of dyke collapse along the Yangtze River and proposes the option with solidified cement geotextile bag protecting un-der-water riverbank and jetting concrete net for protecting riverbank above water .

  25. 描述了长江下游典型窝崩情况,分析了窝崩形成的过程、特点及窝崩江岸段的地质条件、岸坡变化、水流泥沙运动规律。

    In this paper , the typical Ω - collapse in the lower Yangtze River is described and analysed , including its characteristics , forming process , geological conditions , bank slope variation , and flow-sediment movement patterns .

  26. 通过对长江岸边上某电厂的灰库护岸工程采用绞链沉排的施工及其效果介绍,说明该方法对江岸防护是有效的。

    Through the introduction of the construction and effect of the ash revetment engineering of a power plant along the Yangtze River by adopting hinged sinking mattress , it is proved that this method is effective for river coast protection .

  27. 其次,以武汉市江岸区旧城住区为背景,分析了旧城住区的基本属性构成、对应问题和历史成因,在此基础上,提出了旧城住区可持续改善目标,引入公众参与理论;

    Secondly , this thesis analyses basic feature composition , corresponding problems and historical evolvement of the old urban residential area in the background Jiang ' an district , Wuhan , and puts forward the sustainable improvement goal with the application of public participation .

  28. 沿江岸带城镇座落、人口稠密、经济繁荣、素有金三角之称,不言而喻,加强其沉积演变势态的研究具有特殊的社会与经济意义。

    Cities and counties along the banks of the river have a dense population and a prosperous economy and have long been known as golden delta . It is self evident that an intensive study of the sedimentary evolution may be of special social and economic significance .

  29. 低海拔江岸生长的芦苇比高海拔江岸生长芦苇具有更大的比叶面积(单位叶重叶面积)、更长的叶鞘和叶片、更高的叶鞘叶片长度比、叶鞘叶片质量比和叶片长宽比;

    P. communis plants growing at banks of lower elevations have larger SLA ( specific leaf area ), longer leaf sheath and blade , larger length ratio of leaf sheath to blade , larger mass ratio of leaf sheath to blade and larger length : width ratio of blade ;

  30. 以江西省长江干流江岸堤防加固整治工程水土保持监测为例,对线型开发建设项目的水土保持监测范围、内容、程序和方法以及需提交的成果等进行了探讨。

    , which distribute across the different districts on line . In a case of reinforcement dike project of Yangtze River in Jiangxi Province , the scope , content , procedure , method , and result of soil and water conservation monitoring for linearization construction and exploitation projects are discussed .