
  • 网络Jianggan District
  1. 江干区是杭州市重要的交通枢纽。

    Jianggan District is an important transport hub in Hangzhou .

  2. 江干区历史悠久,物产丰富,人文荟萃,风光秀丽,是杭州最古老的城区之一。

    Jianggan District has a long history , rich , cultural galaxy beautiful is the city of Hangzhou , one of the oldest .

  3. 杭州世纪银泰卢米埃国际电影城位于杭州江干区庆春东路。

    Hangzhou Century Intime Lumiere Cinema is located at Qingchun East Road , Jiang'gan District .

  4. 日前,江干区电梯安全座谈会议在四季青街道召开。

    This symposium is led by district quality supervision bureau and held by Sijiqing Street running .

  5. 随着杭州大剧院、会展中心等标志性建筑的迁入,江干区将成为杭州大都市的中心区。

    The district will be the new centre of Hangzhou with some land-mark buildings moving here such as Hangzhou Grand Theater , exhibition center , etc.

  6. 江干区历史悠久,人文荟萃,既是一个老城区,也是一个建设中的新城区,还是一个未来的城市新中心。

    As an old town of Hangzhou , a new one which is under construction , and also the new center of the city in the future , Jianggan boasts a long history and various cultures .

  7. 金沙江干热河谷区生物固土能力研究(土壤中的)固氮微生物

    Study on Soil Reinforcement Capability of Plants in Dry and Hot Valley of Jinsha River

  8. 金沙江干热河谷区人工林生长与土壤母质-母岩的关系

    Plantation Growth to Soil Parent Material / Rock in the Dry-hot Valleys of the Jinsha River

  9. 金沙江干热河谷区山蚂蝗属根瘤菌抗逆性研究

    Study on the Stress Resistance of Rhizobia Isolated from Desmodium in Arid Hot Valley of Jinsha River

  10. 金沙江干热河谷区云南土壤退化过程研究

    Approach to Soil Degradation Process in Dry and Hot Valley Region of Jinsha River , Yunnan Province

  11. 金沙江干热河谷区土地荒漠化程度的土壤评判指标确定

    Determination of index for judging the desertification degree of land in the dry-hot valley area of Jinsha River

  12. 金沙江干热河谷区生态经济林复合种植模式的生态经济效益研究

    Study on Ecology and Economy Benefit of Eco-Economic Forestry Composite Planting Mode in Jinsha River Hot and Dry Valley

  13. 金沙江干热河谷区退耕还林适宜造林树种筛选研究

    A Study on the Fitting Afforestation Tree Species during Coverting the Land for Forestry in Hot and Arid Valley of Jinsha-river

  14. 采用数值分类方法研究了金沙江干热河谷区人工林生长与土壤母质-母岩的关系。

    The vegetation growth of afforested land was studied by numerical classification techniques in the Dry_hot Valleys the Jinsha River , southwestern China .

  15. 金沙江干热河谷典型区(云南)退化土壤的结构性与形成机制

    The Structure Feature and Formation Mechanism of the Degraded Soil in Dry-Hot Valley Region of the Jinsha River , Yunnan Province , China

  16. 云南金沙江干热河谷典型区具有北热带温度条件和长达半年以上的干季时间,生态系统具有破坏容易恢复难的特点。

    The representative area of dry and hot valley of Jinsha River in Yunnan Province has a temperature condition of the northern tropical zone and a long dry season of more than half a year .

  17. 通过对云南省金沙江干热河谷典型区不同生态景观下土壤典型剖面系列的比较研究,初步确定了燥红土系列和变性土系列土壤退化过程的阶段及其土壤性状特征。

    After comparatively researching the typical soil profile series situated in dry and hot valley region of Jinsha river in Yunnan province under the condition of different ecological landscape , the phase of soil degradation process and its characteristics about dry red soil and vertisol series were initially determined .