
qì tǐng
  • launch;motorboat;powerboat;motor launch;gasboat
汽艇 [qì tǐng]
  • [gasboat] 用汽油机作动力的小艇;尤指使用改装过的汽车引擎的小艇

汽艇[qì tǐng]
  1. 他的汽艇速度非常快。

    His motorboat is very fast .

  2. 汽艇穿过激流,绕过险滩。

    The motorboat cut across swift currents and skirted dangerous reefs .

  3. 我们将乘汽艇到怀特岛。

    We 'll make a trip by launch to White Island .

  4. 蒂姆·鲍威尔曾是汽艇比赛冠军。

    Tim Powell is a former champion powerboat racer .

  5. 敌舰企图逼近我们的小汽艇。

    The enemy warship tried to bear down on our small airboat .

  6. 刺耳的铃声打散了小汽艇的牌局。

    The shrill ringing of a bell broke up the card game on the cutter .

  7. 雾很大,汽艇差点把一只正在离港的小船撞沉。

    It was so foggy that the steamship almost ran down a small boat leaving the port .

  8. 有些较年轻的渔夫,用浮标当钓索上的浮子,并且在把鲨鱼肝卖了好多钱后置备了汽艇,都管海洋叫elmar,这是表示男性的说法。

    Some of the younger fishermen , those who used buoys as floats for their lines and had motorboats , bought when the shark livers had brought much money , spoke of her as el mar which is masculine .

  9. 汽艇带上我们往高地方向驶往。

    The powerboat picked us up and headed to higher ground .

  10. 警察使用汽艇巡逻港口。

    The police use a motor launch to patrol the harbour .

  11. 请原谅我决定,汽艇已经在等您了。

    Forgive my insistence , but the motor launch is waiting .

  12. 汽艇将会在晚上7点来接你们。

    The launch will be back to pick you up at7:00p . m.

  13. 那艘汽艇正等着把他送回大陆。

    The motorboat was waiting to ferry him back to the mainland .

  14. 她有两辆轿车外加一艘汽艇。

    She has two cars and in addition a motorboat .

  15. 警方汽艇招呼我们停下来。

    The police launch hailed to us to come to .

  16. 激汤着海湾平静水面的汽艇

    Motor boats churning the peaceful waters of the bay

  17. 汽艇的船头像一把刀子劈开水面向前行驶。

    The prow of the motor-boat cut through the water like a knife .

  18. 只要有一滴重露水,你就可以让密西西比的汽艇浮起来。

    You could float one of those Mississippi steamboats on a heavy dew .

  19. 汽艇正以每小时十海里的速度顺风向港口驶去。

    The launch is bearing down ( the port ) at ten knots .

  20. 他们派了一艘汽艇去接那艘载她来非洲的轮船。

    They sent a steamer to meet the vessel carrying her to africa .

  21. 汽艇爆炸,仅有六位游客幸免于难,其他的人都死了。

    Only six passengers survived while others were killed by the steamboat explosion .

  22. 那就孩子们说的汽艇式?

    Is that what t kids call motorboating ?

  23. 全焊铝合金汽艇主船体建造工艺

    Welding technique for construction of aluminum alloy boat

  24. 客轮一抛锚,斯考比马上坐着警察局的汽艇迎了出去。

    Scobie went out in the police boat as soon as the liner anchored .

  25. 一艘汽艇向我们逼近。

    A powerboat was bearing down on us .

  26. 他领我到他的大汽艇上去。

    He led me out to his launch .

  27. 平底船和汽艇参加了在威尼斯大运河沿岸举办的活动。

    Gondolas and motorboats took part in the event along Venice 's Grand Canal .

  28. 汽艇在水面飞掠而过。使石子掠过池塘的水面。

    Skip a stone across the pond .

  29. 这艘汽艇的价格是15万美元。

    The steamer costs 150,000 US dollars .

  30. 睡莲静静漂浮的湖湾。现在成了汽艇的避风港。

    The bay where water lilies quietly floated is now a harbor for motor boats .