
qì chuán
  • steamboat;steamer;steamship;motor boat;steam vessel
汽船 [qì chuán]
  • (1) [steamship;steamer]∶由蒸汽动力推动的船舶

  • (2) [steamboat]∶由蒸汽动力推进的小船;尤指作内河或沿海交通用者

汽船[qì chuán]
  1. 这是打算在密西西比河上航行的第一条汽船。

    It was the first steamboat intended for navigation on the Mississippi .

  2. 汽船的推进器卷起浪花。

    The propeller of the steamboat churned ( up ) the waves .

  3. 汽船从湖上驶过。

    The boat steamed across the lake .

  4. 一路上,汽船在好几个港口停靠。

    The steamer calls at several ports along the way .

  5. 汽船向我们嘟嘟鸣笛时,甲板上的水手们饶有趣味地挥着手。

    Steamers tooted at us as sailors on deck waved in amusement .

  6. 汽船驶抵码头,船上的旅客拥挤不堪。

    The steamer arrived at the quay with the tourists packed like sardines .

  7. 汽船突突地前进。

    The boat chugged along .

  8. 把汽船开到对岸去。

    Steer the motorboat over to the opposite bank .

  9. 有些驳船是由小汽船拖行的。

    Some barges are pulled by small steamers .

  10. 汽船是昨晚进港的。

    The steamer arrived in harbor last night .

  11. 据NPR新闻的格雷格·艾伦报道,坦帕飞行汽船航空公司于1914年1月1日开始航空飞行。

    NPR 's Greg Allen reports the Tampa Airboat line began flying on January 1st , 1914 .

  12. 上月被短吻鳄咬去一只手的湿地汽船船长本周五被捕。63岁的WallaceWeatherholt正面临着非法喂养短吻鳄的罪名指控。

    An Everglades City airboat captain who lost his hand to an alligator last month was arrested Friday.Wallace Weatherholt , 63 , is facing a misdemeanor charge of unlawful feeding of an alligator .

  13. 这艘汽船每小时能后退约四十海里。

    The steamer is capable of some forty knots retreating astern .

  14. 出海的汽船.在他心中激起了狂热且痛苦的渴望

    The oceangoing steamers ... roused in him wild and painful longings

  15. 汽船每周一次来把邮件取走。

    A steamer calls once a week to take off mail .

  16. 小汽船的声音在远处逐渐消失。

    The sound of the motorboat faded away in the distance .

  17. 汽船常用滴水不漏的隔墙分隔滴水不漏的隔间。

    Steamboats are often divided into watertight compartments by watertight partitions .

  18. 我说,带我去汽船码头。

    I said , take me to the steamship landing .

  19. 可乘同一艘汽船当天回来。

    The return may be made on the same steamship .

  20. 有时候,小汽船只来往最近的海滨胜地。

    Sometimes they only went as far as the next seaside resort .

  21. 汽船把河底的泥浆搅了起来。

    The steamer stirred up the mud in the river .

  22. 他把她送上了一艘驶向纽约的汽船

    He put her aboard a steamer bind for new york

  23. 一条汽船从在水里游水的水牛附近经过

    A steamboat passed near a buffalo swimming in the water

  24. 有时候,教室就在密西西比河上的汽船上。

    Sometimes the ' classroom ' is a Mississippi riverboat .

  25. 一艘汽船要为那些练习划船比赛的孩子们定步调。

    A motor boat will pace the boys training for the rowing match .

  26. 帆船已被汽船所取代。

    The sailing ships were superseded by the steamships .

  27. 汽船主宰着这条古老的河流沿岸的生活。

    The steamboat dominated life along the old river .

  28. adj.华而不实的一般来自圣路易,低廉而俗丽的汽船到达了码头。

    gaudy A cheap , gaudy steamboat arrive at the wharf from St.louis .

  29. 汽船已靠岸,正在放汽。

    The steamboat has come into the pier and is blowing off steam .

  30. 时间是在一九○五年,一艘汽船航行在浩瀚的大海上。

    The time is 1905 . A steamship sails on a vast ocean .