
  • Auto Parts;Car accessories;automotive parts
  1. 上世纪90年代中期,丰田公司(Toyota)的一家子公司为了追踪汽车配件而发明了二维码。问世之初,二维码提供的信息就多于传统条码。

    Created by a Toyota ( TM ) subsidiary in the mid-1990s to track auto parts , QR codes were designed to deliver more information than the traditional barcode .

  2. 为验证系统设计效果,开发了一个面向汽车配件领域的货源信息检索试验系统,集成了Google、百度和搜狗三大著名通用搜索引擎。

    In order to verify the design effect , a business information retrieval system has been developed with respect to the domain of auto parts and integrated with three famous GSE : Google , Baidu and Sogou .

  3. 我国加入WTO,使得汽车配件受到极大冲击。

    China 's entry into WTO was really a great shock to the automobile spare parts industry .

  4. 周三,中国监管机构指控12家日本汽车配件制造商合谋对丰田和福特(Ford)等汽车厂商抬价。

    On Wednesday Chinese regulators accused 12 Japanese car parts manufacturers of colluding to overcharge carmakers including Toyota and Ford .

  5. W物流公司四个目标行业(手机、化妆品、医药和汽车配件)具有如下共同特征:第一,目标行业市场大,行业增长快;

    Features of W logistics with its four target industries ( mobile phone , cosmetics , medicine and automobile accessory ): firstly , the market of target industry is extensive , and increases rapidly ;

  6. 所以一套面向系统、功能全面、简单易用并充分利用Internet网络资源的管理系统必将对汽车配件销售业的销售和管理观念产生重大影响。

    Therefore , a management system which is system-oriented , has overall functions , enjoys simple operation , and fully exploits Internet resources will hopefully cause great impact upon the concepts of the sales and management of auto spare parts in the auto spare parts industry .

  7. 位于成都市红牌楼汽配市场的HX公司是一家小型汽车配件销售企业。

    HX Corporation is a small-scale sales enterprise for automobile accessories , which is located in Hongpailou Market for Automobile Accessories , Chengdu .

  8. 已离异的里克里韦拉(RickRivera)和莉萨莱顿(LisaLayton)是汽车配件企业AmericanCarCraft的共同所有者。他们表示,作为商业伙伴,他们的合作比作为夫妻的任何时候都好。

    Divorcees Rick Rivera and Lisa Layton , co-owners of American Car Craft , an auto accessories business , say they work better as business partners than they ever did as a couple .

  9. ARM表示,目前全球95%以上的智能手机都在采用该公司的微处理器技术,更不用提相当比例的智能电视、可穿戴设备、游戏机和汽车配件了。

    The company 's microprocessor technology can now be found in more than 95 percent of the world 's smart handsets , it said , not to mention a sizable proportion of the smart TVs , wearables , gaming consoles , and automotive gadgetry .

  10. 因预料将出现有史以来非常为严重的亏损,日立公司(Hitachi)想出的高招是,将亏损的平板电视机制造厂和汽车配件制造厂从公司的其它业务中剥离出来。

    Having forecast the worst-ever loss for a Japanese manufacturer , Hitachi 's big idea is to separate two loss-makers , flat-panel television sets and auto parts , from the rest of the company .

  11. 当然HTF也从卡车轮胎、柴油以及与驾驶相关其他资源的相关税款(重要汽车配件消费税)中筹资,但是大部分的资金还是来源于汽油税。

    And the HTF receives some revenue from taxes on truck tyres , diesel , and other driving-related sources , but most of its money comes from petrol taxes .

  12. 然后介绍了SPC方法在汽车配件制造过程中的应用,给出了应用SPC方法建立制造过程反馈控制系统的基本流程、实施方式、效果分析和信息化方案设计。

    Then , introduced the application of SPC in the auto fittings industry , provide and use SPC method to set up manufacture process to feedback the basic procedure , mode of execution , result analyses and informatization solution design ;

  13. 本文借鉴发达国家SPC的理论和实践,结合我国汽车配件制造业的实际情况,首先介绍了质量及SPC基本理论;

    This text draws lessons from the theory and practice of developed country SPC , combines the actual conditions of the fittings manufacturing industry of automobile of our country , first , introduced the basic theory of quality & SPC ;

  14. 在对dnd公司的现状调研分析的基础上,本文提出了汽车配件市场流通的经营模式及管理模式。

    Based on the investigation into the current situation of dnd , this thesis proposes an operation mode and a management mode respectively in the automobile spare parts market .

  15. 用EPDM,SBS,PO(聚烯烃热塑性弹性体)对PP进行共混改性,获得了性能较好的PP合金材料,有利于汽车配件的国产化。

    PP was blended with EPDM , SBS , PO ( polyolefin thermoplastic elastomer ), and the result showed that the PP alloy with excellent comprehensive performances was obtained and it is to the advantage of making domestic mobile spare parts by use of the PP alloy .

  16. 本论文以河南省汽车配件流通领域最大的一家公司,也是河南汽车配件行业最具有代表性的企业DND公司为例,对其战略发展进行研究。

    This thesis illustrate the largest distributor of automobile spare parts , DND , which is also the most typical firm in Henan Province as an example to discuss its development strategy .

  17. 这次罢工发生在由丰田合成(ToyotaGosei)运营的一家工厂。丰田合成是丰田的一家关联企业,生产方向盘及其它橡胶或树脂汽车配件。

    The strike at a plant operated by Toyota Gosei , a Toyota affiliate that makes steering wheels and other rubber and resin parts , followed labour action at three Honda suppliers in the country .

  18. 目前,公司的主导产品为太脱拉(TATRA)T815、T815-II型、长征III型车的底盘件和奔驰系列等重型汽车配件。

    At present , the company 's leading product for Tatra ( TATRA ) T815 , T815-II type , Type III 's long march chassis Series Mercedes-Benz parts and accessories , such as heavy vehicles .

  19. 德国的大型汽车配件供应商ZF已经和谷歌展开合作,该公司在今年5月收购了位于密歇根的TRW,后者是一家生产安全气囊装置等汽车电子元件的企业,一直在研发和生产用于自驾车的传感器和其他硬件。

    One company already working with Google is ZF , a large German auto components supplier that in May completed an acquisition of TRW , a company based in Michigan that provides auto electronics such as airbag systems . TRW has been working on sensors and other hardware for self-driving cars .

  20. 汽车配件物流节点的需求分析与管理研究

    Demand Analysis and Management Studying of Logistics Node of Automobile Spare-parts

  21. 汽车配件流通系统发展模式研究

    Research on Developing Pattern of Auto Parts and Components Circulation System

  22. 面向汽车配件制造业的产品快速设计系统研究

    A Research on Product Rapid Design System for Auto Parts Manufacturers

  23. 提高河间市汽车配件产业竞争力研究

    The Study Of Advancing Industry Competition Of HE JIAN Auto Fittings

  24. 来自日本数量最大的物品是汽车配件和汽车。

    The largest imports from Japan are auto parts and cars .

  25. 揭开黑幕:废旧汽车配件复活之道

    Uncover : Revival path of the Waste Spare Parts for Cars

  26. 汽车配件特许经营系统的设计及其应用研究

    The Project of Franchise System for Auto Parts and Application Study

  27. 基于时序挖掘方法的汽车配件销售预测模型

    Automobile Inventory Sales Prediction Model Based on Time Series Data Mining

  28. 汽车配件产销体系构架研究

    The Research on the Produce-Sale System of Auto Parts and Components

  29. 那家工厂给我们提供了一些汽车配件。

    The factory supplied us with some parts of the car .

  30. 汽车配件,马达外壳,汽车行业。

    The3 auto parts , motor shell , automobile industry .