
  • 网络Motor City;motown;car city;Autostadt;WHEELS
  1. 别再打算拿几十亿纳税人血汗钱往汽车城打水漂了。

    Forget about throwing billions more of taxpayer money at Motown .

  2. 汽车城音乐在20世纪60、70年代特别流行。

    Motown was particularly popular in the1960s and1970s .

  3. 于数年前创造出的绰号“汽车城”(“MotorCity”)和“汽车镇”(“Motown”)流传至今并非无缘无故。

    The nicknames " Motor City " and " Motown , " coined years ago , have stuck for good reason .

  4. 同时也希望本文能够为XX国际汽车城项目以及新建汽车园区和汽车城提供一定的参考指导作用。

    Also hope that this article can provide certain reference guiding role for the XX International Automobile City Project and a new car park and the Motor City .

  5. 上海汽车城管理总监为BG超摩特技表演引来的大群观众的热烈反应极为赞叹,并预邀BG团队在年底的其它汽车城活动中前来再一次表演。

    The Auto city management was so thrilled by the outcome of the spectators'response to the show so BG was invited back in Dec for another of their big auto events .

  6. 上海国际汽车城核心展示区景观大桥桥跨54.4m,平面形状为S形,立面呈伞状。

    A 54.4m long landscaping bridge with plane shape of " s " and elevation of " umbrella " in international auto-city of Shanghai adopts structural system of single cable-stayed-column .

  7. 上海某汽车城的消防给水工程探讨

    Discussion on the Fire Water System of General Automobile Corporation in Shanghai

  8. 海奔国际汽车城招商专题片;

    Theme film for business invitation of high speed international auto mall ;

  9. 如此我们才能让这个汽车城重新发动引擎。

    so that we can get Motor City revving its engines again .

  10. 他成为了汽车城质量控制公司的领导人。

    He became head of Motown 's quality control division .

  11. 在不到10年,底特律被开始被称为“汽车城”。

    Within ten years , Detroit was being called The Motor City .

  12. 一月份和二月初,汽车城的情况可不容乐观。

    Things looked bad in the Motor City in January and early February .

  13. 世界汽车城,离我们有多远

    How far is an international automobile city to China

  14. 上海国际汽车城人才生态环境设计

    Talent Biological Environment Design for Shanghai International Automotive City

  15. 搭建游戏火车轨道及汽车城,保留时间在三天以内。

    Keep the layout of Thomas tracks and auto cities for3 days or less .

  16. 是闻名中外的汽车城、电影城、科技文化城和森林城。

    Is the famous auto city , SenLinCheng and multiplex , science and technology .

  17. 株洲汽车城展示中心屋盖网架结构设计

    Design of the Grid Structure for Roof of the Exhibition Center of Zhuzhou Automobile Town

  18. 杭州市地铁汽车城站给排水及消防设计

    The water supply and drainage and fire extinguishing design of bus station of Hangzhou subway

  19. 不过排在最后一位的是“汽车城”底特律。

    But it was the Motor City , Detroit , that rolled into last place .

  20. 宁波国际汽车城

    Design Introduction of Ningbo International Automobile City

  21. 试验基地设于安亭国际汽车城污水处理厂,试验用水采用该厂初沉池出水,属于典型城市污水。

    The test base was located at the wastewater treatment plant in Anting international auto town .

  22. 聚焦上海国际汽车城

    The International Car City in Shanghai

  23. 并对福州青口汽车城生态工业园区的产业共生网络进行了共生分析。

    Meanwhile , symbiosis analysis is provided to analyze industrial symbiosis network of Fuzhou Qingkou Eco-Industrial Park .

  24. 高尔夫球场和中心公园是汽车城规划的亮点之一。

    Golf Course and the center car park is one of the bright spots in the city planning .

  25. 一月在底特律的汽车城历史博物馆举办了纪念磨成创立五十周年的庆祝活动。

    It observed Motown 's fiftieth anniversary in January with ceremonies at the Motown Historical Museum in Detroit .

  26. 嘿,你知道他来自汽车城吗?你不就来自那里吗?

    Hey , did you know he was from Motown ? Isn 't that where you 're from ?

  27. 在美国的汽车城底特律,搞财务的人&也就是数钱的人,是最不受待见的。

    The finance guys , the ones who count the money , are the least popular guys in Detroit .

  28. 爱达克坐落于上海著名的“安亭汽车城”,专门从事汽车产品开发以及装备制造。

    EDAG is located in the famous Shanghai " Anting Auto town ", specialised in product development and production systems .

  29. 文章就上海国际汽车城汽车博览公园工程的一座简支梁桥,按照景观设计的思路作了一次探讨。

    Discussion has been made on landscape design for a simple supported beam bridge in Shanghai International Automobile Park Works .

  30. 相信通过本文的研究会对天津滨海国际汽车城的战略发展提供有益的帮助。

    The research in this paper will provide beneficial help to the strategy development of Tianjin binhai international automobile mart .