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lì lì
  • dropping;whistling;rustling;whistling, rusting;babbling
沥沥 [lì lì]
  • (1) [whistling,rusting;babbling]∶象声词,多形容风声或水声

  • 泉声沥沥

  • 风吹沥沥有声

  • (2) [dropping]∶液体不断滴落貌

沥沥[lì lì]
  1. 雨点沥沥落在草上。雨点敲击着窗玻璃。

    The rain patters on the grass . The rain drummed upon the windowpane .

  2. 最后,在一个春雨沥沥的夜晚,风扇终于意识到了花儿正在逝去的事实。

    Finally one rainy night in spring the fan realized the plant was dying .

  3. 雨点沥沥落在草上。

    The rain patters on the grass .

  4. 那雨声沥沥的凉亭里的瞬间,当烟雾降落在通风的教堂里的瞬间,

    The moment in the arbour where the rain beat , The moment in the draughty church at smokefall

  5. 但第二天早晨,却冷沥沥地下起雨来了。雨很大,透过窗子朝外望去,你既看不见山,也看不见树林,甚至连花园里的小溪也看不见。

    But when next morning came there was a steady rain falling , so thick that when you looked out of the window you could see neither the mountains nor the woods nor even the stream in the garden .