
  • 网络hebei medical university;hebmu.edu.cn
  1. 目的:比较河南医科大学实验动物中心昆明(KM)小鼠与河北医科大学KM小鼠两个封闭群部分生物学特性的差异。

    Aim : To compare biological character of two closed colony KM mice from Henan Medical University and Hebei Medical University .

  2. 健康雄性SD大鼠91只,由河北医科大学动物中心提供。

    Totally 91 healthy male SD rats , supplied by Laboratory Animal Center of Hebei Medical University , were used in the experiments .

  3. 结论:河南医科大学实验动物中心KM小鼠与河北医科大学KM小鼠存在尾长和尾椎节数差异

    Conclusion : KM mice from Henan Medical University are difference in tail length and the number of tail bone from the KM mice of Hebei Medical University

  4. 方法:实验动物为健康雄性SD大鼠,体重220g左右(河北医科大学动物中心)。

    Methods : Experimental animals are male healthy SD rats , about 220g .

  5. 实验动物选用健康雄性SD大鼠,体重180-200g,分别于春分、夏至、秋分前14天购自于河北医科大学实验动物中心。

    SD male rats , 180-200g weight , we got it from the laboratory animal center of HeBei Medical University fourteen days before Spring Equinox , Summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox .

  6. 艾本(伊班膦酸钠注射液)是由河北医科大学生物医学工程中心生产的最新一代,即第三代双膦酸盐(Bisphosphonates,BPs)药物。

    Aiben ( Ibandronate sodium for injection ) is the newest ( the third generation ) bisphosphonates ( BPs ) and produced by the Biomedical Engineering Center of Heibei Medical University .

  7. 间尼索地平(m-nisoldipine,m-Nis),系河北医科大学药物化学教研室合成的一个新的二氢吡啶类钙拮抗剂。

    M-nisoldipine ( Fig.1 ), as a new dihydropyridine calcium ion antagonist , was firstly composed in School of Pharmacy , Hebei Medical University .

  8. 方法:清洁级健康、雄性spraguedawley(SD)大鼠(河北医科大学实验动物中心提供)42只,适应性饲养一周后,随机分为正常对照组(C组);博莱霉素组(B组);

    Methods : Forty-two male Sprague Dawley ( SD ) rats ( provided by Center of Experiment Animal of Hebei Medical University ) were randomly divided into three groups : normal control group ( C group ), bleomycin group ( B group ) and spironolactone group ( T group ) .

  9. 本中心小鼠尾骨节数分别为26,而河北医科大学KM小鼠尾骨为28节。结论:由于长期的封闭饲养,本中心KM小鼠与其它KM小鼠存在差异:尾较长,30周龄长2cm。

    The number of tail bone is different : Henan 26 , Hebei 28 . Conclusion Because of long closed breeding , KM mice of Henan Medical University are difference at tail length and the number of tail bone from other KM mice . The tail is more longer .

  10. 方法:实验于2005-09/11在河北医科大学中医学院中药药理实验室完成。①选用SD大鼠40只,雄性,鼠龄3月,体质量180~220g。

    METHODS : The experiment was completed at Pharmacological Laboratory of College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Hebei Medical University from September to November 2005 . ① Totally 40 male SD rats , aged 3 months , weighting 180-220 g , were selected in this study .

  11. 所有患者均选自河北医科大学第三医院2002年12月至2003年6月住院患者。

    All patients were hospitalized the third hospital of Hebei medical university .

  12. 河北医科大学第四附属医院科研中心;

    Research Center , the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Hebei Medical University ;

  13. 单位:河北医科大学基础医学院药理教研室。

    SETTING : Pharmacological Division of Basic Medical College , Hebei Medical University .

  14. 河北医科大学第二医院医学影像科。

    SETTING Department of Medical Iconography the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hebei Medical University .

  15. 河北医科大学第一医院2002~2004年抗抑郁药物的应用分析

    Administration of anti-depressant drugs in the First Hospital of Hebei Medical University , 2002-2004

  16. 单位:河北医科大学第二医院针灸科,呼吸科。

    SETTING : Department of Acupuncture and Department of Respiration , Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University .

  17. 健美操选项课对河北医科大学女生体质与心理影响的效果分析

    The Body-building Exercises Option Class Analyzes to the Hebei Medical College Female Student Physical and Moral Integrity Influence 's Effect

  18. 河北医科大学第四医院暨河北省肿瘤医院肿瘤研究所;

    Hou Jun the fourth hospital of Hebei medical university Hebei provincial tumor hospital , Shijiazhuang , 050011 , China .

  19. 对河北医科大学(校本部)图书馆中文图书外借情况做调查,结合调查结果讨论大学图书馆应因变革的新举措。

    This paper makes an investigation on Chinese books circulation of Hebei Medical University library and discusses some new measures for library management reform .

  20. 实验从河北医科大学临床学院09级两个自然班(每班50人)中各选取成绩无差异的两组共计80名学生作为研究对象。

    80 subjects were chosen from two natural classes ( 50 in each class ) in Grade One from Clinic College of Hebei Medical University .

  21. 材料:实验于2001-09/2002-04在河北医科大学药理研究室完成。

    MATERIALS : The experiment was completed from September 2001 to April 2002 at the Pharmacological Division of Basic Medical College , Hebei Medical University .

  22. 平育敏教授,河北医科大学第四医院,题目:食管癌和贲门癌外科治疗经验和远期结果。

    Ping Yumin , Fourth Hospital , Hebei Medical University . Topic : Experiences and Long-term Outcome in Surgical Treatment of Esophageal Carcinoma and Cardiac Carcinoma .

  23. 方法:分析河北医科大学第一医院2002-01/2004-12计算机管理系统中的抗抑郁药消耗记录。

    METHODS : Consumptive records of antidepressant drugs 2002-01 / 2004-12 in computer manage system , the First Hospital of Hebei Medical University , were analyzed .

  24. 毕业于河北医科大学,从事泌尿外科临床研究治疗工作20余年,有着丰富的临床经验。

    Li , Kang , graduating from Hebei Medical University , engaged in clinical research and treatment of urology over 20 years with rich clinical experience .

  25. 药疹患者15例均来自河北医科大学第三医院皮肤科,时间是2009年3月到2009年12月。

    Patients with 15 cases of drug eruption are from the Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University , Dermatology , time is in March 2009 to December 2009 .

  26. 方法使用自行设计的调查问卷,对河北医科大学746名在校本科生进行调查,并对21个指标和婚前性行为态度进行多元回归分析。

    Methods By using a self-designed questionnaire , 746 college students were investigated , and 21 variables and attitudes towards premarital sexual behavior were analyzed with multiple linear regression .

  27. 本研究回顾了2009年一年内在河北医科大学第二医院皮肤科住院患者,对外周血嗜酸性粒细胞升高患者的病种分布进行了分析。

    This research reviewed in-patients whoes eosinophils of the peripheral blood elevated in dermatological department of the second hospital of Hebei Medical University in 2009 and analyzed the distribution of diseases among those cases .

  28. 方法:利用河北医科大学图书馆资料,人工检索1999-01/2005-12与嗜酒者互诫协会的精神康复理念与程序相关的书刊和文献。

    METHODS : By using the data in the library of Hebei Medical University , the relevant books and periodicals from 1999 to 2005 were identified manually with the of " Alcoholics Anonymous , alcohol dependence , recovery " .

  29. 材料与方法:病例均来源于2002年11月~2003年11月间河北医科大学第四医院皮肤科门诊近一个月未治疗的斑秃患者,共30例。

    Materials and Methods : AA patients were derived from the dermatology department of the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Hebei Medical University from 2002.11 to 2003.11 . The lesion samples of 30 patients were investigated with histopathological and immunohistochemical methods .

  30. 方法对河北医科大学2004年在临床实习的高等护理专业学生进行毕业综合考核及对主带教师授课质量及教学基地进行综合测评,结果应用t检验和聚类分析对各教学医院进行评价。

    Methods The graduates in higher-nursing department of Hebei Medical University in 2004 were examined on their synthetical quality and the quality of teaching and teaching base were evaluated . Hierarchical cluster analysis and t-test were used to evaluate the teaching hospitals .