
xiè shuǐ kǒnɡ
  • outlet
  1. 转轮上冠倾斜泄水孔的简易加工方法

    The Simple Method of Machining Tilt Discharge Holes for Runner Crown

  2. 坝身双层泄水孔的泄流能力

    The discharge capacity of the double sluice openings through tne dam body

  3. 主甲板泄水孔是否已堵塞?

    Are scuppers on the main deck effectively plugged ?

  4. 依据水力学基本理论对涵洞泄水孔出流特性进行研究,得出以下结论:自由出流条件下,出口水流为临界流;

    According to the theories of hydraulics culvert outlet flow characteristics of draining hole were studied .

  5. 利用水力水文计算基本原理,研究了竖曲线内桥面泄水孔间距。

    This paper studied the design of scupper spacing of deck in vertical curve with the basic principle of hydraulic and hydrologic compute .

  6. 文中提出了双层孔泄水和闸门井串水时泄水孔泄流能力的计算原则及方法,列出了流量的计算公式,并给出了一些经验系数值。

    The principles and methods of calculating the discharge capacity of double sluice openings with a drop down flow in the gate shaft have been proposed and the formulas for calculating the discharges are listed with their corresponding coefficients given .

  7. 研究泄水式管片衬砌泄水孔存在形态及水压变化对结构内力的影响规律,并对数值模拟和模型试验结果进行了对比分析。

    Then the author studies on the effect rule of structure internal force with different structure types of lining drainage hole or different water pressure , and carries out the comparative analysis of the results between the numerical simulation and model test .

  8. 轮变速箱,砂轮变速箱无论是前者、还是后者,中心多为砂核,有时中心有一个或多个泄水孔。

    Wheel - speed regulating change box Whether in the first case or in the second the center of the convolute bedding is commonly marked by a sand " ball " and sometimes there is one or a few sluicing holes in the center .