
  • 网络drain tunnel;Water release tunnel
  1. 为此,在隧道进口设置长约4700m的泄水洞,以泄出溶洞内高压水,保证隧道施工及运营安全。

    For ensuring the safety of construction and traffic , a4700 m-drainage tunnel was built to release the karst water in the Maluqing tunnel .

  2. 明流泄水洞通气量的数学模型

    A mathematical model for air demand in non-pressure flood release tunnel flow

  3. 多年冻土中隧道泄水洞热动态分析

    The thermal dynamic analysis of tunnel drainage hole in the perennial frozen soil

  4. 本文介绍了丰满泄水洞进口水下岩塞爆破的实际工程观测资料。

    This paper presents prototype observation data on an underwater rock-plug blasting at the tunnel intake of Fengman reservoir .

  5. 利用公伯峡电站泄水洞左岸边坡开挖过程中获得的各种资料,分析、研究边坡在开挖后岩体松弛程度和工程特性的变化。

    The relaxation and engineering characteristic of rock mass after slope excavation are studied based on the monitoring data from the slope excavation in a hydropower station .

  6. 灾后综合处治方案有:施工排水方案、排水孔+全断面超前注浆方案、排水孔+径向注浆方案、泄水洞+迂回导坑方案和止浆墙+全断面注浆方案。

    Comprehensive treatment of post-disaster programs are : construction drainage plan , drainage holes + full-face ahead of grouting program , the drainage holes + radial grouting program , draining holes + circuitous heading programs and only the pulp wall + full-face grouting program .