
  • Flood discharge structure;【水】flood releasing structure
  1. 小浪底水利枢纽工程的2号明流塔,塔高108m,是主要泄洪建筑物2号明流洞的进口建筑物。

    The No. 2 free flow tower is an intake building of No. 2 free flow tunnel , as one of the main flood discharge works .

  2. 在WES堰或泄洪建筑物的表孔、中孔、底孔中,其下缘体型曲线将很重要,这方面前人已经做了很多工作,但在如今的高坝设计中尚还不是很如意。

    Weir release floodwater form hole , middle hole , underport of building in WES , reason size curve very much important under it , in this respect forefathers make much work already , but not yet no as one wishes even of the high design of dam of today .

  3. 高水头大流量泄洪建筑物的泄洪安全研究

    Research Flood Releasing Safety of Flood Discharge Structure with High-head & Large-discharge

  4. 三峡大坝泄洪建筑物水力学监测

    Hydraulic monitoring on the flood sluicing buildings in TGP

  5. 三峡工程泄洪建筑物泄洪消能问题研究

    Study on hydroenergy dissipation problem of flood discharge structure of the Three Gorges Project

  6. 小浪底工程由拦河大坝(坝顶长度1617米,坝高154米)、泄洪建筑物和引水发电系统组成。

    It consists of a 1617m-long , 154m-high dam , silt-discharge channels and underground generating units .

  7. 经对泄洪建筑物体型优化后,减轻了坝下冲刷,有利于消能防冲;

    The optimization of flood releasing structure pattern will reduce scour below dam and favour water energy dissipation and scour prevention .

  8. 对具有高水头、大单宽流量的泄洪建筑物,工程中通常采用强迫掺气减蚀措施防止壁面发生空蚀破坏。

    Forced aeration device is usually introduced to prevent cavitation damage of hydraulic structures with high head and large-unit-discharge in engineering .

  9. 合理布置泄洪建筑物,解决下游消能防冲问题是该电站设计的关键技术问题之一。

    One of the key technic problems of designing the plant is the rational layout of flood discharge structure to solve downstream energy dissipation and anti scour .

  10. 介绍小浪底工程泄洪建筑物下游区综合消力塘的开挖及边坡支护设计与施工。

    Introduced are the excavation of a stilling pond and design and construction of slope support on the lower reach of flood discharge structures in the Xiaolangdi Project .

  11. 在此类工程条件下,当地材料坝如何协调泄洪建筑物规模与坝高以保证工程安全是本工程设计的主要经验。

    Works in such conditions , local materials spillway dam how to coordinate the size and height of buildings to ensure that safety is a major engineering design experience .

  12. 渥奇面上设掺气挑坎,流速大时可能发生散水现象,强烈散水会对泄洪建筑物产生不利影响,应尽可能避免。

    When a bucket aerator is laid on an arch structure , serious spray may occur with high velocity , intense spray is negative to the discharging structure , which should be avoided .

  13. 通过对泄洪建筑物下游河道复杂流场水流运动及河床冲刷状况的分析,研究了自由面流消能区水流扩散方式、流动特征及相关水力要素的概化确定。

    The flow characteristics and hydraulic factor 's generalization of free-surface flow were studied by analyzing water movement and diffusion pattern , and the bed scouring of the complex flow field downstream of discharge structure .

  14. 同时水平旋流消能泄洪洞在国内的首次应用,丰富了泄洪建筑物的型式,为导流洞的永久利用提供了新的经验。

    In addition , the horizontal vortex flow tunnel with energy dissipation is firstly used in our country , not only providing a new type of water release tunnel , but also furnishing another selection of diversion tunnel to be permanently used .

  15. 泄洪排沙建筑物浑水掺气特性和掺气抗磨可能性

    Characteristics of Aerated Sediment Flow and Possibilities of Anti-abrasion of Material by Aeration in Outlet Structures

  16. 中小型拱坝表孔大流量泄洪消能建筑物体形研究

    Shape Study on Large-discharge Flood-releasing Energy Dissipator for Crest Spillway of Medium and Small-sized Arch Dam

  17. 高层建筑基础工程大体积混凝土施工质量的监理控制中小型拱坝表孔大流量泄洪消能建筑物体形研究

    Supervision Ways on Quality Control of Huge Amount Concrete Purling of High Building Basement Construction . ; Shape Study on Large-discharge Flood-releasing Energy Dissipator for Crest Spillway of Medium and Small-sized Arch Dam

  18. 高拱坝坝身泄洪与消能建筑物的优化布置明流泄洪洞布置形式对水力特性影响的数值研究

    Optimization for Layout of Flood-release Structures and Energy-dissipators for High Arch Dams ; Numerical study on hydraulic characteristic of free surface flow in spillway tunnel with different configuration

  19. 三峡水利枢纽在围堰挡水发电期泄洪运行过程中,如何既保证泄洪建筑物及其防冲设施的安全运行,又保证对下游流态和堤岸防护影响较小,是一个亟待解决的问题。

    How to secure safe operation of flood releasing works and their scour prevention measures and to less affect downstream flow pattern and dyke protection structures during flood releasing in cofferdam retaining generation period of TGP is an important problem needed to be solved .