
xiè hóng
  • flood discharge;release floodwater;discharge floodwater
泄洪 [xiè hóng]
  • [flood discharge;discharge floodwater;release floodwater] 排泄洪水

  • 泄洪闸

泄洪[xiè hóng]
  1. 小浪底水利枢纽工程的2号明流塔,塔高108m,是主要泄洪建筑物2号明流洞的进口建筑物。

    The No. 2 free flow tower is an intake building of No. 2 free flow tunnel , as one of the main flood discharge works .

  2. 高水头大流量泄洪隧洞体型优化数值模拟研究

    Numerical Study on Configuration Optimization of High Head Large Flood Discharge Tunnel

  3. P3软件在小浪底泄洪工程中的应用

    Application of P 3 software to the flood releasing structures of Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Water Project

  4. 汾河水库泄洪隧洞F3断层塌方分析及处理

    Analysis and Treatment for Collapse of F_3 Fault in Spillway Tunnel at Fenhe Reservoir

  5. 本文利用商用软件FLUENT对甘肃黑河三道湾水电站泄洪排水洞进行物理模型对照的三维数值计算。

    This paper use FLUENT software calculated the three dimensional numerical analysis of San Dao Wan hydro-power station spillway .

  6. 300m级高拱坝大流量泄洪关键技术研究

    Study on the key technologies of large discharge flood releasing of high arch dam at the level of 300 m

  7. 介绍了泄洪弧形闸门双缸液压启闭工作原理及其计算机控制系统构成,着重阐述了应用高性能PLC实现闸门自动控制的方法;

    The work principium of the two-cylinder hydraulic hoist and computer control system for the spillway radial gat are introduced herein , The application of PLC to realisation automatic control of the gate is emphasised as well .

  8. 在泄水建筑物布置中考虑泄水采用表孔泄洪,并拟定三个孔口方案进行泄流孔口比较后推荐5孔8×6m方案。

    To release the flood , took the surface orifice drainage into account . Compared three orifices schemes , five orifices 8 × 6 m scheme was recommended .

  9. 主要介绍山西省汾河水库泄洪隧洞F3断层塌方冒顶的处理情况,并分析了塌方冒顶的原因,总结了经验教训,为同类工程塌方的预防和处理提供了有益的经验。

    Treatment for rockfall of F3 fault in spillway tunnel at Fenhe Reservoir is introduced and Cause of collapse is analyzed . Experience is gained for the similar project .

  10. 大坝泄洪采用全表孔方案,溢流坝段表孔以下采用碾压混凝土,碾压混凝土总量58.76万m3,占坝体混凝土总量的58%。

    The top openings are designed for flood release and the dam body under the top openings is RCC with its volume of 587.6 thousand m ~ 3 , accounting for 58 % of total dam concrete volume .

  11. 泄洪隧洞工作水头达120m,采用双孔合一的闸门布置形式,高水头大流量的泄洪消能问题十分突出;

    The maximum operation head of spillway tunnels is 120m , two orifices of water gate combine to be a hole in the spillway tunnels , the problem of discharge and energy dissipation is very complex ;

  12. 随着我国水利事业的不断发展和巨型水电站的兴建,一批200m~300m量级的高坝将相继建成,这就意味着其泄洪最大流速将达50.0m/s左右。

    With the development of the hydraulic engineering , a lot of huge hydroelectric stations and high dams have been constructed , which means the maximum velocity of the flood discharge will come to 50.0m/s approximately .

  13. 通过温控研究,缩短了泄洪闸轴线长度5.5m,节约混凝土方量10000多方,折合人民币约300多万元。

    Through the studies on temperature control , we shorten the total length of axis of the floodgate of releasing floodwater by 5.5 m , economize more than 10000 m3 concrete , convert more than 3 million yuan .

  14. 在WES堰或泄洪建筑物的表孔、中孔、底孔中,其下缘体型曲线将很重要,这方面前人已经做了很多工作,但在如今的高坝设计中尚还不是很如意。

    Weir release floodwater form hole , middle hole , underport of building in WES , reason size curve very much important under it , in this respect forefathers make much work already , but not yet no as one wishes even of the high design of dam of today .

  15. 在原坝体深孔设计方案的基础上,对深孔顶部、侧向收缩曲线,以及底部Ogee段堰面曲线进行了参数优化计算,提出了适应三峡工程泄洪运行条件的初步修改方案。

    On the basis of the original plan , parameters of roof , side shrinkage curves , bottom and Ogee weir of the deep discharge orifice are optimized . A modificatory plan to satisfy the discharge operation condition of the Three-Gorge Project is presented .

  16. 利用核技术测定大坝泄洪时的雾化水浓度

    Measuring atomized-water content at flood discharge of dam by nuclear technique

  17. 泄洪隧洞防空蚀体型的数值研究

    Numerical study on configuration of flood discharge tunnel for cavitation mitigation

  18. 汾河二库泄洪工程布置的试验研究

    Experiment Study on Layout of Flood-discharging Works , Fenhe Reservoir ⅱ

  19. 泄洪洞的泄洪能力直接影响水库的行洪安全。

    Discussion on discharge capacity formulas for weir sluice and tunnel ;

  20. 市区段支流泄洪能力差;土地未征用以及城市水管理体制混乱等问题。

    Not enough area and confusion bureaucracy in urban water management .

  21. 旱季时,水库泄洪将使河流水量增加35%。

    Dry season water releases should increase river volume by35 % .

  22. 高拱坝的泄洪消能问题研究

    Analysis on Flood Discharge and Energy Dissipation of High Arch Dam

  23. 泄洪隧洞直墙混凝土施工和表面处理

    Concrete construction and surface treatment of vertical wall for discharge tunnel

  24. 表孔泄洪闸消力池辅助消能工试验研究

    The Experiment Study of Energy Dissipation on Surface Spillway Cushion Pool

  25. 三峡工程泄洪深孔跌坎掺气体型模型试验研究

    Model study on aerator of Three Gorges Project 's deep outlets

  26. 泄洪闸门动态跟踪控制理论研究

    A Study on Theory of Dynamic Tracking Control of Spillway Gate

  27. 考虑洪水过程不确定性的泄洪风险分析

    Risk Analysis on Flood Discharge Concerning the Uncertainty of Flood Hydrograph

  28. 用变频器实现水库泄洪闸的智能控制

    Intelligent Control of Sluice Gate in the Reservoirs Using Transducer

  29. 拉格都水电站泄洪工程布置与护岸设计

    Layout of Release Works and Design of Revetment of Lagdo Hydropower Station

  30. 铁路泄洪防洪工程安全效益评价方法

    The Evaluation of Safety Benefit for Railway 's Flood-Relief and Flood-Control Projects