
  1. 陈仪与台湾教育事业之接收和重建

    Chen Yi and the Takeover and Redevelopment of Education in Taiwan

  2. 陈仪把文件退了回来,托词文件未按公文格式,措词也不当,必须更新改写。

    The governor sent this communication back with the statement that it was not legally and properly phrased and would have to be written over again .

  3. 由于陈仪将教育事业的接收与重建,视为诸部门、诸领域接收与重建中的“最重要”的工作,台湾教育事业的接收工作顺利,重建工作有序。

    Since Ms. Chen regarded the work as the " most important " one among the others , takeover of Taiwan education was smooth and successful and the redevelopment was in order .

  4. 蒋介石接受了陈仪笃信的东西&国有企业要优于私有企业,计划经济会增强国家安全、增进人民福祉。

    Chiang shared Chen 's belief that state enterprises were superior to private enterprises and that a planned , command economy would strengthen China 's national security and improve people 's welfare .