
  1. 但16岁的株洲人陈宇并不这么认为。

    But Chen Yu , 16 , from Zhuzhou , doesn 't think so .

  2. 中国就业促进会副会长陈宇表示,虽然创业意义重大,但是我们不应该对此有太高的期望值。

    Chen Yu , vice-president of the China Association for Employment Promotion , said a startup may be meaningful , but one should not expect too much from it .

  3. 中国就业促进会副会长陈宇表示,计算机科学专业的高就业率和收入,反映了中国移动互联网和人工智能的发展。

    Chen Yu , vice-president of the China Association for Employment Promotion , said the high employment rate and income for computer science majors mirrors the development of mobile internet and artificial intelligence in China .