
  1. 陈学军也在同一个毕业班里为全时找到了一位科技专家毕业于清华大学、曾在摩托罗拉(motorola)担任过8年软件工程师的陈永红。

    Mr Chen also found his technology expert at CEIBS in the same graduating class Chen Yonghong , a graduate of Tsinghua University , who had worked for Motorola as a software engineer for eight years .

  2. 陈永红起初是以临时顾问的身份为全时工作,但2008年当他自己创办的公司破产后,他决定冒险一试,出任全时的首席运营官。

    Mr Chen Yonghong first worked for G-Net as a casual consultant , but when his own start-up company failed in 2008 , he decided to take the plunge and become the chief operating officer for G-Net .