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  1. 利用子房注射法将反义酸性转化酶基因(MAI)导入甜瓜果实,并对后代进行鉴定,PCR鉴定结果表明,330株甜瓜转化植株中,有2株扩增到了目的片段,转化率为0.6%。

    Anti - sense MAI gene was successfully translated into melon fruits by ovary injection . PCR amplification analysis showed that 2 transgenic plants was obtained from 330 melon plants , and transformation frequency was 0 . 6 % .

  2. 通过农杆菌介导法将反义磷脂酶DγAnti-PLDγ基因转入美洲黑杨G2中以提高其耐盐性。

    Antisense phospholipase D γ( Anti-PLD γ) gene was introduced into Populus deltoides ( G2 ) by Agrobacterium tumefaciens so as to enhance salt tolerance .

  3. 农杆菌介导法将反义蜡质基因转入杂交稻亲本

    Antisense waxy Gene Introduced into the Calli in Parents of Hybrid Rice by Agrobacterium tumefaciens

  4. 航磁异常(ΔT)波谱直接解释法刑法文义解释方法的位阶及其运用


  5. 运用现代语义学义素分析法研究汉字义符能够凸显出义符语义,进而分析其作用。

    The semantic and function of Chinese morphemes can be elaberated by means of modern semantic analysis .

  6. 就本协定而言,标准被定义为自愿的,技术法被规定义为强制性文件。

    For the purpose of this Agreement standards are defined as voluntary and technical regulations as mandatory documents .

  7. 实现商标名语用等值的翻译方法主要有命名义对等法、命名义补偿法和谐音寓意法等。

    And reciprocity , compensation and homophonic translation with implied meaning are the main methods to realize the pragmatic equivalence of brand-name translation .

  8. 保护消费者利益是现代反垄断法应有之义,大多数国家和地区在反垄断立法和司法实践中都将其纳入该法保护范围,并将其作为反垄断法重要价值诉求。

    Protection of consumer interests is the proper meaning of modern Anti-monopoly Law . It is included in the scope of protection through Anti-monopoly legislation and judicial practice of most countries and regions , also as the great value appeal of antitrust law .

  9. 根据2000年1月-2004年12月的实测水质资料,利用综合污染指数评价法,对义乌江的水质变化进行分析,得到氨氮、氟化物、总磷等是义乌江的主要污染物。

    By analyzing the water quality data from Jan.2000 to Dec.2004 and using the synthetic pollution index evaluating method , we analyze Yiwu River water quality and obtain the result that ammonia nitrogen , fluoride and phosphorus are the main contaminants of the river .

  10. MTT法检测加入反义寡核苷酸后对转染的包装细胞生长的影响。

    MTT was used to detect the cell growth of the packaging cells .

  11. Dip法获得转反义磷脂酶Dγ(PLDγ)基因拟南芥植株

    Transgenic Arabidopsis transformed with antisense phospholipase D γ ( PLD γ ) gene obtained by dip method

  12. 利用花粉管导入法获得转反义PEP基因大豆植株

    Gaining of transgenic soybean plants through pollen tube passage

  13. MTT法检测C-FLIP反义寡核苷酸对BGC823细胞的抑制效果

    Inhibitory effect of C - FLIP antisense oligonucleotides on BGC 823 cell line

  14. 方法:用电穿孔法将MCT1反义基因表达载体转染进人肺腺癌A549细胞中,以抑制MCT1基因表达。

    Methods : MCTl antisense gene expression vector was introduced into A549 cells with electroporation to inhibit the expression of MCTl gene .

  15. 结果表明Iodogen直接法碘标记反义寡核苷酸(ASON)方法简单可靠,可获得标记率高、纯度较高且稳定性较好的标记探针,但碘标寡核苷酸在体内因核酶的分解而稳定性较差。

    These findings indicated that directly iodine labeling ASON with Iodogen was simple and reliable , and it could provide high labelling efficiency , high specific activity and stable labeled ASON . But stability of labeled ASON was poor in vivo due to disintegration of nucleotidase .

  16. 采用网络概率流改进节点法实施高速公路二义性路径通行费分配

    Expressway Toll Distribution of Ambiguous Path on the Net Probability Stream Obtained by the Improved Node Method

  17. 从微观上看,构字法中的形声义关联对语法的影响尤其是对确定词类的影响是显而易见的;

    Seen from microcosm , it is obvious that connection of shape , sound and meaning in word-building has influence upon grammar , especially upon establishing parts of speech ;

  18. 一年后,法、德和义、荷、比、卢等四国签署了巴黎条约,因此成立了「欧洲煤钢共同体」。

    One year later , France and germany , together with the four additional countries of italy , the netherlands , Belgium and luxembourg , signed the Paris Treaty establishing the European Coal and steel community .

  19. 基于形式语义学类型论语法的句法语义分析是一种新的思想,引进西方现代逻辑语法学理论却又不拘泥于此,比基于规则的限于句法的分析更适合对汉语进行操作。

    It is a new idea that syntax and semantics analysis based on type grammar of formal semantic . It introduces western modern logic grammar theory , but it is not limited to this . It is more suitable for operation on Chinese than rule-based limited syntactic analysis .

  20. 方法:采用TRAP法检测K562细胞、Hep2细胞在反义核酸处理前后端粒酶活性的变化以及采用TUNEL法观察反义核酸处理前后K562细胞凋亡的变化。

    Methods : Telomerase activity of K562 and Hep 2 cells with antisense treatment was measured using the TRAP assay and apoptosis was studied by means of TUNEL method .