
  1. 杭州风景遗产保护中的空间布局研究&以径山寺风景区为例

    Study on the Space Layout in the Landscape Heritage Protection of Hangzhou

  2. 大牛,这里就是著名的径山了。

    Daniel , here 's the famed town of Jingshan .

  3. 依托证明商标实施品牌战略做优做精做强径山茶业

    Relying on the Certification Mark and Implement the Brand Strategy to Build A Strong Jingshan Tea Industry

  4. 研究表明径山方丈椅是新发现的又一种宋代圈椅。

    The Jingshan abbot chair in Southern Song Dynasty is discovered to be a new kind of circular chair .

  5. 相传径山寺的开山祖师特别喜爱饮茶,经常组织茶宴。

    It is said the founder of Jingshan Temple loved tea very much and often held tea feasts , or tea parties .