
  1. 阿伦:(向女侍者)请给我们一壶茶,供两人喝的。

    Alan : A pot of tea for two please .

  2. 有一系列的茶可供选择,如红茶、绿茶、白茶、乌龙茶、奶茶和花茶。

    There is a spectrum of teas available-black , green , white , oolong , red and herbal , to name a few .

  3. 和南亚出产的茶以及天然植物茶可供选择。

    South Asian and herbal teas to choose from .

  4. 虽然那儿的茶馆很少,但每家超市都有种类繁多远东和南亚出产的茶以及天然植物茶可供选择。

    Though teahouses are rare there , every supermarket has a wide variety of Far Eastern , South Asian , and herbal teas to choose from .