
  • 网络Radial Piston Pump
  1. 高压低噪声径向柱塞泵JBP系列产品的结构特点及性能指标

    Design Features and Performance Specifications of JBP Series High Pressure , Low Noise Radial Piston Pump Products

  2. 虚拟仪器在径向柱塞泵定子振动测试中的应用

    Application of Virtual Instrument in Radial Piston Pump Stator Vibration Testing System

  3. 本文最后对现代主要控制算法进行了研究,将先进的智能控制算法&模糊PID控制,应用于径向柱塞泵变量控制系统。

    Last the paper use the fuzzy PID to control the improved system .

  4. TDB径向柱塞泵的设计与研究&柱塞副两个基本公式的导出

    Design and study of TDB radial piston pump

  5. 以JBP-63型电液比例控制负载传感变量径向柱塞泵为研究对象,讨论了具体液压系统的建模过程。

    Taking the electro-hydraulically , proportionally controlled radial piston pump JBP-63 as an investigation objective , the concrete modeling course of hydraulic system was discussed .

  6. JB系列径向柱塞泵的核心组件之一&柱塞组件,牵连因素多,精度要求高,设计考虑面广,该组件的设计成功与否,关系着整个泵的设计成败。

    The piston assembly is one of the key assemblies of this type of radial piston pump , it has very high accuracy , many factors involved and very extensive design areas , so the whole pump depends on the success of this assembly .

  7. 一种新型径向柱塞泵的比例排量控制

    The Electro-hydraulic Proportional Displacement Control of a New Radial Piston Pump

  8. 径向柱塞泵滑靴机加工工艺的新方法

    The New Machining Process Method of Radial Piston Pump Slippery Boots

  9. 径向柱塞泵滑靴静压支承的设计

    The Design of Radial Piston Pump with Hydrostatic Pressure Bearing Sliding Boot

  10. 阀配流式径向柱塞泵动态性能的仿真研究

    Dynamic Simulation of a Flat Valve Type Radial Piston Pump

  11. 一种新型内曲线式径向柱塞泵的设计

    Design of a new type of radial piston pump without delivery microseism

  12. 径向柱塞泵完全恒功率变量机构的设计

    Design of Complete Constant-power Variable Displacement for Radial Piston Pump

  13. 高压径向柱塞泵中滑靴结构参数的确定

    Determining the Slip-boots Structural Parameter of the High Pressure Radial Piston Pump

  14. 负载传感径向柱塞泵实验特性仿真研究

    Simulation Study on Experimental Characteristic of Load-Sensing Radial Piston Pump

  15. 径向柱塞泵转子径向受力平衡性分析

    Analysis of the Rotor Radial Force Equilibrium of the Radial Plunger Pump

  16. 新型径向柱塞泵液控伺服变量机构的研究

    Theoretical of hydraulically controlled delivery variation servomechanism of new radial piston pump

  17. 低噪声径向柱塞泵的设计与研究

    Design and Research on the Lower Noise Radial Piston Pump

  18. 径向柱塞泵配流噪声分析与配流槽仿真研究

    Noise Analysis of Radial Plunger Pump Distribution and Simulation of Distribution Slot

  19. 一种用阀控实现变量的卧式径向柱塞泵

    A Horizontal Radial Piston Pump of Variable Displacement with Valve

  20. 径向柱塞泵静压支承圆柱副性能研究

    Investigation into the Performance of Hydrostatic Support Column Pair of Radial Piston Pump

  21. 超高压径向柱塞泵的试验研究

    Experiment and Research on Ultra-high Pressure Radial Piston Pump

  22. 比例控制径向柱塞泵性能预测

    Performance prediction of virtual electrohydraulic control radial piston pump

  23. 单配油阀高压径向柱塞泵容积效率分析

    Efficiency Analysis of High Pressure Radial Piston Pump with One Oil Distributing Valve

  24. 数字控制径向柱塞泵整体方案的研究

    Research on Integral Project of Digital Control System Used for Radial Piston Pump

  25. 径向柱塞泵滑靴副流场数值模拟与研究

    Numerical Simulation and Research of Radial Piston Pump Slipper Pair Internal Flow Field

  26. 恒压式径向柱塞泵定子加速度振动特性研究

    Research on the Acceleration Vibration Characteristics of Stator of Constant-Pressure Radial Piston Pump

  27. 径向柱塞泵定子与滚柱间最小油膜厚度研究

    Investigation of the Minimal Oil Film between Radial Piston Pump 's Stator and Roller

  28. 250径向柱塞泵连杆滑靴圆弧面加工夹具设计

    A jig design in processing round surface of ConnectingRod slide boot-250 radical plunger pump

  29. 国产新型径向柱塞泵研制成功

    Successful Development of a New Radial Plunger Pump

  30. 电液比例负载敏感控制径向柱塞泵控系统研究

    Control system based on the electrohydraulic proportional radial piston-type variable pump with load-sensing control