
fǎ dìnɡ cún kuǎn zhǔn bèi jīn
  • Statutory deposit reserve;legal reserve requirement on deposit
  1. 选取的货币政策变量分别是:广义货币供应量M2的同比增长指数(M2)、金融机构的贷款规模(LL)、法定存款准备金率(RR)。

    Monetary policy variables include the year-on-year growth of money supply M2 , the scale of loans from financial institutions and the deposit reserve rate ( RR ) .

  2. 浅议我国的法定存款准备金制度

    An Analysis of Diversified Legal Deposited Reserve System of China

  3. 提高法定存款准备金比率评述

    Review on Increasing the Ratio of Required Reserves

  4. 变动银行法定存款准备金率也收缩了货币供应。

    Money supply is also tweaked by changing the required reserve ratios of banks .

  5. 我国法定存款准备金政策操作及存在的主要问题分析

    China 's policy of the statutory deposit reserve operation and analysis of the main problems

  6. 法定存款准备金标准

    Legal requirement on deposit legal reserve requirement

  7. 第五部分是对提高我国法定存款准备金政策效果的政策建议。

    Section 5 , the policy recommendations of raising the statutory deposit reserve policy effect .

  8. 它主要反映为法定存款准备金管理要求对银行间支付流的影响。

    It is mainly reflected that required reserve demand has an impact on interbank payment flow .

  9. 财险公司未决赔款准备金波动风险及其防范对策法定存款准备金标准

    The risk of claim reserve volatility for property insurance companies and counter measures legal requirement on deposit

  10. 第二部分是对商业银行流动性、法定存款准备金政策的理论研究。

    The second part is the theory research on the liquidity of commercial banks and the statutory deposit reserve policy .

  11. 而第五部分则主要侧重于法定存款准备金率调整效果不稳定甚至效果有限的原因分析。

    The fifth part focuses on the effect of adjusting the statutory deposit reserve ratio and the reasons for the limited effect analysis .

  12. 自2005年中期以来,央行共19次上调法定存款准备金率(此类准备金的实际回报为负)。

    The central bank has raised the level of required reserves , which pay a negative real return , 19 times since mid-2005 .

  13. 金融调控手段主要有法定存款准备金率调控、再贴现率调控、公开市场业务调控等。

    And the monetary control means mainly includes legal reserve requirement rate control , rediscount rate control , and open market business control , etc.

  14. 通过法定存款准备金对货币供给量影响的作用机制出发,考察了准备金率的调整对我国货币供给量的实际效果。

    According to the mechanism of the legal deposit reserve affecting on the money supply , it observes the real effect of the reserve policy .

  15. 而为了消除这些影响,央行所采取的法定存款准备金和公开市场业务等货币政策工具的有效性受到一定制约。

    Some monetary policy tools such as re-lending , statutory reserves and open market operations are employed to eliminate these negative impacts , but they have limited effects .

  16. 法定存款准备金政策是一项威力较大的货币政策工具,可以快速改变供应量,甚至迅速达到货币政策的最终目标。

    The Required Reserve Policy is a powerful monetary policy which can change the money supply quickly , even achieve the ultimate goal of the monetary policy rapidly .

  17. 银行在任何时候所贷出去的货币及投资,是超过法定存款准备金和最低现金规定的现金和银行存款余额。

    The money it can lend and invest , at any moment , is its excess of cash and bank balances over required reserves and minimum cash requirements .

  18. 如此频繁的调节法定存款准备金率,对货币供给量的调节是否有效,能否收缩市场的流动性,其效果又如何。

    Whether frequent adjustment on the legal deposit reserve is effective , it is valid on the control of money supply , there will be discussed in this passage .

  19. 相对于货币供应量等中介指标,一般性货币政策工具是中央银行直接可控的,主要包括存贷款基准利率、法定存款准备金率和公开市场操作。

    The general monetary policy tool is directly controlled by the central bank . And the monetary policy tool is including interest rate , reserve ratio and open market operations .

  20. 本文首先对保留法定存款准备金制度的美国和已经取消法定存款准备金制度的加拿大的公开市场操作方式和特点进行了翔实的研究。

    This thesis first studies the open market operations in United States , where the required reserve system still exists and in Canada , where the reserve requirements have been abolished .

  21. 研究一:存款准备金率与信贷总额之间存在负向协整关系,法定存款准备金具有逆周期特征。

    In the first study , We found the cointegration relationship between the reserve against deposit ratio and total credit , and the reverse cycle characteristics of legal reserve against deposit .

  22. 法定存款准备金工具是指中央银行通过规定或调整商业银行缴存中央银行的存款准备金比率,调节商业银行的信用创造能力以及货币供应量的措施。

    It means the central bank accommodates the credit creation and money supply of commercial banks by regulating or adjusting the deposit ratio at which commercial banks pay to the central bank .

  23. 研究发现,法定存款准备金率工具不仅自身在货币政策传导机制中存在阻碍,其较之其他操作工具的有效性也比较薄弱。

    It is obvious that not only the deposit reserve ratio exist obstacles in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy but also the effectiveness is relatively weak compared with other monetary policy tools .

  24. 法定存款准备金率上调政策宣布时,宣布事件引发反应过度的现象,主要是因为信息提前泄露和市场非理性恐慌。

    The announcement leads to over response when the policy of raising required required reserve ratio is released , which is due to the information leakage in advance and irrational panic of market .

  25. 研究结果表明,以法定存款准备金率与存款基准利率为代表的中央银行货币政策的冲击能够引发股票市场短期条件波动。

    Our empirical results indicate that the shock in the central bank monetary policy represented by the legal deposit reserve rate and benchmark deposit can trigger the stock market impact of short-term fluctuation .

  26. 在当代西方国家货币政策实践中,公开市场业务与法定存款准备金、再贴现被称为货币政策的三大法宝。

    In the monetary policy practice of contemporary western country , open market service and legal capital reserve rate , re-discount are called " three main and effective tool " of monetary policy .

  27. 法定存款准备金作为一般性货币政策之一,与其他两个货币政策工具再贴现率和公开市场业务被并成为货币政策的三大法宝。

    As one of the common monetary policies , Required Deposit Ratio is among the so-called " The Three Leading Cards ", while the other two are Rate of Rediscount and Open Market Operations .

  28. 当时针对物价上涨、信贷扩张、流动性过剩,2006年到2008年共计22次上调法定存款准备金率,从上调之前的7.5%提高到了上调之后的17.5%。

    Because of the inflation , credit expansion , and excess liquidity , the legal deposit reserve ratio raised for 22 times between 2006 and 2008 , from 7.5 % up to 17.5 % .

  29. 尝试使用事件研究法分析上调法定存款准备金率对同业拆借利率的影响,目前用该种方法对于同业拆借利率的波动性进行研究的并不多。

    Attempting to analyze the impact of raising reserve requirements rate on interbank rates using event study method . So far , there is little study on the fluctuations of interbank rate by this method .

  30. 然后对央行利用基准利率、法定存款准备金率、公开市场业务操作和再贴现率的货币政策工具对股票市场影响进行相关理论分析。

    Then to the central bank using benchmark interest rate , legal reserve ratio , the open market service operation and the rediscount rate monetary policy tool affects to the stock market carries on the correlation theories analysis .