
  • 网络sncf
  1. jr东海可能能够在在高速系统的规划和设计方面,发挥与法国国营铁路公司(sncf)在法国境外建设tgv类型系统的一些项目中相同的作用。

    Jr central could play the same role in planning and designing high-speed systems that SNCF , the French state-owned operator , has played in some projects to build tgv-type systems outside France .

  2. 俄罗斯直接投资基金在四月份的一次资金筹集活动上同通用电气以及法国国营铁路公司一起进行了这项秘密的投资。俄罗斯直接投资基金2011年在克里姆林宫的支持下成立,其目标是吸引对俄投资。

    The Russian Direct Investment Fund , which was launched with support of the Kremlin in 2011 with the goal of attracting investment to Russia , made the undisclosed investment during an April fundraiser along with General Electric and the French railway company SNCF .

  3. 介绍了法国国营铁路公司(SNCF)在机车车辆制造和维修保养中无损检测技术的应用现状。

    This article describes the application status of the NDT technology in the manufacture and maintenance of locomotives and rolling stock on the SNCF railways .