
  • 网络dharma-dh ta
  1. 薄膜气调法在果蔗贮藏保鲜中的应用

    Application of CO_2 concentration regulation by plastic film in chewing cane storage

  2. 建立了一种采用氢化物发生原子荧光光谱法测定果蜡中总砷含量的有效方法。

    Determination of arsenic and mercury in calcined magnesite and brucite by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry ;

  3. HPLC法测定雪莲果在不同储藏条件下糖分组成的变化

    Determination of Changes in Sugar Compositions of Yacon under Different Storage Conditions by HPLC

  4. LC-MS法测定槐果碱及其在Caco-2细胞上的摄取特性

    Uptake determination of sophocarpine in Caco-2 cells by LC-MS

  5. 目的利用微生物转化法对人参果总皂苷(SFPG)进行生物转化,制备人参皂苷化合物K(C-K)。

    Objective To apply the microbial transformation to transforming the total saponins in the fruit of Panax ginseng ( SFPG ) and preparing ginsenoside compound K ( C-K ) .

  6. 采用氯磺酸-吡啶法合成猕猴桃果水溶性多糖硫酸酯,以取代度为指标,采用L9(34)正交设计对试剂比例、反应温度和反应时间进行优选。

    Polysaccharide in chinensis actinidia fruit was sulfated with chlorsulfonic acid-pyridine . Reagent proportion , reaction temperature , and reaction time were selected with substitution degree and yield as index by L9 ( 34 ) orthogonal design .

  7. 匀浆辅助水浴法提取雪莲果低聚糖的工艺研究

    Study on the Extraction of Oligosaccharides from Yacon by Homogenate Extraction

  8. 采用超声波法从山楂果中提取黄酮类化合物,并建立了山楂果中黄酮化合物的光谱分析方法。

    The ultrasonic method was used for extracting flavonoids of C.

  9. 超声波法从罗汉果渣中提取碱木质素的研究

    Study on ultrasonic extraction of alkaline lignin from Momordica grosvenori s.fruit residues

  10. 响应面法优化酸浆果多糖的提取工艺

    Optimization of the Extraction of Polysaccharide ( PAP ) by Response Surface Analysis

  11. 化学合成法确证柄果花椒酰胺的结构

    Chemical identification of structure of PODOCARPAMIDE by synthesis

  12. 正交设计法优化沙棘果渣中总黄酮的提取工艺

    Research on optimum extraction process of total flavones Marc of sea buckthorn by orthogonal design

  13. 用间苯二酚光度法定量测定果葡糖浆中果糖含量及葡萄糖异构酶活性的研究

    Study for the quantitative determination of high fructose corn syrup ( hfcs ), using resorcinol-spectrophotometric method

  14. 用回归和相关分析法对菠萝果重与营养器官的相关性进行了研究。结果表明:菠萝果重与茎叶重量的相关关系达到极显著水平。

    Investigation results obtained in the showed that there was a significant correlation between fruit weight and stem-leaf weight .

  15. 先将样品先进行消解,配制成溶液,然后采用流动注射氢化物发生-原子吸收光谱法测定雪莲果中微量硒的含量。

    A method for the determination of micro Pb in snow by flow injection-hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrometry has been developed .

  16. 采用酸性染料比色法测定槐果碱的含量、标准曲线、回收率及其稳定性,结果证明该方法灵敏度高、重现性好、结果准确。

    With acid dye spectrophotometry , the concentration of sophocarpine was measured , the recovery of this method was 98.7 % .

  17. 超高压灭菌法生产圣女果罐头的研究不同灭菌法对齿科高速裂钻力学性能的影响

    Optimization of sterilization conditions of canned cherry tomatoes by ultra-high pressure Effects of different sterilization methods on mechanical properties of dental fissure bur

  18. 杂交与亲本沙棘光合生理指标的比较研究正交设计法优化沙棘果渣中总黄酮的提取工艺

    Comparing on Photosynthetic Physiological Indexes among Hybrids and Its Parents of Seabuckthorn RESEARCH ON OPTIMUM EXTRACTION PROCESS OF TOTAL FLAVONES MARC OF SEA BUCKTHORN BY ORTHOGONAL DESIGN

  19. 高纯度酒精在酿酒工业上应用较广,如可用来生产俄得克,纯净白酒和作液态法白酒,果、露酒的优良酒基及用来提高酒质的修饰、补充物。

    It could be used in the production of Vodka , pure liquor , new technological liquor , as high grade substratum of liqueur and fruit wine , for liquor quality improvement , and as ornamental and supplementary material .

  20. HPLC法测定西洋参果浆及其发酵液中人参皂苷&Rg3、Rh2的含量

    Determination of Ginsenoside-Rg_3 and Rh_2 in the Mashed Fruit and Its Fermented Solution of American Ginseng by RP-HPLC

  21. 用气相色谱-质谱-计算机联用仪(GC-MS-DC)法首次从人参果中分离并鉴定了26种挥发油成分,测定了他们的相对含量,并与人参不同部位挥发油成分进行了比较。

    26 kinds of volatile oil were separated from fruit of Panax ginseng and further measured for the first time , and their relative content was determined by GC-MS-DC measurement .

  22. 溶剂法提取欧李果皮中单宁的工艺参数优化

    Optimization of Parameter for Extracting Tannic Acid from Cerasus humilis Fruit Coat with Solvents

  23. 采用酶辅助法对大果沙棘果渣中的黄酮进行提取,确定了最佳提取工艺条件,获得大果沙棘黄酮提取物。

    First , extracted flavonoids from seabuckthorn residue by enzyme-assisted technique , studied the optimization extracting tradition .

  24. 此外,用柱层析法和制备薄层法从新疆光果甘草中分离得到光甘草定。

    We also prepared glabridin ( GB ) from Xinjiang Glycyrrhiza glabra by column chromatography and thin layer chromatography methods .

  25. 3通过电导法对28份果梅种质的枝条抗寒性进行了比较分析,同时研究了枝条的可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖和丙二醛的含量与果梅种质抗寒性的关系。

    The branch chilling resistance of 28 Japanese apricot germplasm and the relationship to the contents of soluble protein , soluble sugar and malonaldehyde were identified .

  26. 因此用超临界二氧化碳萃取法生产的火龙果籽油可省去脱酸、脱色等精炼过程。(5)对火龙果籽粕正丁醇萃取物的有效化学成分进行分离纯化,并对所得化合物进行结构鉴定。

    Therefore , oils extracted by supercritical carbon dioxide can be avoided deacidification , bleaching , etc. refining process . ( 5 ) Two compounds were isolated and purified from pitaya seeds meals ' butanol extract .

  27. 并提出节气法、形态成熟特征法及果形指数法3种判断适宜采种期的方法。

    The three methods given for judging the optimum plucking time are season method , morphological maturity characteristic method and fruit shape index method .