
fàn guāng dēng
  • floodlight
泛光灯[fàn guāng dēng]
  1. 目前大多采用大功率泛光灯作补偿光源。

    By now , the high-power floodlight has been adopted .

  2. 高桅杆停机坪泛光灯

    High mast apron floodlight

  3. 游泳池晚间有泛光灯照明。

    The swimming pool is floodlit in the evenings .

  4. 泛光灯照明已关闭。

    The floodlighting had been turned off .

  5. 泛光灯照亮了体育场。

    Floodlights illuminated the stadium .

  6. 泛光灯在斜斜的雨丝中显得很蒙眬。

    The floodlights were hazy behind the slanting rain .

  7. 晚上,建筑正面被泛光灯照亮。

    In the evening the facade is floodlit

  8. 人造卫星在每天凌晨1点30分拍摄一张该城市的图像,结果发现,80%的城市光因被射向天空而被浪费掉,这些光亮来自非路灯光源,包括大型广告牌、招牌、泛光灯和建筑物立面。

    Capturing an image of the city at 01:30 every morning revealed that 80 % of the urban light that was wasted by being beamed upward into space was from non-streetlight sources , including billboards2 , signs , floodlights , and facades3 .

  9. 本文提出了艺术图像处理中的一种泛光灯渲染技术。

    This paper presents an omni rendering method for image processing .

  10. 广场在晚间被泛光灯照得通明,四周全是小旅馆。

    The square was floodlit at night and fringed by guest houses .

  11. 他们打算用泛光灯给钟楼照明。

    They are going to floodlight the clock tower .

  12. 夜间的粉红色和绿色泛光灯把瀑布映照得辉煌夺目。

    The waterfall was lit up at night with pink and green floodlights .

  13. 圣母院大教堂晚上将点起泛光灯。

    Notre Dame cathedral will be floodlit at night .

  14. 泛光灯散发出来的热给寒冷的空气带来了不清新的气味。

    The heat of the lights made an unfresh smell in the frosty air .

  15. 新的灯光性质界面,以及方便的颜色选择器,能改变你的点光源(泛光灯)灯光颜色。

    New Light Property UI and convenient color picker to change your point light colors .

  16. 泛光灯照亮的城堡。

    A castle lit up with floodlights .

  17. 时间是在夜里,人们的苍白的脸和鲜红的旗帜都沐浴在强烈的泛光灯灯光里。

    It was night , and the white faces and the scarlet banners were luridly floodlit .

  18. 由于泛光灯自身的特点,使效果不能达到理想。

    Because of its own characteristics of the floodlight , the satisfied ( result ) cannot be obtained .

  19. 他接通泛光灯,漆黑的夜间一下子像白昼一样通明。

    He switched on the floodlights and what had been impenetrable darkness became suddenly as clear as day .

  20. 这时虽是夜晚,但是,林荫道同往常一样,给泛光灯照得通明月。

    It was night now , but the mall as usual was bright with floodlights . A car pulled up .

  21. 导游脸上带着微笑,站在山顶上俯瞰着我们在泛光灯照耀的缓坡上滑雪。

    With a smile on his face , the tour guide was overlooking us skiing on the gentle slope which was floodlit .

  22. 霍尔布鲁克好比泛光灯,而格罗斯曼有如激光,上述美国官员如此解释两位外交官的不同。

    Holbrooke was a floodlight , said the US official explaining the different approaches of the two diplomats . Grossman is a laser .

  23. 在那里,他在老虎凳上一连被绑了六天六夜,审讯者用大功率泛光灯、电击以及反复毒打让他一直保持醒着的状态。

    There , he was tied to a tiger bench for six days and six nights , and kept awake with high-wattage floodlights , electric shocks and repeated beatings .