
ní tān
  • flat;mudbank;mud flat
泥滩 [ní tān]
  • [mudbank] 在岸边或河中淹没或部分淹没的泥地

泥滩[ní tān]
  1. 盐碱地和泥滩吸引了大量水鸟。

    The salt marshes and mud flats attract large numbers of waterfowl .

  2. 厦门潮间带泥滩和虾池小型底栖动物类群的丰度

    Abundance of meiofauna on intertidal mudflat and shrimp ponds in Xiamen

  3. 泥滩混水养殖黑鲷技术研究

    On Culture of Black Sea Bream in Turbid Water of Mudbank

  4. 泥滩成为成千上万只迁徙的天鹅越冬的场所。

    The mudflats offer a winter home to thousands of migrating swans .

  5. “泥滩”位于圣地亚哥和提华纳之间

    the Mud Flats are area between San Diego and Tijuana

  6. 潮汐对深圳河口潮间带泥滩多毛类垂直分布的影响不明显。

    The tides effect on the vertical distribution of polychaete was not obvious .

  7. 深圳河口潮间带泥滩多毛类的数量变化及环境影响

    Analysis of Environmental Effect and Polychaete Quantitative Variations on Intertidal Mudflat in Shenzhen Estuary

  8. 还有特殊的一天去“泥滩”

    and one special day at the Mud Flats

  9. 新时期对深圳科技发展的思考深圳河口泥滩多毛类动物的生态研究

    Studies on polychaete ecology on the mudflat of the intertidal zone in Shenzhen Estuary

  10. 在江36井和来54井附近分别发育了滨浅湖泥滩微相。

    Near Jiang 36 well and Lai 54 well shore-shallow lacustrine muddy beaches microfacies developed .

  11. 地狱周的周三你要划桨到泥滩

    It is on Wednesday of Hell Week that you paddle down to the mud flats

  12. 环顾泥滩有些学员似乎有了放弃的念头

    Looking around the mud flat it was apparent that some students were about to give up

  13. 然而政府的这项方案包括在一些主要的泥滩种植非原生物种的红树林品种。

    But the initiative included planting non-native mangrove species , mainly in key mudflat zones , MAP noted .

  14. 1996年在深圳河口潮间带泥滩的4个季度调查共获得多毛类动物16种。

    Sixteen species of polychaete were got from the intertidal mudflat in Shenzhen Estuary in 1996 during four surveys .

  15. 内后海湾的潮间带泥滩及浅水水域〔限制进入或处于其内的地区〕

    Intertidal mud flats and shallow waters of Inner Deep Bay [ area in which entry or presence is restricted ]

  16. 在另一项活动中,游客可以亲身体验由附近泥滩的海泥制成的美容护肤产品。

    The other part of the festival is pitching beauty and skincare products made with mud from the nearby mudflats .

  17. 黑鲷嗅上皮的超微结构泥滩混水养殖黑鲷技术研究

    Ultrastructural studies on olfactory epithelia of black sea bream On Culture of Black Sea Bream in Turbid Water of Mudbank

  18. 与此同时,渔护署的外判承办商亦在泥滩进行清除海桑的工作。

    At the same time , AFCD 's contractors are working on the Sonneratia tree removal work on the mudflat .

  19. 迁徙中常到干燥的高地寻食昆虫和种子;越冬的杓鹬占据沼泽和海滨泥滩,觅食蠕虫和螃蟹。

    They eat insects and seeds during migration But feed on worms and fiddler crabs while wintering on marshes and coastal mudflats .

  20. 因为水退时,小岛泥滩旁有很多候鸟会在该处停留,尤其是黑面琵鹭。

    Because the tides , the mud flats near the island where many migratory birds will stay , especially the black-faced spoonbill .

  21. 他们用身体两旁的微小结构像腿一样的在沙滩和泥滩上爬行,但事实上那是他们的鳃。

    They crawl around beaches and mudflats using tiny structures along the sides of their bodies that work like legs , but are in fact gills .

  22. 最初的现场讨论还怀疑风筝是有人故意放来吓雀的,因上星期泥滩付近发现有人设网捉雀。

    Initially we wondered if the kite was deployed to scare the birds – last week nets were set up near the mudflat to trap birds .

  23. 朱家尖岛是舟山群岛最东面的一个岛屿,四周港湾内广泛发育砾滩、沙滩和泥滩沉积。

    Gravel and sand beaches , as well as mud foreshore are well developed in the coves around Zhujiajian Island , the most eastern island of Zhoushan Archipelago .

  24. 其他户外设施有「溪畔漫游径」、「演替之路」、「红树林浮桥」和三间分别位于河畔、鱼塘和泥滩的观鸟屋,让访客近距离欣赏聚居园内的各式各样野生动植物。

    Other outside facilities include a Stream Walk , Mangrove Boardwalk and three Bird Hides that allow visitors to get up close to different habitats of various wildlife .

  25. 从栖息环境看,芦苇沼泽泥滩63种,农田20种,稀树灌丛29种,鱼塘水库24种。

    From the living environment , there are 63 species of reeds , 20 species of land , 29 species of bush , 24 species of fishpond and reservoir .

  26. 西北部边界地区发育了长带状滨浅湖砂坝,其他地区发育大量的滨浅湖混合滩和零星点缀其中的滨浅湖砂坝及泥滩。

    It develops long-zonary shore-shallow lacustrine sand bar with abundant shore-shallow lacustrine mixing beach sediment in most other area where it distributes sporadically shore-shallow lacustrine sand bar and muddy beach .

  27. 红树林,是热带滨海泥滩上特有的常绿植物群落,其大部分树种,都属于红树科,生态学上,将其称为:红树林。

    Mangrove forests , tropical evergreen coastal mudflats on the unique plant communities , most of its species , belong to Rhizophoraceae , ecology , and its called : mangroves .

  28. 然后,他发现一篇文章关于有名男子被杀害后陈尸于泥滩上,并且认为他就是丹尼尔丢桨时所击中的人。

    It is then that he finds an article about a murdered man having been discovered in the mudflats and recognises him as the man Daniel hit with his oar .

  29. 它仍然只是一片长满杂草、遍布泥滩的湿地,除了一张标记将近3个月前破土动工仪式地点的中文海报之外,岛上别无他物。

    The economic zone is still a swampy patch of grassland and mudflats , with nothing but a Chinese propaganda poster to mark the spot where officials broke ground on the project nearly three months ago .

  30. 林前泥滩底栖动物种类多样性最大,生物量最高。林内动物群落则表现出低种类多样性,高种群个体数的特点。

    Benthic fauna in the frontal mudflat of mangroves was most diverse and had the maximum values of biomass , but the fauna within mangroves displayed a characteristic of low species diversity and high population counts .