
ní shí liú
  • debris flow;mud-rock flow;mud avalanche;detritus stream
泥石流 [ní shí liú]
  • [mud-rock flow] 山坡上大量泥沙、石块等碎屑物质经山洪冲击挟带而形成的短暂急流。对建筑物、公路、铁路、农田等有很大破坏作用

泥石流[ní shí liú]
  1. 泥石流埋没了整个村庄。

    The mud-rock flow submerged the whole village .

  2. 云南东川古泥石流堆积物ESR测年的初步研究

    Preliminary study on ESR dating of palaeo-accumulation of mud-rock flow in dongchuan , Yunnan

  3. 据未经证实的报道说,几个小村庄被泥石流吞没了。

    There are unconfirmed reports of several small villages buried by mudslides .

  4. 最新报道说泥石流掩埋了整个整个的村庄。

    Latest reports say that mud slides buried entire villages

  5. 选用MicrosoftAccess建立泥石流灾害属性数据库;

    Then attribute database is set up with Microsoft Access .

  6. 基于GIS的滑坡、泥石流灾害危险性区划关键问题研究

    Key research on landslide and debris flow hazard zonation based on GIS

  7. 泥石流源地土抗剪强度指标φ、C值同含水量Q的关系

    Relationship between the shear strength indices of φ and C and the moisture content Q

  8. 泥石流与水流场交汇耦合分析的MAC法

    A Coupling Analysis on the Confluence of Debris Flow and the Major River by the MAC Method

  9. 结合TM卫星影象和1∶5万地形图,解译了小江流域内泥石流堆积扇的范围。

    Using TM image and1 ∶ 50000 topographic maps , each debris flow deposited scopes are examined .

  10. RS、GIS在贵州省环境地质综合调查中的应用&以崩塌、滑坡、泥石流调查为例

    The Application of RS and GIS in the Comprehensive Survey of Environmental Geology : Taking Example for Slumping , Landslide and Mudflow

  11. 本文首次用实验方法探讨了泥石流浆体的触变唯象模型η=η∞/tcγ+η∞。

    This study is the first time to inquire into the debris flow thixotropy model by experimental method .

  12. SNS泥石流防护柔性格栅坝的功能原理及其应用

    Function Principles and Application of SNS Flexible Railings Dam for Protecting Debris Flow

  13. 选取基于AHP分析法二级模糊综合评价法建立公路泥石流防治工程易损性评价模型,对所调研的桥梁工程、涵洞工程、渡槽工程进行了易损性评价。

    They also can select the secondary blurring comprehensive evaluation based on the AHP analysis , and then establish the road debris flow vulnerability assessment control model .

  14. 用MSS卫星图象分析孙水河流域泥石流群体的宏观发育规律

    Analysing the Macroscopic Growth Regularity of the Debris Groups at Sun-Shui River Basin by Means of MSS Satellite Image

  15. 云南东川泥石流沟与非泥石流沟~(137)Cs示踪法物源研究

    Comparison Study on Sediment Sources between Debris Flow Gullies and Non-debris Flow Gullies by Using the ~ ( 137 ) Cs Tracing Technique in Dongchuan , Yunnan Province of China

  16. 利用格子Boltzmann方法,将支沟中泥石流视为一种宾汉体,主河中清水视为一种外力,建立格子Boltzmann模型,对入汇角为90°的情况进行了模拟。

    On the assumption that the debris flow is the Bingham body and the water in primary river is a external force , the lattice Boltzmann model is set up .

  17. 我国位于泥石流沟岸的公路里程累计800km左右。

    Total mileage along banks of debris flow valley is 800 kilometers in China .

  18. 据分析,日降雨量大于29mm且10分降雨量大于9mm,都可能导致泥石流发生。

    According to the analysis , rainfall exceeding 29 mm in a day and 9 mm in 10 minutes may lead to the generation of debris flow .

  19. 将泥石流形成的诱发因素概化为降雨和气温两方面,明确了境内公路泥石流在强降雨后4~5h内暴发的根本原因。

    Factors to trigger debris flow in the area can be generalized both strong precipitation and high air temperature , and the root cause of debris flow along highway breaking out within 4 to 5 hours after strong precipitation is especially identified .

  20. 论泥石流流动过程中的失水现象

    Discussion on the phenomenon of losing water in debris flow movement

  21. 格拦坝在治理泥石流中的应用

    The Application of Grid Dam in the Treatment of Mud-rock Flow

  22. 云南省崩塌滑坡泥石流灾害及防治

    Hazards collapse landslide and debris flow in Yunnan and their control

  23. 云南省滑坡泥石流灾害评估方法研究

    Loss assessment methods of landslide and debris flow hazards in Yunnan

  24. 泥石流相对分布密度的确定方法

    A Method to Determine the Relative Distributive Density of Debris Flow

  25. 诱发山洪泥石流特强暴雨的特征

    The Features of Severe Rainstorm Inducing Mountain Torrents and Mud-rock Flows

  26. 泥石流多发干旱河谷区植被恢复研究

    Plant Rehabilitation on Degraded Land at Debris - prone Dry Valley

  27. 流域泥石流防治效益评估模型初探

    Preliminary Study on Evaluation Model of Valley Debris Flow Control Benefit

  28. 泥石流堵江影响因素试验研究

    Experimental study on parameters affecting the river-blocking due to debris flow

  29. 泥石流研究中的粒度分析方法及其应用

    Sizing analysis methods and its applications to studying of debris flow

  30. 单沟泥石流灾害危险性评价研究

    The Study on Assessment of Debris Flow Hazards in the Solo Channel