
luǒ dì
  • bare land;bare area;nudation
裸地[luǒ dì]
  1. 从各样地来看,平均感染率在裸地中较低,在马尾松林和马尾松-木荷林中较高。

    The rate of average infection is low in bare area . It is high in the third area .

  2. 次生裸地的恢复保护是目前世界范围内对生态环境的保护和改善的一个重要组成部分。

    The recovery and protection of secondary bare area is an important composition of the protection and improvement to the environment in the world round .

  3. 林地与裸地土层中CO2浓度随土层深度增加而增高。

    CO_2 concentration increased with the soil depth .

  4. 抽穗和成熟期植株吸N量大小为水种>覆膜旱种>裸地旱种。

    The amount of N absorption by plants was in the order of SC > PFMC > BC at heading and maturity .

  5. 结果表明,裸地和撂荒地植物寄生线虫与土壤pH呈显著负相关;

    The results showed that soil pH had a negative effect on the plant-parasitic nematodes in both bare and fallow plots .

  6. 南、北排林地土壤pH值分别比植林前裸地提高了0.99个单位和0.71个单位。这说明植树造林对增加土壤有机质效果明显,对提高土壤pH值则相对较慢。

    The pH in south and north dumps increased by 0.99 and 0.71 units , respectively , compared to the bare dump .

  7. 2009年秸秆覆盖延长全生育期3d,2010年与裸地种植表现一致。

    Straw mulching treatment extended 3 d in the whole growing period in 2009 , and was similar with bare land in 2010 .

  8. 在小麦各个生育期中,CO2平均排放通量常规处理无氮处理空白裸地。

    CO_2 emitted at follow sequence treatment in wheat bearing stage : ordinary planting treatment no nitrogen fertilizer no plant bare land .

  9. 流域多年NPP最稳定的区域是各条现代冰川上和敦煌市以西的裸地。

    It was most steady in the modern glaciers and bare land of the western Dunhuang .

  10. 不同覆被条件下,土壤CO2释放量有差异,一般说来,裸地有较高的释放量。

    The amount of CO 2 emission varied under different vegetation conditions , which was generally much higher on the bare ground than that of the others .

  11. 树林内空气中TSP含量明显低于裸地上空TSP含量,减尘率达79.5%,减尘效果明显。

    The content of TSP in the woods is obviously lower than on the uncovered land and the percentage of reducing dust reaches 79.5 % .

  12. 水早轮作区小麦常规处理、无氮处理、空白点和裸地的CO2排放通量的平均值分别为574.51、362.23、239.92、129.47mg/(m~2·h)。

    Average flux of CO_2 emission from ordinary planting treatment 、 no nitrogen fertilizer , no plant and bare land treatment were 574.51 、 362.23 、 239.91 、 129.47 mg / ( m ~ 2 · h ), respectively .

  13. 林下的土壤流失量(32.9g/m2)比裸地的(57.9g/m2)减少了43.18%。

    The total soil loss in the forest was considerably reduced to 32.9 g / m 2 , as compared with 57.9 g / m 2 on the bare land .

  14. 以常规水作和裸地旱作作对照,对覆膜旱作栽培条件下稻田0~60cm土层土壤有效Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu含量变化进行了研究。

    The change in amount of available Fe , Mn , Zn and Cu in various layers ( from depth of 0 to 60 cm ) of non-flooded paddy soil with ground mulching were studied .

  15. 各群丛的SW指数、物种丰富度、地上生物量、裸地面积按照生境序列作图,显示中生性草甸具有最高的物种丰富度和地上生物量。

    The study on Shannon-Wiener index , species richness , aboveground biomass and bare land coverage revealed that the meadows in moderate habitat had the highest productivity , species richness and less bare land coverage .

  16. 龙胆草覆盖遮阳网,斑枯病发病时间较裸地栽培晚15d,发病率为23.4%;

    Under the treatments with sun-shading net , the occurrence time of septoria leaf spot was delayed 15 days , with the rate of 23.4 % .

  17. 不同植被恢复下退化红壤恢复10a后土壤微生物生物量(C、N)的季节动态分析表明:相比侵蚀裸地,植被恢复显著提高了土壤微生物量。

    Seasonal dynamics of soil microbial biomass C and N were measured under six vegetations restored for 10 years on degraded red soils . Vegetation increased soil microbial biomass ( C and N ) markedly in comparison with the eroded bare soil ( CK ) .

  18. 黄河古道沙土的裸地土壤含水量在正常降水补给下可达到田间持水量的水平,直到10月时,0~100cm土壤含水量仍为15%。

    The moisture in the fallow sandy soil could reach field capacity under the nor - mal precipitation and moisture content was 15 % in 0-100 cm depth in October .

  19. 加入有机肥后,除有机肥84d矿化量外,仅裸地处理矿化量有所增加(171.6%),其余处理矿化量均减少。

    Adding manure , the amount of mineralization is reduced except bareness disposal ( + 171.6 % ) .

  20. 裸地和农田土壤水分空间变异范围分别为3.17m和7.25m。

    The ranges of spatial variability of soil moisture for bareness and farmland are 3.17m and 7.25m respectively .

  21. 试验结果表明:裸地条件下,肥料合理配施可以增强微生物对碳源的利用程度(AWCD),显著增加微生物功能多样性(Shannon指数)。

    The main results showed that the reasonable fertilization in uncovered soil could increase the utilization ability of communities for carbon ( AWCD ) and improve the functional diversity ( Shannon Index ) .

  22. 实验结果表明,秸秆覆盖地块的初始冻结时间约滞后裸地45d,最大冻结深度滞后裸地约14d;

    The results show that the beginning of soil freezing in corn straw covered plot , comparing to bare plot , is about 45 days later and maximum frozen soil depth two weeks later .

  23. 在黄土丘陵沟壑区选择典型植被油松林(pinustabulaeformis)、柠条(Caraganamicrophylla)、人工草地(Clover)、农田、荒地和裸地,对其土壤水分进行观测分析。

    The typical vegetation , such as Pinus tabulaeformis , Caragana microphylla , grassland ( Clover ), farmland , wasteland and bare-land , were selected in gully and hilly region of Loess Plateau . And the soil water of the vegetation was observed and analyzed .

  24. 高量施肥处理区和空白对照裸地处理区土壤水的对比表明,施肥可促进0.6~1.5m深处土壤的反硝化作用,从而增大这些层位土壤水中亚硝态氮和铵态氮的质量浓度。

    Nitrite nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen concentrations in water sampled at the depth of 0.6 m and 1.5 m below land surface from high fertilizer treatment are much higher than those from CK treatment , demonstrating that fertilization promotes denitrification .

  25. 对林地和裸地土壤COZ释放量观测中,温度是影响土壤COZ释放量的主要因子,其次为土壤湿度和地表植被。

    Soil respiration emission of CO2 at testing woodland and uncovered land changes sensitively with the three factors , such as soil temperature , vegetation and humidity . But it is mainly controlled by soil temperature , secondly humidity and vegetation .

  26. 主要研究结论如下:1.秸秆覆盖处理均较裸地种植降低了冬小麦苗期及抽穗期0~25cm的土壤温度。

    The main conclusions are as follows : 1 . Compared with bare land for planting of winter wheat seedling and heading stages , Straw mulch reduced 0 ~ 25cm soil temperature .

  27. 与裸地旱作相比,覆膜旱作增加了稻田0-30cm土层中土壤有效锌、铁含量,降低了有效锰含量,有效铜含量变化不大。

    Compared with uncovered cultivation , film mulching cultivation increased available Zn , Fe in the 0-30 cm layer of soils and reduced available Mn in each soil layer , but available Cu was almost no difference .

  28. 试验结果表明,草地与裸地坡面土壤入渗过程均符合Horton入渗公式,且裸地坡面土壤入渗率约为草地的45%;

    The result indicated that the process figure of water infiltration in the slope without grass was coincidental with Horton formula , as well as the grass slope . And the soil infiltration rate in the slope without grass is 45 % of the grass slope ;

  29. 裸地或低植被覆盖条件(NDVI≤0.3)采用基于热惯量理论的表现热惯量法(ATI)、高植被覆盖条件(NDVI>0.3)采用作物供水指数法(VSWI)来反演土壤含水量。

    For bare land or low vegetation coverage conditions ( NDVI ≤ 0.3 ), apparent thermal inertia ( ATI ) based on the thermal inertia theory can be used to deduce the soil moisture and for high vegetation coverage , vegetation-soil-water index ( VSWI ) method .

  30. 结果表明:(1)植物群落内的光照度、地表(0cm)温度、表层(-5.0cm)土壤温度、空气温度、空气湿度的日变化曲线与对照(裸地)日变化曲线相似。

    The study results showed that : 1 ) The annual change curve of light , surface temperature , soil humidity , atmospheric temperature and atmospheric humidity were similar to that of the control ( bare land );