
  1. 通过买下这幅名为《侧卧的裸女》(NuCouché)的油画(创作于1917年至1918年),他肯定把这个信息传递了出去。

    With his acquisition of the nude , a 1917-18 canvas known as " Nu Couch é , " that message certainly seems to have gotten across .

  2. 本周一共有六人竞拍莫迪利亚尼1917年至1918年的画作《侧卧的裸女》(NuCouché),刘益谦通过电话参加了竞拍。

    Bidding by telephone , Mr. Liu was one of six people competing for Modigliani 's 1917-18 canvas , " Nu Couch é , " during Monday 's auction .

  3. 首先分析杜尚从艺术走向反艺术的原因:《下楼梯的裸女,2号》被拒绝展出和雷蒙·胡塞尔(RaymondRoussel)的影响。

    First , the reasons have been analyzed why Marcel Duchamp changes from advocating art to opposing art : 《 Nude Descending a Staircase , No. 2 》 is rejected in the display and the influence of Raymond Roussel .

  4. 我有次收到,裸男符,裸女符,坟墓符呢。

    I once got naked guy , naked girl , tombstone .

  5. 他宿舍的墙上贴满性感的裸女画报。

    The walls of his dormitory room were covered with sexy pinups .

  6. 他还画戏曲人物画、裸女、瓶花静物等。

    He also drew Chinese opera figures , nudes and still lives .

  7. 他正和一个丑陋裸女共进感恩节晚餐。

    Ugly Naked guy 's having Thanksgiving dinner with Ugly Naked girl .

  8. 丑陋裸男不是一个人。他正和一个丑陋裸女共进感恩节晚餐。

    He 's not alone.Ugly Naked Guy 's having Thanksgiving dinner with Ugly Naked Gal.

  9. 坐在计算机前对着裸女流口水。

    Drooling over nude ladies on computers .

  10. 乐野景点(开车或步行):裸女瀑布、鸟人石、巨大鬼树、战功石。

    Lo-Ye landscape ( hike or drive ): Luo-nyi waterfall , birdman stone , Huge ghost tree , meritorious stone .

  11. 一群邪恶的裸女习惯了所谓的有学问,和对神圣的厌恶。

    A crowd of wicked naked girls get accustomed to so-called being learned , as well as the hatred of being sacred .

  12. 他的整个绘画生涯几乎都在描绘裸体,《躺着的裸女》就是我最喜欢的一幅。

    All his life is taken up by describing naked body , and " Naked Lying " is one of my favourite drawings .

  13. 真人大小的裸女放松地平躺着的录象图片投射在一间黑暗房间的地板上。

    The real size video-image of a naked female body - lying in symetrical relaxation - is projected on the floor of a darkened room .

  14. 在一家信贷机构工作的汤姆表示:当我打开它时,出现了一张裸女照片。

    " When I opened it , there was a picture of a naked woman ," says the worker from a credit agency , whose real name is not Tom .