
luǒ yǒnɡ
  • skinny-dipping
  • swim naked;skinny-dip
  1. 她们告诉我今晚一起去游裸泳。

    They told me thst we were gonna go skinny-dipping later .

  2. 如果我想找人一起去裸泳。

    If I were looking for a guy to go skinny-dipping with .

  3. 偶尔会裸泳的那个人到这里来了。

    The occasional nude bather comes here

  4. 严格说来,裸泳是违法的,但在许多人迹罕至的海滩,没人会知道。

    Nude bathing is technically illegal but there are plenty of unspoilt beaches where no one would ever know

  5. 这个海滩禁止裸泳。

    Naked bathing is not allowed to this beach .

  6. 正如沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)所言,只有当大潮退去,你才知道谁在裸泳。

    As Warren Buffett says , it 's only when the tide goes out that you know who is swimming naked .

  7. 在科特贝尔附近的东部地区还有裸泳海滩。

    There are naturist beaches near Koktebel in the east .

  8. 当潮水退去的时候,才能发现谁在裸泳。

    When tidewater retire when , ability discovers who is naked swim .

  9. 以前,每个星期六早晨,男孩们都去池塘裸泳。

    The boys used to go skinny-dip in the pond every Saturday morning .

  10. 嘿,我没有和网球球星裸泳。

    Hey , I 'm not the one skinny-dipping with a tennis star .

  11. 谁想要在伏尔塔瓦河裸泳?

    Who wants to swim naked in the Vltava ?

  12. 我要在多瑙河裸泳!

    I wanna swim naked in the danube !

  13. 在寂静的林间水潭进行惬意的裸泳,真是回到了大自然的怀抱。

    A nice skinny dip in a quiet glade takes you back to nature .

  14. 她不喜欢裸泳。

    She doesn 't like nude swimming .

  15. 信贷大潮的退却不只让那些裸泳的评级机构浮出水面。

    The retreat of the credit tide left more than the rating agencies swimming naked .

  16. 如果她裸泳的话,我情愿天天去教堂。

    I 'll go to church every day if this is her nightly skinny dip .

  17. 我们还裸泳我记得有一次真正的游泳比赛并打了篮球。

    We also swam naked ─ I remember an actual swim meet ─ and played basketball .

  18. 哪个总统住在白宫期间,定期在白宫边之波托马可河里裸泳?

    Q.Which President , while living in the White House , regularly skinny-dipped in the Potomac River ?

  19. 裸泳或在沙滩换衣服会引起公众骚动,而且还可能引发争执。

    Nude bathing and changing clothes at the beach stirs up public agitation and can lead to unpleasantnesses .

  20. 两小时后,这只旅行团的导游警告游客当地公众海滩禁止裸泳后,这群裸泳妇女才离开。

    The Scandinavians left after two hours when their guide was informed that nude bathing was banned on public beaches .

  21. 他和亚辛斯基、科特基三人喜欢到斯坦福大学附近的280号州际公路边的赛尔特湖里裸泳,

    He , Jasinski , and Kottke liked to go skinny-dipping in Felt Lake on the edge of Interstate 280 near Stanford ,

  22. 美国第6任总统约翰-昆西-亚当斯天热的时候习惯黎明前到波托马克河裸泳。

    In warm weather , 6th president of the United States John Quincy Adams customarily went skinny-dipping in the Potomac River before dawn .

  23. 在一些裸体主义团体展开宣传活动后,马德里市允许公共游泳池设立“裸泳日”。

    Madrid has given permission for public swimming pools to hold a ' no swimsuit day ' after a campaign by nudist groups .

  24. 特朗普的女儿曾经要求园丁们都离开,这样她就能在泳池裸泳了。

    Ivanka Trump , the owner 's daughter , ordered the gardeners off the grounds so that she could swim in the pool naked

  25. 今天,我需要向我的女友解释,为什么她不能和她的男性朋友一起去裸泳。

    Today , I had to explain to my girlfriend why it is inappropriate for her to go skinny dipping with her male friends .

  26. 马德里市政厅称还未定下“裸泳日”的具体日期,但很有可能是在八月底。

    Madrid 's City Hall said it had not yet designated ' no swimsuit day ' but it would probably be in late August .

  27. 美国第六任总统亚当斯常常到华盛顿波多马克河裸泳,然后才开始一天的工作。

    John Quincy Adams , 6th president of the US , frequently skinny-dipped in Washington 's Potomac river before starting the day 's work .

  28. 达尔文海滩公司表示说人工沙滩是公众场所,而达尔文市议会允许人们在公共沙滩上进行裸露上半身的日光浴和裸泳。

    The Darwin Waterfront Corporation said the artificial beach was a public area and Darwin City Council allowed topless sunbaking and swimming at public beaches .

  29. 如果你的朋友要上传你在单身聚会或毕业典礼上的照片或你的裸泳照,就没有任何办法可以阻止了。

    So there would be nothing to stop your friends uploading photos of you on your stag do , skinny-dipping , or at graduation celebrations .

  30. 他穿着军装,迈着轻快的步伐从伊娃•门德斯曾经裸泳过的游泳池旁边走过来。

    In his military uniform , he walked slightly or quickly around the side of the swimming pool where Eva Mendes has once swam naked .