
  • 网络Trenton;Trenton, NJ
  1. 1947年,伟大的奥地利逻辑学家库尔特•哥德尔(KurtGödel)前往美国新泽西州特伦顿(Trenton)参加听证会,以获得美国国籍。

    In 1947 , the great Austrian logician Kurt G ö del went to a hearing in Trenton , New Jersey , to acquire American citizenship .

  2. 1947年,伟大的奥地利逻辑学家库尔特哥德尔(kurtgdel)前往美国新泽西州特伦顿(trenton)参加听证会,以获得美国国籍。

    In 1947 , the great Austrian logician Kurt Gdel went to a hearing in Trenton , New Jersey , to acquire American citizenship .

  3. NPR新闻,我是汤姆·麦克唐纳,新泽西特伦顿。

    For NPR News , I 'm Tom MacDonald , Trenton , NewJersey .

  4. 你知道特伦顿有多少退休警察吗?

    You know how many retired cops there are in trenton ?

  5. 我们在离特伦顿一小时路程的私人领地。

    We 're on a private field an hour outside of Trenton .

  6. 黑森兵在特伦顿又唱歌又喝酒。

    The Hessians were singing and drinking in Trenton .

  7. 到了特伦顿,法官问哥德尔从哪里来。

    In Trenton , the judge asked G ö del where he came from .

  8. 这一战被称为特伦顿战役。

    This was called the Battle of Trenton .

  9. 新泽西州,特伦顿市市长被联邦当局逮捕。

    The mayor of Trenton , New Jersey has been arrested by federal authorities .

  10. 摩根斯坦开车载着大家来到了特伦顿。

    Morgenstern drove them all to Trenton .

  11. 新泽西州首府特伦顿市市长,其兄弟和另一名男子被捕。

    The mayor of New Jersey 's capital city is under arrest along his brother and another man .

  12. 乔治-华盛顿计划对驻扎在新泽西州特伦顿的敌军进行突袭。

    George Washington planned a surprise attack on the enemy forces camped across the Delaware River in Trenton , New Jersey .

  13. 从弗吉尼亚,南亚和印度,到肯尼亚城市和特伦顿,区别是什么?

    How does it differ in Virgin , in South Asia and in India to city in Kenya , to Trenton ?

  14. “独立”坐落在镇上一个小小的工业园区,位于特伦顿以南6英里。

    Independent has taken over a spot in a small industrial park in this town about six miles south of Trenton .

  15. 最近,公司的员工提出了他们古怪的升级改造方案,他们完全用废弃物来整修位于新泽西州特伦顿的办公室。

    Employees recently put their quirky upcycled designs to use by renovating their entire Trenton , New Jersey offices with waste material .

  16. 调查人员正在力图寻找引起新泽西州特伦顿市内宅邸天然气泄漏的原因。

    Investigators are still trying to determine what triggered a natural gas leak in a town house development near Trenton , New Jersey .

  17. 英国国王雇用的黑森兵中有一部分到达位于特拉华河畔的特伦顿。

    Some of the Hessian soldiers that the king had hired to fight against the Americans came to Trenton . Trenton is on the Delaware River .

  18. 特伦顿市长托尼·麦克等人被起诉在停车场建设工程中贪污受贿。

    Trenton Mayor Tony Mack and others have been charged with partly ongoing corruption investigation into bribery allegations related to a parking garage project . 3 .

  19. 特伦顿说道:“我们不应该让我们的市长告诉我们该喝什么,你不会想让他告诉你要穿什么。”

    Trenton says , " we shouldn 't have our mayors telling us what to drink ; you wouldn 't want him to tell you what to wear . "

  20. 所以有很多空余的空间可以让我们,使用或利用来生产作物,把南方的东西,带到特伦顿,放到特伦顿市场和其他地方卖。

    So there are a lot of empty spaces that we can use or utilize to produce crops and the things in Southern in Trenton , in Trenton 's market and other places .

  21. 麦克和他的弟弟,以及一个支持者接受了5.4万美元贿赂,另外从一个提议在特伦顿市建设停车场的合伙人那里贪污6.5万美元。

    Mack , his brother and a supporter are accused of taking 54000 dollars and accepting another 65000 from a cooperating witness who told them he was developing a parking lot in Trenton .

  22. 1961年,他被监禁在特伦顿。长达6个星期的时间里,医生每天给他注射胰岛素,使他处于昏迷状态,希望通过刺激来使纳什的大脑恢复正常。

    At Trenton state , where he was incarcerated in1961 , he was injected with insulin and put into a coma daily for six weeks by physicians who hoped to shock nash 's brain back to health .