
  1. 湘西猛洞河景区市场营销策略

    The Strategy of Management on Meng Dong River Scenic Spot

  2. 岩溶地区地下洞河诱发路基失稳处治分析

    Processing Analysis on Roadbed and Subgrade Instability Caused by Underground Cavity and River in Karst Area

  3. 凤凰古镇紧邻苗族村落德夯,永顺的猛洞河以及贵州省的梵净山。

    Fenghuang Ancient Town is adjacent to Dehang Village of Miao Nationality , Mengdong River of Yongshun and Fanjing Mountain of Guizhou province .

  4. 记者从猛洞河景区了解到,张罗公路全面贯通后,入景旅游车辆川流不息。

    Reporters from the area Mengdong He learned how to raise the road through a comprehensive , King tourism into the flow of vehicles .

  5. 采用湖南洛塔地区屋檐洞地下河系统降水&径流资料训练BP人工神经网络,建立了该系统的径流预测模型。

    This paper presents a forecasting model of runoff to Wuyandong subterranean stream system by BP ANN based on the data of precipitation and flux in Luota , west Hunan .

  6. 云霄洞地下河开发利用及洪涝灾害治理

    Development and utilization of Yunxiao cave subterranean river and harnessing drought and flood

  7. 贵州普定后寨、云南开远南洞地下河流量的时间序列分析

    A time-series analysis of discharge of subterranean rivers

  8. 从金边坐船沿洞里萨河到洞里萨湖上岸到暹粒。

    Go from Phnom Penh to siemreap along the Tonle Sap River to the lake by boat , and go on shore at Siem reap .

  9. 地下河系统由多条地下河组成,是早期南洞地下河与大黑水洞地下河经后期发展、演化、归并袭夺而形成。

    The system consists of many underground streams and forms after long historical development , evolution and piracy of Nandong a'nd Da Heishui subterranean stream .

  10. 通过降水对径流的贡献率进行快速流和慢速流的划分,屋檐洞地下河系统的快速流与慢速流比例接近2∶3。

    Contribution percentages about precipitation to runoff were calculated to divide rapid flow and slow flow in the model , the proportion of them of Wuyandong subterranean stream system is2 to3 .

  11. 由此人们便知道观音洞与永定河相通。

    From then on it was known that the Cave connects to the River .

  12. 秀水、美石和奇洞。康河,我敢说是全世界最秀丽的一条水。

    Clear water , mystic crags and grotesque caves . The River Cam , I would venture to say , is the most beautiful river in the world .

  13. 由于岩溶区特殊的水文地质背景,地表水与地下水之间转换迅速,导致地表的污染物质极易通过落水洞等进入地下河系统,从而污染地下水。

    As a result of special hydrology geology background in karst areas , the surface water and the ground water transforms rapidly , it causes the surface contamination fall into the underground systerm easily through karst tunnel cave , thus the groundwater is polluted .