
  1. 他那次去拜访酿酒厂时,曾看见河上有几条船。

    He had seen some ships up there , the time he had called upon the brewers .

  2. 是的,我曾去科罗拉多河上漂流过,

    Yes . I 've kayaked on the Colorado River ,

  3. 是的,我曾去科罗拉多河上漂流过。

    Yes . I 've kayaked on the Colorado River .

  4. 维克斯堡曾是密西西比河下游的门户。

    Vicksburg was the key to the lower Mississippi .

  5. 我告诉他,我曾为莱茵河上的英军效力。

    I told him I had played for the British Army on the Rhine .

  6. 一条巴勒斯坦境内的河,流入死海;施洗约翰曾在约旦河给耶稣施洗礼。

    A river in Palestine that empties into the Dead Sea ; John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan .

  7. 去年是一种房子船,他曾打算在河上度过他的余生。

    Last year it was a house-boat , and he wanted to spend the rest of his life living on the river .

  8. 玛丽亚:是的,我曾去科罗拉多河上漂流过,我还在落基山脉上野营过许多次。

    Maria : Yes . I 've kayaked on the Colorado River , and I 've camped in the Rocky Mountains many times .

  9. 罗马人曾用力拓河区域的金矿银矿打造他们的第一代钱币。直至今日,这里仍是地球上铜矿和硫磺矿资源最丰富的地区之一。

    The Romans fashioned some of their first coins from the Rio Tinto area 's gold and silver , and today , the area is one of the most important sources of copper and sulfur on the planet .

  10. 除凯文·斯派西(KevinSpacey)与罗宾·怀特(RobinWright)外,曾出演《忧愁河上桥》(Treme)的基姆·迪金斯(KimDickens)亦加盟该剧,“PussyRiot”的两位成员亦有客座出演。

    Kim Dickens of " Treme " joins Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright in the cast , and two members of Pussy Riot will make a guest appearance .

  11. 同一幕在上个月曾在底格里斯河大坝上演。

    The same scenario played out last month at a dam in the Tigris River .