
tiān hé
  • the Milky;the Galaxy;the Milky Way
天河 [tiān hé]
  • [the Milky Way;Galaxy] 银河

天河[tiān hé]
  1. 我们这些牛郎织女都恨透了那条无情的“天河”。

    We couples who have been separated hate the ruthless “ The Milky Way ” .

  2. 天,像是被谁用水洗过了似的,是牛郎用天河中的水洗的吧?

    Days , such as whom washed out like water , is washed in the Cowboy with the Milky Way , right ?

  3. 新研制的天河-1A系统是由国防科技大学(NationalUniversityofDefenseTechnology)研制的,周四在北京召开的一场超级计算机会议上亮相。

    The new system , known as Tianhe-1A , was developed by the National University of Defense Technology and unveiled at a supercomputing conference in Beijing on Thursday .

  4. 基于Intel处理器的天河2号超级计算机,此前已在TOP500榜单上连续六度称雄。

    Tianhe-2 , an Intel-based supercomputer , had claimed the top spot on the past six TOP 500 lists .

  5. 不过,在周四于北京举行的全国高性能计算学术年会(HPCChina)上,专家们表示,天河-1A系统的知识产权是中国自主开发和拥有的。

    However , experts at HPC China , a supercomputing conference in Beijing , said on Thursday that intellectual property rights in the new Chinese system were developed and held domestically .

  6. 2006年4月21日21点左右,许霆到广州市天河区一商业银行的ATM取款机取款,同行的郭安山在附近等候。

    At about 21 o ' clock on April 21,2006 , Xu Ting went to a commercial bank at Guangzhou City , Tianhe District to withdrawal some money .

  7. 在容纳48000人的天河体育场内,首尔FC的小规模球迷队伍一直在坚持呐喊助威,但远远不敌恒大球迷的声势。

    The small but persistent group of FC Seoul fans in the stadium was easily drowned out by booing and singing in the 48000-capacity venue .

  8. 天河2号系统的官方价格还没有公布。天河2号系统是在中国公司浪潮集团(InspurCo.)的协助下建造的。

    No official price has been released for the Tianhe-2 system , which was constructed with help from the Chinese company Inspur .

  9. 但是另一名超级计算机专家西蒙(HorstSimon)说,美国能够挑战天河2号的下一台超级计算机预计到2015年才会出现。西蒙是劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(LawrenceBerkeleyNationalLaboratory)的副主任。

    But the next U.S. supercomputer that could challenge the Tianhe-2 isn 't expected until 2015 , said Horst Simon , another supercomputer expert who is deputy director at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory .

  10. 周六晚上,广州天河体育场内是一片红色的海洋,很难找到一件不是红色的衣服。当晚广州恒大对阵2012年K联赛冠军首尔FC队,展开亚冠联赛决赛第二回合的较量。

    It was difficult to spot a shirt that wasn 't red in Guangzhou 's Tianhe Stadium on Saturday night , as the team faced 2012 K-League winners FC Seoul in the second leg of the final .

  11. 天河一号,NUDT,天津国家超级计算机中心(563.1teraflop/s)

    Tianhe-1 , NUDT , National SuperComputer Center in Tianjin ( 563.1 teraflop / s )

  12. Top500是一家搜集超级计算机情报的机构。据该机构消息,过去的一年半里,天河2号是世界上最强大的计算机。

    According to the Top 500 , an organisation that monitors supercomputers , the Tianhe-2 has been the world 's most powerful machine for the past 18 months .

  13. 从第一台大型机Cray-1到IBM仍在研发的BlueGene/P,以及我国刚研制成功的天河一号,计算机硬件的性能获得了极大提升。

    From the first cluster Cray-1 to the under researching BlueGene / P of IBM and the recently born of Tianhe NO. 1 , computer hardware make a great improvement on performance .

  14. 根据上周亲眼看到这一系统的美国超级电脑专家唐加拉(JackDongarra)说,中国开发的新系统叫做“天河2号”,使用了来自英特尔的两种不同电脑芯片以及一些国产的电路系统。

    The new Chinese system ─ called the Tianhe-2 , or Milkyway-2 ─ uses two different kinds of computer chips from Intel Corp. INTC - 2.60 % as well as some homegrown circuitry , according to Jack Dongarra , a U.S. supercomputer expert who saw the system last week .

  15. 天河-1A系统使用了英伟达(Nvidia)的芯片。这家总部位于加利福尼亚的图形芯片设计公司证实,天河-1A是目前中国乃至全世界最快的系统。

    Nvidia , the California-based graphics chip design company whose chips are used in the new machine , confirmed that it is the fastest system in China and in the world today .

  16. 天河有严格的内部质量监督体系。

    TianHe has strict system for the controlling of internal quality .

  17. 探地雷达在武汉天河机场跑道检测中的应用

    Application of Ground Penetrating Radar on Pavement Inspection at Tianhe Airport

  18. 中国成功研制千万亿次超级计算机&“天河一号”。

    China has successfully developed " Milky Way One " Supercomputer .

  19. 1987年第6届全国运动会,成就了天河新城。

    The6th National Games in1987 gave birth to the Tianhe District .

  20. 天河区城中村出租屋市场研究

    The Market Research of Village-in-city Rental Housing in Tianhe District

  21. 天河有完善的内部配套的生产能力。

    Tianhe has consummate productive ability that is based on internal co-operation .

  22. 新建武汉天河机场工程规划与设计的特点

    Planning and Design Features of Newly Built Wuhan Tianhe Airport

  23. 通天河流域农业土地资源评价

    Evaluation of the agricultural soil resource in the Tongtian Valley

  24. 我将继续与“天河部落”一同成长!

    I will continue to move forward with Tianhe blog !

  25. 天河机场蜘蛛群落结构研究

    Studies on the structure of spider community in Tianhe Airport

  26. 潘恩知道自己根本跑不过怪兽,情急之中忽然想起了天河尽头的湖泊,于是拼命的向湖泊跑去。

    Suddenly , Pan remembered that cursed lake and ran towards it .

  27. 利用树轮资料重建通天河流域518年径流量

    A 518-year Runoff Reconstruction of Tongtian River Basin Using Tree-ring Width Chronologies

  28. 天河机场夏季鸟类生态研究

    Study on the ecology of bird in the Tianhe Airport

  29. 试论移民对生态环境与社会经济环境的影响&以湖南省涔天河水库扩建工程为例

    Influence of Migration on Ecological , Social and Economic Environment

  30. 天河2号是对英特尔一个新产品系列的巨大认可。

    Tianhe-2 is a big endorsement for a new Intel product line .