
  • 网络Flood losses;flood damage
  1. 基于GIS的洪灾损失评估方法

    Study on GIS-based Flood Damage Assessment System

  2. otis工程是一个体面男子保险;他将帮助索赔惟我独尊语义,可以让保险公司来逃避支付洪灾损失。

    Otis is a decent insurance man ; he will help claimants get around the semantics that could allow insurers to dodge payment for flood damage .

  3. 基于GIS的洪灾损失评估技术及其应用

    Flood Loss Assessment Technique and Its Application Based on GIS

  4. 基于GIS在洪灾损失评估中的应用

    Based on GIS in Flood Disaster Loss Assessment Application

  5. 基于GIS和BP神经网络的洪灾损失评估模型的研究

    Research on assessment model for flood losses based on GIS and BP neural network

  6. 洪灾损失评估信息系统包括四个模块:遥感分析模块、GIS分析模块、损失评估模块和结果输出模块;

    The structure of the information system is composed of four modules : RS analysis , GIS analysis , evaluation on losses , result output .

  7. 本文基于RS、GIS技术构建了洪灾损失评估信息系统数据库、系统结构及其功能。

    Based on RS and GIS technologies , this paper brings forward the construction of database , structure and functions of information system of evaluating losses of flood disaster .

  8. 最后,根据黄河实际的地理特征,通过DEM模型、二维水流计算模型及洪灾损失计算模型相结合的方式得出洪灾损失估算方法。

    At last , according to the actual geographical features of the Yellow River , combining the DEM model , the two-dimensional calculation model of water flow and the calculation models for flood damage , it accessed the methods to estimate losses caused by floods .

  9. 在论述防洪效益基本原则的基础上,将洪灾损失回归成对数函数,并采用Houghton不完全中值法积分计算防洪效益,方法精确简捷,可得满意的防洪效益计算成果

    On the basis of researching the fundamental principle of flood control benefits , the flood disaster loss regresses to logarithm function , and the Houghton incomplete mid value integration method is adopted to calculate flood control benefits A satisfactory result can be obtained by using this simple and precise method

  10. 洪灾损失主要包括经济损失、环境损失和社会损失。

    Flood losses include economic loss , environmental loss and social loss .

  11. 洪灾损失评估方法及其应用研究

    The Study on Flood Disaster Evaluating Method and Its Application

  12. 两种实用的洪灾损失频率分析方法

    Two Practical Methods on the Analyses of Inundation Loss Frequency

  13. 洪灾损失与保险赔偿的关系探讨

    Discussion on the Relationship between Flood Loss and Insurance Compensation

  14. 全面预防和管理洪灾损失手册和指导方针

    Manual and Guidelines for Comprehensive Flood Loss Prevention and Management

  15. 洪灾损失评估是防洪减灾领域的一项基础性工作。

    Flood damage assessment is the basic work of flood hazard mitigation .

  16. 基于空间信息格网的洪灾损失评估模型及其应用

    Model for loss assessment of flood disaster based on spatial information grid

  17. 洪灾损失评估就是非工程措施的内容之一。

    Flood loss assessment is one of thenon-engineering measures .

  18. 洪灾损失评估是本文的研究重点。

    The research of flood losses evaluation is the emphasis in this paper .

  19. 洪灾损失评估的研究进展

    Review on development of assessment of flood damage loss

  20. 洪泛区洪灾损失评估研究

    Research on Flood Losses Evaluation of Flood Plain

  21. 本文提供的方法可为全国其它省市科技抽样调查,洪灾损失及其它社会经济现象的抽样调查方案设计提供参考。

    This method can be used in flood losses investigation and socioeconomic sampling surveys .

  22. 防洪风险不可避免,但是洪灾损失可以减轻。

    Flood risk is inevitable , but the flood disaster loss can be reduced .

  23. 基于混沌优化神经网络的洪灾损失概率分析

    Analysis of Probability of Flood Loss Based on Neural Network Optimized by Chaos Algorithm

  24. 针对洪灾损失计算过程中存在的风险因子,讨论了处理它们的方法,并完善了洪灾损失的风险计算

    Then the risk factors existing in the computation of flood losses and their treatment are proposed

  25. 保险洪灾损失预测模型

    Insurance Flood Loss Prediction Model

  26. 对洪灾损失进行评估,是防洪减灾工作的理论基础。

    To provide theory reference for flood regulation , it is necessary to assess the flood damage loss .

  27. 洪水保险作为一种以保险合同形式存在的损失补偿方式,能够为洪灾损失提供经济补偿。

    Flood insurance , which exist in the form of insurance contract , could compensate the loss economically .

  28. 洪灾损失大体上可分为两类,即有形损失和无形损失。

    In general , flood damage can be broadly classified into two categories : tangible and intangible damages .

  29. 因此,研究减少感潮河段洪灾损失的工程和非工程措施也一直受到重视。

    To eliminate flood and tide damage , both engineering and non-engineering measures were studied in the past decades .

  30. 我国不仅洪水灾害频繁、洪灾损失严重,而且干旱缺水问题突出。

    Not only do severe flood disasters happen frequently , but also there are alarming drought problems in our country .