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hóng liú
  • flood current;mighty torrent;powerful current;torrent
洪流 [hóng liú]
  • (1) [torrent]∶巨大的水流

  • (2) [powerful current]∶像巨大的水流一样的力量

  • 时代的洪流

洪流[hóng liú]
  1. 降水垂直渗入、侧向补给或洪流渗漏补给为其主要来源。

    The infiltrations of rainfall and flood current as well as the lateral inflow are the main recharge sources of the bedrock fracture groundwater .

  2. 企业在发展壮大的同时履践更多的社会责任,已成为一种必然趋势和不可阻挡的国际洪流。

    Corporations which implement more social responsibilities while growing strong have become an inevitable trend and irresistible international mighty torrent .

  3. 小船打转以舷侧冲入河水的洪流。

    The boat swung broadside on to the current of the river .

  4. 历史洪流气势磅礴,奔腾向前。

    The historical tide is surging forward with great momentum .

  5. 一股洪流喷薄而出。

    A powerful current spurted out .

  6. 山水倾泻而下,汇成洪流。

    Streams rushed down the mountain and converged into a torrent .

  7. 嗽叭形堆积通常由堤防决口的洪流所形成

    Splays are commonly formed by currents from crevasses in levees .

  8. 雨大的时候,这条小溪能变作洪流。

    This little stream can become a deluge when it rains heavily .

  9. DDoS下的TCP洪流攻击及对策

    TCP Flooding Attack based on DDoS and Its Countermeasures

  10. 目前大多数的DDoS攻击通过TCP协议实现,主要采用TCP洪流攻击。

    Now most DDoS attacks are TCP flood attacks and are implemented according to TCP protocol .

  11. 随机公平队列对UDP洪流的抑制效果分析

    Analysis of Mitigating UDP Flooding by Stochastic Fairness Queueing

  12. TCPSYN洪流攻击是最常见的DDoS攻击手段之一。

    The TCP SYN flooding attack is among the most popular DDoS attack methods .

  13. 一个体制脆弱、人均GDP为3000美元的国家,即将迎来巨额资金的洪流。

    A country with fragile institutions and a GDP per capita of $ 3,000 is about to be hosed with billions of dollars .

  14. 源端网络中SYN洪流攻击的自适应检测

    Adaptive Detection of SYN Flooding Attacks at Source - End Networks

  15. 加入WTO已经把我国的企业推入了全球经济一体化的洪流,作为企业进步核心动力的人才问题更显突出。

    Entering WTO has put our enterprises into global economy , problems of talents which are the core motive force for the progress of enterprises have become more striking .

  16. 另外,针对TCP洪流攻击,我们还提出了休克检测技术,用以进一步提高检测效率。

    In addition , the " shock " detection technique is proposed to counter TCP flooding attacks , which can improve the efficiency of detection .

  17. 后者部署于受害者及其上游ISP网络,能较好的防御TCP洪流攻击。

    And the latter can be disposed on the victim and its upstream ISP network , which can counter TCP flooding attacks in effect .

  18. 仅仅8个月前,他还在华盛顿大学(theUniversityofWashington)商学院担任高级讲师。革命爆发后,他放弃了这份工作,飞往自己的祖国,投身革命洪流。

    It 's been just eight months since he ditched his job as a senior lecturer at the University of Washington 's business school and flew to his native country to join the revolution .

  19. 本文以检测SYN洪流攻击为实例详细阐述了异常检测机制。

    In this paper , SYN-flooding , as an instance of flooding-attack , is used to illustrate the anomaly detection mechanism .

  20. 与此同时,中国首次公开募股(IPO)市场重启也引发一些人担心,可能到来的IPO洪流对于股价意味着什么。

    At the same time , the restart of the country 's market for initial public offerings is sparking some worries about what a potential deluge of IPOs means for share prices .

  21. 根据TCP连接建立过程中SYN请求分组与SYN/ACK应答分组一一对应的特性,提出了一种针对SYN洪流攻击的源端网络自适应检测方法。

    Based on the protocol behavior of TCP SYN SYN / ACK pairs , an adaptive detection method is proposed to detect SYN flooding attacks at source-end networks .

  22. 同时,加入WTO后中国传媒开始与国际传媒零距离接触,在境外巨大的资本冲击和市场洪流面前,中国传媒产业的出路何在?

    At the same time , with China 's entry into WTO , Chinese media entities have to get in close touch with international media groups . Facing the fierce capital and market competition , where is media industry 's way out in the future ?

  23. 介绍了TCP协议建立连接的过程及存在的安全问题,以及由此而引起的TCPSYNFlooding(TCPSYN洪流)拒绝服务攻击,并介绍了几种简便有效的防范措施。

    The article introduces the connection process by TCP protocol , the security problem , the TCP SYN Flooding DoS ( Denial of Service ) attack induced by it , and some simple but effective protection methods .

  24. 安永(ErnstYoung)的主管合伙人黎俊伟(NigelKnight)说,安永发现该公司近年来有一部分――细流,不是洪流――员工离开该公司,加入到中国本土企业。

    Nigel Knight , a managing partner at Ernst Young , said the advisory firm has seen ' a trickle , not a flood ' of workers leave the company in recent years to join domestic enterprises .

  25. 安永(Ernst&Young)的主管合伙人黎俊伟(NigelKnight)说,安永发现该公司近年来有一部分――细流,不是洪流――员工离开该公司,加入到中国本土企业。

    Nigel Knight , a managing partner at Ernst & Young , said the advisory firm has seen ' a trickle , not a flood ' of workers leave the company in recent years to join domestic enterprises .

  26. 本文详细剖析了DDoS攻击的攻击机理,并引入新的分类法对现有的DDoS攻击手段做了全面深入的研究、分类,其中重点研究了最常用的TCP洪流攻击。

    By proposing new taxonomies , the attack mechanism of DDoS attacks is analyzed in detail and a thorough study and classification of DDoS attacks means are given , with the emphasis on the common used TCP flooding attacks .

  27. 虽然一开始为SKA项目开发,但最终的项目成果也可以应用到其他面临“数据洪流”的企业组织。

    While developed with SKA in mind , the results are also applicable to other organisations faced with a ' data deluge ' .

  28. 介绍ICMP协议及其特性,分析了黑客利用ICMP协议而产生的攻击:ICMP洪流和重定向,并提供了相应的解决方法。

    This paper introduced ICMP and its characteristics , analyzing the hacker make use of ICMP but output attack : ICMP flood and redirect , and provided the homologous the method of solution to them .

  29. 财政困难是各国融入经济全球化洪流的通病,而各国开出的治病良方就是新公共管理(NPM)。

    Financial difficulty is the common disease which all the countries suffer from when they are in the flood of economic globalization and the universal prescription is the New Public Management ( NPM ) .

  30. 在此基础上,本文提出了两种新的攻击检测过滤机制,即:分布式攻击检测过滤(DADF)机制和针对TCP洪流攻击的本地检测过滤(LADF)机制。

    Two new kinds of detection-filtering mechanism are proposed in this paper . They are Distributed Attack Detection-Filtering mechanism ( DADF ) and Local Attack Detection-Filtering mechanism ( LADF ) .