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hóng zhōng
  • large bell
洪钟 [hóng zhōng]
  • [large bell] 大钟

  • 声如洪钟

洪钟[hóng zhōng]
  1. 欢呼,哦,海岸!轰鸣,哦,洪钟!

    Exult , Oh shores ! and ring , Oh bells !

  2. 他们身后一个洪钟般的声音说。

    Said a booming voice from behind them .

  3. 影片的结尾,他们得到了一个野蛮而讽刺的回答,声若洪钟。

    At the end of the film they get their response in a great savage ironic peal .

  4. 当他谈到被奴役的人,谈到悲惨的奴隶生活时,他的声音有如洪钟。

    When he talked of those enslaved , and the sorrows of slavery , his voice got like a big bell .