
  • 网络leveling;levelling property;levelling;leveling property
  1. 铝型材喷涂粉末涂料流平性因素的探讨

    Discussion on the Factors Affecting Leveling of Powder Coatings for Aluminum Alloy Profile

  2. 乳液的流平性是乳液应用性能中的一个重要项目。

    Leveling property is an important indicator of the application performance of emulsion .

  3. DVB用量超过0.6%时,交联密度过大,导致体系粘度增加,乳液的流平性下降,胶膜成膜性变差,易龟裂。

    If percentage of DVB exceeds 0.3 % , crossing density become too much , which make that viscosity of system increase , levelling property and performance of forming film get poor .

  4. 涂料级&具有优良的流平性、打磨性和透明性;

    Coating grade – excellent levelling property , sanding and transparency ;

  5. 辊涂涂料流平性测试仪和测试方法

    Testing instrument and method for levelling of roller coating paint

  6. GB/T1750-1979涂料流平性测定法

    Methods of test for leveling property of paints

  7. 低熔点,流平性好。

    Low melting point with good flowing property .

  8. 提出一种测试辊涂涂料流平性的新方法。

    A new method for testing the levelling of roller coating paint was proposed .

  9. 推进剂药浆流平性研究

    Leveling properties of the composite solid propellants slurry

  10. 热固性丙烯酸/环氧粉末涂料流平性研究

    Levelling of thermosetting acrylic / epoxy powder coating

  11. 所合成的微凝胶可提高织物印花黏合剂触变性、流平性、膜的机械性能、牢度。

    The application characteristics of reactive microgel in pigment printing binders has been studied .

  12. 在薄膜上涂层流平性考察

    Study on paint leveling on thin-film

  13. 详细地介绍了仪器的使用、流平性测试和评价。

    The usage of testing instrument , methods of testing and evaluation for the levelling were introduced in detail .

  14. 通过测量丝网印刷后膜层的表面粗糙度来表征厚膜电子浆料的流平性,研究了常用表面活性剂司班85及卵磷脂含量对浆料流平性的影响。

    Effects of surfactant on the leveling of thick-film paste were investigated by measuring the surface roughness of screen-printing film .

  15. 实验结果表明:药浆屈服值与流平性相关,并对多种推进剂具有普遍适用性;

    In addition , the results also show that the flawless of grain construction is related to the leveling properties .

  16. 结果表明:马来酸酐改性的环氧丙烯酸酯树脂涂料对金属有较好的附着力,显示了较好的流平性;

    The experimental results indicated : epoxy acrylate resin modified with maleic anhydrides had good adhesion to metals and good leveling property ;

  17. 与其它材料搅合很容易,分散均匀,流平性好,不流挂、抗飞溅。

    Stir together with other materials very easily , distributed evenly , leveling is good , do not flow linked , anti-spatter .

  18. 网穴特别设计用于大墨量印刷以保证表面流平性。用于上光和印刷不透明白墨达到完美的效果。

    A screen designed to apply heavy coatings ensuring a flat lay of solution , excellent for direct coat applications and opaque white .

  19. 考察了薄膜基材表面张力、印刷版辊相关参数对涂层流平性的影响。

    Influence of surface strain of thin-film ( substrate ) and related references of the roll on printing board to coating leveling is studied .

  20. 这类复合涂料成本低,耐洗刷性和存贮稳定性优良,流平性好,有实用价值。

    This kind of composite coating is low in cost , excellent in scrubbing resistance and store stability and good in levelling property , thus it has practical use value .

  21. 研究结果表明:微凝胶加入涂料印染黏合剂中能改善黏合剂的触变性、流平性和力学性能,提高涂料印染的质量。

    The results showed that : the thixotropy , leveling and mechanical properties of adhesive printing binder as well as quality of pigment printing were improved when the microgel was added .

  22. 以活性羧基丙烯酸改性无油醇酸聚氨酯涂料具有较好的流平性、丰满度、耐候性,且生产成本低,是一种综合性能优异的自干型涂料。

    Non-oil alkyd resin polyurethane paint is modified with active acrylic acid , which is an overall performance outstanding paint with good fullness , good weathering resistance and low production cost .

  23. 把微凝胶加入到涂料印染黏合剂中,研究了微凝胶对黏合剂的流变性能、流平性、力学性能和涂料印染性能的影响。

    Microgels were put into coating dyeing adhesive . The effects of microgels on the rheological properties , leveling , mechanical properties and pigment printing performance of the prepared adhesives were studied .

  24. 结果表明:当插层改性累托石用量为颜填料质量的2%时,可以显著改善涂料的流平性、抗流挂性和颜填料的分散性。

    The results showed that when the additive mass of modified rectorite is 2 % of the fillers , the characters of leveling , anti-sagging , and dispersibility of the coatings can be improved obviously .

  25. 本文介绍国内外自流平材料的发展概况和各类自流平材料的配方、技术性能、流平性检测及施工应用。

    This paper gives an introduction to the developing situation of the gravity - flow leveling materials both at home and abroad , and the formulars , technical properties , leveling measurement and applications in construction of various gravity - now leveling materials .

  26. 聚丙烯酸酯乳液稳定性高,流平性好,易于成膜,使用方便,形成的膜柔曲性能好延伸性能大,具有较强的粘结力,且涂层不易脱落、掉色和变质。

    The polyacrylate emulsion has good stability and leveling , and it is easy to film and use . The film not only has major extension and strong adhesive force , but the coating is not easy to fall off , fade and deterioration .

  27. 综述了涂膜缩孔的形成机理,以及添加流平剂调节涂料流平性的原理,总结了涂料流平剂近几年的发展情况,对今后涂料流平剂的研发方向作出了展望。

    This paper reviews the mechanics of formation shrinkage cavity and principle of rheological agent adjusting coating rheological properties . The last development of rheological agent was generalized .