
  1. 外国流动资金投资强劲,散户投资者再度参与股市,推动了此次股市的大涨。

    The rally has been driven by powerful foreign liquidity and a resurgent participation in equities by small savers .

  2. 瑞士信贷(creditsuisse)亚太区首席执行官柯磊洛(paulcalello)表示,规模庞大的全球流动资金希望投资于中国和印度等快速增长的经济体,令亚太地区受益匪浅。

    Paul Calello , chief executive of Credit Suisse Asia Pacific , said that the region was benefiting from the huge levels of global liquidity seeking exposure to fast-growing economies such as China and India .

  3. 您有多少流动资金可以用于投资?

    How much liquid capital do you have to invest ?

  4. 全球经济总体状况仍然有利,亚洲企业的增长和收益颇为强劲,许多经济体的利率仍处于低位,有充裕的流动资金正在寻找投资机会。

    The global economic picture remains generally favourable , there is strong growth and earnings by Asian companies , interest rates in many economies remain low and there is ample liquidity looking for investments .

  5. 方案从全球支付管理、收款管理、全球流动资金管理、投资管理、融资管理、风险管理和信息服务等七个方面进行了详细论述。

    The solution has a detailed clarification from seven aspects of the global payment management , gathering management , the management of flowing cash , investment management , financing management , risk management , and the information services .