
liú dònɡ tú shū ɡuǎn
  • mobile library;traveling library
  1. 流动图书馆服务重新作了安排——换句话说,他们去的地方减少了。

    The mobile library services have been reorganised — in other words , they visit fewer places .

  2. 广东流动图书馆:实现基层读者阅读权利的探索

    Exploration of Realizing Rural Readers ' Reading Rights of Guangdong Mobile Library

  3. 另外两个流动图书馆将服务范围扩大到了许多其他学校,学生LisaAndriyaniPutri认为图书馆帮助开发她的智力和个性:

    Two mobile libraries expand the reach of the program to many other schools . Student Lisa Andriyani Putri thinks the library will help develop her mind and character .

  4. 流动图书馆模式在山区县图书馆的应用

    The Application of Mobile Library Mode in Mountainous County-level Library

  5. 广东流动图书馆用户满意度调查研究

    A Survey on Users ' Satisfaction of Guangdong Mobile Library

  6. 加快流动图书馆的建设,促进农村文化建设的发展

    Promoting the Construction of Mobile Libraries and Rural Culture

  7. 广东流动图书馆实践研究

    The Practice and Research of Guangdong Mobile Library

  8. 前国家文化部常务副部长高占祥先生欣然为民间流动图书馆题写馆名。

    The former vice-minister of China Culture Division made the name : Civilian Mobile Library .

  9. 带有书架和书的有蓬货车;可以作为一个流动图书馆或书店。

    A van with shelves of books ; serves as a mobile library or bookstore .

  10. 流动图书馆满足了乡村居民的一项重要需求。

    The travelling library fulfills an important need for people who live in the country areas .

  11. 中国西部地区流动图书馆建设的意义及运作机制

    The Signification and Operation Mechanism of the Construction of Mobile Library in Western Area of China

  12. 广东省新版《语文》教科书的主体关怀广东流动图书馆用户满意度调查研究

    Consideration for Subjects from Lately Published Textbook of Chinese in Guangdong Province ; A Survey on Users ' Satisfaction of Guangdong Mobile Library

  13. 除了用作交通工具,骆驼在肯尼亚还被用作“流动图书馆”,因为它们能去车辆到不了的地方。

    Besides being used for transportation , camels are also used as a Mobile Library in Kenya , because they can go where vehicles cannot go .

  14. “民间流动图书馆”自创建以来,受到大学生和广大爱书人的热烈追捧,得到社会各界有识之士的大力支持。

    " Civilian Mobile Library " has been popular among college students and people who like reading , well supported by kinds of figures in China .

  15. 对那些从来没有上过学的女孩子们,会教他们识字,对那些辍学的女孩,有企业家项目,还有一个流动图书馆在各村庄之间流转。

    There is instruction for girls who have never been to school , an entrepreneurial program for girls no longer in school , and a new touring surrounding villages .

  16. 论述了广东流动图书馆的运作理论、管理理念等,从实践中研究和探索现代图书馆在构建和谐社会中的馆新路向。

    This paper discussed about working theory and managing ideas in Guangdong Mobile Library , researched and explored the new managing ideas of modern libraries in constructing concordant society .

  17. 分析了县级图书馆面临的困境及发展流动图书馆的优势,介绍了县级流动图书馆的运行模式,探讨了流动图书馆发展过程中存在的问题并给出了建议。

    Mobile library is a popular mode of service abroad , the paper analyze and research it to think that the mobile library could be applied to the Chinese community library building .

  18. 本文针对基层读者阅读权利的现状,具体介绍广东流动图书馆实现基层读者阅读权利的创新实践,并进一步探讨了完善和推广广东流动图书馆工作,扩大基层读者阅读权利的举措。

    Aiming at the actuality of rural readers ' reading rights , this text sums up the practice of Guangdong mobile library and gives suggestions of perfecting and extending the work of Guangdong mobile library concretely .

  19. mobile+名词可移动装备流动商店/图书馆

    mobile equipment a mobile shop / library ( = six inside a vehicle )