
  1. 我国弱势群体的生存状态及其救助的政策措施政府在城市流浪乞讨人员救助中的问题及对策

    The Living State of China s Inferior Group ; The Problems and the Countermeasures to the Government 's Relief of the Vagrants and the Beggars in the City

  2. 《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法》实施以来,流浪乞讨人员从数量到质量都发生了很大的变化。

    Vagrants and beggardom have changed from quantity to the quantity since " the salvage and manage way to the vagrants and beggardom in cities " issuing for enforcement .

  3. 2003年8月1日,中国《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法》正式施行,旧的收容遣送办法同时废止。

    The Measures on Aid and Management for Urban Vagrants and Beggars took effect in China on August 1 , 2003 , to replace the two-decade-old Measures for the Internment and Deportation of Urban Vagrants and Beggars .

  4. 本文从对流浪乞讨人员救助制度的学理分析入手,在分析制度完善的现实需求基础上,提出了若干完善对策构想。

    This article on the vagrants and beggars from the theoretical analysis of the system starting to perfect the system of vagrants and beggars practical needs were discussed , and then made to improve the system of vagrants and beggars countermeasures .

  5. 2003年8月1日《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法》正式颁布实施,它的出现标志着一种新型的城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员社会救助制度的初步建立。

    August 1st , 2003 , " The Regulations to aid the vagrants and beggars who nothing for a living in city " formally promulgated and implemented , it means a new type of city aid system to the vagrants and beggars who nothing for a living is initially established .

  6. 完善我国城市流浪乞讨人员社会救助政策的思考

    Reflection on How to Perfect the Social Relieving Policy for Vagrants and Beggars

  7. 救助站对流浪乞讨人员的救助是一项临时性社会救助措施。

    The relief provided to vagrants and beggars by the relief stations is a temporary public relief measure .

  8. 流浪乞讨人员社会救助制度运行6年以来,取得很大成绩,流浪乞讨问题得到一定缓解。

    Since , social assistance scheme for urban vagrants and beggars has run for 6 years and has made the super-achieving , and vagrants and beggars problem has dwindled .

  9. 希望借此能对解决我国流浪乞讨人员的救助和关爱问题,构建社会主义和谐社会,早日实现小康社会奋斗目标作出贡献。

    Hoping to solve the problem of vagrants and beggars , of building a socialist harmonious society , the early realization of the goal to contribute to well-off society .

  10. 据新华社报道,鉴于全国部分地区天气闷热,民政部近日发出通知,要求各地方政府必须及时为街头流浪乞讨人员提供救助服务。

    As a sweltering heat wave hit parts of the country , the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued a notice requiring local governments to provide timely aid to wanderers , Xinhua reported .

  11. 最后主要针对实践中存在的问题,探讨了完善我国城市流浪乞讨人员社会救助制度的路径,提出相应的对策建议。

    At last , this dissertation analyzes the approach to perfect social assistance system for vagrants and beggars in cities and puts forward relevant measures to take , in order to resolve the existing difficulties and questions in practice .

  12. 因此,研究职业乞丐政府职能的社会治理问题,完善流浪乞讨人员的社会救助制度是十分有必要切意义重大的。

    Therefore , the study of professional beggars social governance issues of government functions , improve the social assistance system begging staff is very necessary cut significant .

  13. 在人员层面则应充分发挥政府的主导作用,对流浪乞讨人员实行分类救助,同时积极调动社会各方力量参与进来。

    In personnel level , we should exert the dominant function of government , and give the salvation to the outcasts by dividing them into different sorts , meanwhile positively maneuver the social power to participate in it .

  14. 如何对流浪乞讨人员进行有效的救助,使其重新回归家庭、社会成为我国政府面临的一个社会性难题。

    How to effectively relief for vagrants and beggars , make its return to the family and society become a social problem of our government .

  15. 本文分析了美国城市限制流浪乞讨行为的举措及其对我国流浪乞讨人员救助管理制度改革的启示。

    These measures coping with vagrancy and panhandling of American cities will have potential implications for reforming China administration of relief for vagrants and beggars .

  16. 城市流浪乞讨人员管理制度重构&兼评《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法》之得失

    The Reconstruction of the Management System of the Tramps and Mendicants in the City & And the Comment on the gain and loss of the Management Measures about Salvation of the Tramps and Mendicants with no Income in the City