
  • 网络circulation innovation
  1. 发展连锁经营推动农村流通创新

    Promoting the Rural Circulation Innovation through Developing the Interlocked Operation

  2. 新世纪新主题新思路&全国流通创新高层论坛观点综述

    New Century , New Topics , and New Ideas & A Report on the National High-level Forum on Logistics Innovation

  3. 流通创新的理论和政策亟待寻求新的突破,以便大幅度提高流通效能和经济运行的总体质量。

    The policy and theory of circulatory innovation needs new breakthrough so as to improve the total quality of circulatory efficiency and economic operation to a greater extent .

  4. 正因为这样,关于本文研究菜虫网生鲜农产品电子商务平台营销模式优化则变得特别有意义,从农产品流通创新模式到农产品电子商务营销拓展都具有较大商业参考价值。

    Because of this , this paper studies about food insect net fresh agricultural e-commerce platform marketing mode optimization is particularly significant , from the circulation of agricultural products , agricultural products innovation mode to e-commerce marketing development has great reference value to the business .

  5. 河北农村商品流通产业创新的对策研究

    Research on Countermeasures of Innovation of rural Commodity Circulation Industry in Hebei

  6. 电子商务环境下的流通模式创新

    On Innovations of Distribution Pattern in the E-commerce Environment

  7. 中国流通产业创新的政策内容及其对策建议

    Policies and Countermeasures for China 's Circulation Industry

  8. 信托产品的流通机制创新探析

    On Innovating Circulation Channel of Trust Products

  9. 农商对接:农产品流通模式创新问题研究&基于重庆城口县和开县的调研

    Research into innovative mode of agricultural products circulation & Based on survey on Chengkou County and Kaixian County of Chongqing

  10. 流通制度创新:21世纪中国流通产业发展的战略选择

    Pushing a New Round of Institutional Innovation in Circulation Industry : A Strategic Choice of the Development of China 's Circulation Industry in the 21st Century

  11. 单个农户和市场之间缺乏有效的连接机制,即中介缺失,农业和农村经济的持续发展迫切呼唤农产品流通组织创新。

    There does not exist an effective connection system between the individual rural household and the market , namely lacking a medium . Therefore , an innovation of circulating organizations of agricultural products is indispensable to support and develop agriculture and rural economy .

  12. 最后指出:农产品流通组织创新模式应当由原来的政府强制型为主转变为市场诱致型为主,政府职能定位在于提供相应的政策框架,以完善市场化的组织创新机制。

    Finally it points out that the innovation pattern should transfer from the former government compelled pattern to market induced one . The government should function mainly through providing favorable policies , strengthening legislation and perfecting public service facilities to perfect the marketing of organization innovation system .

  13. 我国流通产业组织创新的动因与方向

    Drivers and Direction of Organizational Innovation in Chinese Circulation Industry

  14. 论我国流通模式的创新发展

    On Innovating and Developing the Circulation Pattern in China

  15. 我国流通产业的创新研究

    Research on Renovation of Circulation Industry of Our Country

  16. 供应链:流通渠道的创新

    Supply Chain & the Innovation in Distribution Channels

  17. 开放环境下我国流通产业组织创新研究

    Research on Innovations of Organization of China 's Circulation Industry in an Open Environment

  18. 浅谈网络时代高校图书馆流通服务的创新

    Talking about the Innovation of the Circulation Service of University Library in the Network Age

  19. 因此,加快农产品流通形式的创新势在必行。

    Accordingly , acceleration of the innovation in the agriculture products ' circulation forms is imperative .

  20. 大力推进流通统计制度创新,建立符合国际惯例、适应市场经济要求的流通信息统计机制;

    To improve the system innovation of circulation statistics making it confirm to the market economy ;

  21. 商业流通手段不断创新,现代流通方式发展较快。

    Innovation took place in domestic trade as is reflected by the rapid development of modern circulation and distribution systems .

  22. 从理念变革与机制创新两方面论述了网络环境下图书馆信息流通服务的创新,并从多个方面探讨了服务机制创新的具体措施。

    This paper expounds the innovation of information circulation service in library under the network environment from two aspects of conception revolution and mechanism innovation , and probes into the concrete measures for service mechanism innovation .

  23. 从收购方、被收购方以及利益相关方的不同视角分析方案带来的不同价值,并强调该方案在全流通下的创新之处。

    From the acquisition side , the acquisition side , as well as stakeholders in the analysis of the different perspectives brought about by the different value of the program , and stressed that the program in full circulation of innovation .

  24. 论中小流通企业的品牌创新

    Research on the brand innovation for small and medium circulation enterprises

  25. 出版印刷物资流通企业经营模式创新的探讨

    The Discussion on Operation Mode Innovation of Publication Logistics Businesses

  26. 因而流通领域的技术创新必然与历次的技术革命有着天然的联系。

    So circulation technology innovation must have natural relationship with each technological revolution .

  27. 对流通产业发展与创新的研究;对流通秩序、市场行为以及流通领域的供求和价格问题的研究。

    Also the research of supply and demand , the price , the order in circulation field must be emphasized .

  28. 流通产业组织政策创新、商品流通模式创新、商品流通技术创新、商品流通组织创新和商品流通管理体制创新成为我国流通产业升级的路径选择。

    Meanwhile the innovation of organization policies of circulation industry as well as the mode , technology , organization and management of commodity circulation is the feasible approach to upgrading China 's circulation industry .

  29. 新世纪新主题:流通现代化&促进流通创新提高流通效能政策研究

    Research on the Policy of Promoting Circulation Renovation and Raising Circulation Efficiency

  30. 研究成果可以为城市商贸流通企业开拓农村市场以及农村现行流通企业的创新变革提供有价值的参考,可以使正着手开拓农村市场的大型零售企业直接受益。

    Research findings can not only provide valuable reference for city business distribution companies to develop the rural market and for the existing distribution companies in rural areas to be undergone innovation changes , but also benefit the large-scale retail enterprises who are working on developing the rural market .