
liú tōng méi jiè
  • medium of circulation
  1. 票据作为现代市场经济的重要流通媒介,实际上只起到了支付结算的作用,使票据的流通功能大打折扣。

    Bill is a circulation medium which played important role in modern market , actually played only a settlement in the role of the bill circulation function .

  2. 新媒体的兴起,尤其是网络的兴起改变了文学写作的方式和流通的媒介;现代出版技术的进步加速了作家与出版社的合作。

    The rise of new media , especially the rise of Internet has changed the way of literary writing and circulation ; modern publishing technology has accelerated the progress of co-authors and publishers .

  3. 货币既是商品流通的媒介和支付手段,也是社会再生产循环中的货币资金,货币与经济稳定和经济增长密切相关。

    Money is not only the means of payment and medium of exchange but also the assets in social reproduction circulation , which plays an important role in the economic stability and economic growth .

  4. 本章首先强调题壁这种传统的传播方式在当时进行信息交流的巨大作用;然后论述书籍的流通、印刷媒介对文学传播的应用;最后讨论随之产生的文本差异问题。

    This chapter first wall stress problems in the traditional mode of transmission was the great role of the exchange of information ; then discussed the circulation of books , print media on the application of literary communication ; final discussion resulting text differences .