
  • 网络Metering system;TTL
  1. 取景器盖能防止由于离散光进入取景器目镜而引起不正确的曝光。它能保证测光系统完全不受影响。

    The viewfinder cap is used to avoid incorrect exposure due to stray light which may enter the metering system is not adversely affected .

  2. 利用CdS倒数特性的测光系统

    Exposure-Measuring System using the Reciprocal Property of Photoconductor CdS

  3. 云南天文台1m望远镜卡焦(缩焦)CCD测光系统的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study of the Cassegrain Focal Reducer CCD Photometry System of the 1 meter Telescope at Yunnan Observatory

  4. UBV光电测光系统的转换方程和精度比较

    Transformation Equations for Photoelectric Photometry and Comparisons of Standard Errors

  5. BATC测光系统的仪器效率测定

    The Measurement of Instrument Efficiency for the BATC Photometric System

  6. 利用胶片反射光的直接测光系统及其分析计算

    Light Direct Measuring System Using Film Reflected Energy and Its Analysis

  7. 带辅助反光镜的实时测光系统及其分析计算

    Reflector aided light simultaneous measuring system and its analysis

  8. 光子计数式光电测光系统数据采集和控制软件

    The Software for Data Acquisition and Control of Photon-count Type Photoelectric Photometry System

  9. 本文对光子计数测光系统中的几个主要问题进行了讨论。

    Several major problems for photon counting photometry system are discussed in this paper .

  10. 光子计数测光系统中的几个问题

    Several problems for photon counting photometry system

  11. 介绍一种利用大视场测光系统对观测天气质量进行评估的统计方法。

    A statistical method based on wide field photometry is developed to give a quantitative evaluation of sky quality .

  12. 目前绝大多数数码相机都具备相当的自动曝光功能,其原理就是借助自动测光系统获得数码图像的最佳曝光依据,再自动配置光圈及快门来进行拍摄。

    Most of the recent digital cameras are equipped with auto-exposure function whose principle is to get the optimal exposure quantity through photometric system and adjust the aperture and shutter automatically .

  13. 单镜头反光照相机测光范围与测光光学系统设计计算

    Design of light measuring system range and optical system of SLR camera