
  • 网络Data confirmation;data acknowledge TPDU
  1. 这些新的统计数据证实经济衰退已经严重到我们最为担忧的境地。

    These new statistics confirm our worst fears about the depth of the recession

  2. IR和化学分析数据证实了上述实验结果。

    Statistics by IR and chemical analysis testifies the above results .

  3. 在BIT系统中嵌入传感数据证实模块,提出了传感层反馈型BIT系统模型;

    A feedback BIT processing model of sensor levels is proposed by embedding the sensor validation module .

  4. 基于PID算法的BP网络在被测装置的输出数据证实中的应用

    The Application of BP Neural Network by Using Discrete Increment PID Algorithm in Data Verification Technology

  5. strategicinsight的数据证实亚洲投资者喜爱主题鲜明、通常高风险/高收益的基金。

    Data from strategic insight confirm this picture of Asian investors lapping up themed , often high-risk / high-return offerings .

  6. 调研公司NPD集团提供的数据证实了她的说法。

    Data provided by the research company NPD Group back her up .

  7. 美国第一季度GDP修正数据证实,美国经济正大幅萎缩,衡量商业活动的指标芝加哥采购经理人指数仍极度疲弱。

    Revisions to first-quarter GDP confirmed the US was contracting sharply , while the Chicago purchasing managers ' index , an indicator of activity , remained extremely weak .

  8. 这些数据证实了瑞银集团(ubs)和世界银行(worldbank)最近的研究结果,即中国出口产品的范围比10年前更广,过去两年的价格也有所提高。

    The figures confirm recent studies by UBS and the world bank showing that China is exporting a wider range of goods than a decade ago and at higher prices in the past two years .

  9. 通过对CMOS存储器IDD频谱图形测试过程的介绍,测试及试验数据证实CMOS存储器IDD频谱图:形测试是可行的。

    This paper introduced the realization procedure of IDD spectrum graphics . Test and experiment data proved that CMOS memory IDD spectrum graphics test is work .

  10. “最新数据证实,上游价格水平的大幅下降,正在消费者物价层面产生快速的反通胀效应,”摩根士丹利(morganstanley)经济学家王庆(qingwang)表示。

    " The latest data confirm that the free fall in upstream prices is bringing rapid disinflation at the consumer level , " said Qing Wang , economist at Morgan Stanley .

  11. 利用Penningiontrap获得了七种不同延时时间(即反应时间)的离子谱Hn+(n≤4),用充分的实验数据证实了H4+是稳定的,稳定时间达1秒量级。

    We obtain seven spectra of H n + ( n ≤ 4 ) cluster ions at different delay time using a penning ion trap . The data is adequate to confirm that H 4 + is stable cluster ions for 1s .

  12. 生产数据证实,钢中C与CJ值越接近,越容易导致连铸圆管坯热裂纹的形成。

    Relevant operation data have proven that the closer to the CJ value the C content in the steel is , the more possible thermal . cracking of the CC round will be developed .

  13. 速度发行数据证实在一个新阶段上问题,Bose爱因斯坦凝析油的发现,出于铷原子气体。

    Velocity-distribution data confirming the discovery of a new phase of matter , the Bose-Einstein condensate , out of a gas of rubidium atoms .

  14. 随着工业的不断发展,零件的几何形状越来越复杂,加工仿真已成为实际数控加工前NC程序验证和CL数据证实必不可少的一个环节。

    With the development of modern industry , the geometrical shape of a part is becoming more and more complex . Machining simulation has become an indispensable and important processing to verify NC programs and CL data before actually machining .

  15. 5月份的新增贷款数据证实了总体收紧趋势,尽管这是在令人喘不过气的快速增长之后的收紧:M2广义货币供应量增长15.1%,这是自2008年以来最慢的增速。

    New loan data for the month of May confirmed a general tightening , albeit following breakneck growth : M2 , the broadest measure of money supply , rose by 15.1 per cent , the slowest rate since 2008 .

  16. 最近数据证实在银的价格,即,在什么之间的碰撞的一个复发的样式在本文COMEX未来市场行情和实物市场上发生。

    Recent data confirm a recurring pattern in the price of silver , namely , a clash between what is occurring in the paper COMEX futures market and the physical market .

  17. 优秀电视节目依然吸引着美国观众,即便这些节目是被录制下来,然后通过数字录像机(dvr)回放,但最近公布的数据证实,观众正通过快进功能略过一些相关广告。

    Top television programmes are holding onto their US audiences even when the shows are recorded and played back on digital video recorders ( DVRs ) , but data released recently confirms that users are fast forwarding some of the related commercials .

  18. 教授Wolin说:“虽然我们都知道有规律的运动可以减少患上大肠癌的机率,但是这次的实验是首次提供具体数据证实了我们的假想。”

    Professor Wolin said : ' We 've long known that an active lifestyle can protect against bowel cancer but this study is the first to look at all the available evidence and show that a reduction in bowel polyps is the most likely explanation for this .

  19. 从多种途径得到的数据证实了这一模型的准确性。

    Data from various sources verify the accuracy of the model .

  20. 结果:元素分析及红外光谱数据证实产物为笼状双环磷酸酯的戊酸酯及己酸酯。

    Results : Element analysis and IR data certified the products .

  21. 数据证实此种产品安全有效。

    The data confirm that this product is safe and effective .

  22. 通过试验数据证实了公式的可靠性。

    The reliability of formulation is verified by experimental data .

  23. 有关盈利能力和资产负债状况的数据证实了坊间的看法。

    Profitability and balance sheet data support the anecdotal views .

  24. 基于人工神经网络理论的传感器数据证实方法

    Method for Verification of transducer Data lased on theory of Artificial Nerve Network

  25. 基因组序列测序和质谱数据证实了一些基因的多态性位点。

    Some SNPs were verified by genomic PCR and sequencing and MSMS analyses .

  26. 他有许多事实和数据证实自己的立论。

    He was armed with many facts and figures to prove his case .

  27. 所合成化合物的结构经核磁共振、红外光谱及元素分析数据证实。

    All the compounds were fully characterized by1HNMR , IR spectra and elemental analysis .

  28. 最后利用卫星数据证实了中国海域气溶胶的间接效应的存在。

    Meanwhile , Aerosol indirect forcing is validated by MODIS data over the China Sea .

  29. 传感器数据证实技术应用研究

    Study and Applications of Sensor Validation Technique

  30. 8月的数据证实了工业生产、零售销售和固定资产投资领域的放缓。

    August data confirmed a slowdown in industrial production , retail sales and fixed asset investment .