
  • 网络digital thermometer;digitron
  1. 这是一个采用vC语言实现的数字温度计,用到了DS1624芯片,并且带有存储器功能。

    This is a use of language of the digital thermometer vC , use the DS1624 chip , and with a memory function .

  2. 采用DS1820数字温度计实现的微机温度采集系统,硬件结构简单。

    The computer temperature acquiring system with its single hardware system achieved with the application of DS1820 digital thermometer .

  3. 本防水型数字温度计经NSF认证,且可自动关机。

    This waterproof digital is NSF certified and has automatic shut-off .

  4. 双流源线性化器和SWK-3低温数字温度计

    Double current source linearizer and low temperature digital thermometer swk-3

  5. 实验时将大鼠放入特制的笼内,数字温度计探头插入直肠6cm。

    In our work we put the rats into special cages and the probe of the thermometer was put into the rectum for 6 cm .

  6. DS1620芯片是一种新型的测量温度和调节温度的器件.它本身就是一个数字温度计,能够输出9位二进制的温度值;

    The DS 1620 Digital Thermometer and Thermostat provides 9 - bit temperature readings which indicate the temperature of the device .

  7. 应用BPM2镭射多普勒血流仪数字温度计对随意皮瓣的成活进行动态监测,并结合墨汁灌注制作透明标本进行形态学观察。

    Then the flaps were monitored constantly with BMP 2 and digital thermometer , and observed through the morphological method of ink perfusion .

  8. 基于非平衡电桥的电阻数字温度计设计

    Designing of Resistance Digital Thermometer Based on Unbalanced Electric Bridge

  9. 便携式液压系统在线分析仪的开发及应用便携式红外线数字温度计

    Design and Application of Portable Hydraulic System On-line Analyzer portable digital infrared thermometer

  10. 采用单片微控制器的低成本数字温度计

    Single MCU in Low Cost Digital Thermograph

  11. 基于石英晶体温度传感器的数字温度计

    Digital Thermometer Based on Quartz Temperature Sensor

  12. 文章介绍了一种基于半导体集成温度传感器和液晶显示器的数字温度计。

    This paper introduces a digital thermometer based on the integrated semiconductor temperature sensor and LCD display .

  13. 数字温度计的电路设计

    Circuit Design for Digital Thermometer

  14. 它由调节电路、液位传感器、温度传感器和两个执行器及数字温度计组成。

    The regulating instrument is composed of a regulating circuit , a liquid level sensor , a temperature sensor , two executors , and a digital thermometer .

  15. 我们将普遍用于热电偶温度仪的这一创新技术也应用到我们部分数字温度计。

    The same innovative technology we use for our popular thermocouple instruments specified by some of the most sophisticated chains in the world is also available in selected digital thermometers .

  16. 这是我和队友一起做的音乐数字温度计,该温度计出能够正常显示时间外,还能根据温度的变化而演奏不同的乐曲。

    This is my teammates to do the music and the digital thermometer , the thermometer outside that can display the time correctly , but also according to changes in temperature play different music .

  17. 本文论述了远红外线烘干的原理,并介绍了用运算放大器、可控硅和数字温度计制作远红外线烘茧机电路的设计方法及其应用。

    This paper discusses and describes the principle on far infrared rays baking technology . And the designing method with operational amplifier , thyristor and digital thermometer for far infrared rays cocoon baking circuit and its application are introduced .

  18. 传统的温度计总是冻得孩子瑟瑟发抖很不舒服,因此我要找的是一款最佳的数字温度计,当你需要孩子的准确体温时,不会对你的孩子或是你造成任何伤害的温度计。

    The words Rattle thermometer sent the shiver down on my spine , So , I went on a quest to find the best digital thermometers , ones that aren 't traumatic for your kids or for you when you need to get an accurate temperature reading .

  19. 数字遥测温度计的原理及应用

    The Theory and Applications of Digital Telethermometer

  20. 文章介绍一种新型的适用于工业现场温度检测的数字显示温度计。

    The paper introduces a new digital thermometer , which is suitable to the industry scene temperature examination .

  21. 方法:使用针式传感器数字型温度计,测量Er:YAG激光乳化晶体过程中离体猪眼球前房、角膜深层及角膜缘切口三部位组织温度。

    Methods : Using needle sensor digital thermometer to determine the variation of the temperature in the anterior chamber , corneal deep layer and the incision on the limbus of pig eye underwent Er : YAG lens photolysis in vitro .

  22. 提出了误差小于0.5K,测温区为70~300K的工业用宽温区数字显示低温温度计的设计原则和传感器的工作方式。

    The designing principle and the sensor working manner of a wide range low temperature digital display thermometer which operates over 70-300K , and the error is less than 0.5K , widely used in industries are presented .

  23. 宽温区数字显示低温温度计

    A Wide Range Low Temperature Digital Display Thermometer