
shù xì
  • number system;numerical system;numeral system
数系[shù xì]
  1. 我们现在所用的数系就是以10为基的定位数系。

    Our own numeral system is an example of a positional numeral system with base 10 .

  2. 漫谈数系的发展

    Interesting Views of the Development of Number System

  3. 一种新数系R(gs)及其微积分(Ⅱ)极限的等价性

    New nonstandard number system R gs and its application in calculus (ⅱ) Equivalence principle for two types of limit

  4. 激动人心的英雄史诗&数系扩张的历史回顾

    A Very Moving Heroic Epic & The historical review of numerical-system expansion

  5. 数系扩充的思维分析

    A Research about the Thinking Process of Extensions of Numbers ' Systems

  6. 把变量引入数系,使辩证法进入数系。

    We bring dialectics into the number systems .

  7. 半群上2-维系统与数系理论

    2-Dimensional System and Number System Theory on Semigroups

  8. GB/T2471-1995电阻器和电容器优先数系

    Preferred number series for resistors and capacitors

  9. 数系的扩展

    The generalization of number system

  10. 古巴比伦人用六十进位制,即以60为基的数系。

    The sexagesimal scale , or number system based on 60 , was used by ancient Babylonians .

  11. 佩特罗夫摩擦系数公式测定了不同方向组合的摩擦数系,并对织物风格评定中的摩擦试验方法提出了建议。

    Friction coefficients corresponding to different direction combinations are measured , with a methodological suggestion on friction tests in fabric han - dle evaluation .

  12. 数系扩张这一漫长而曲折的历程中,既蕴含着无数的经验教训,又凝结着人类的大智大勇。

    In the long and tortuous course of numerical-system expansion , it contains innumerable experiences and lessons , and condenses with tremendous human courage and wisdom .

  13. 本文从数系结构的探索与发展过程阐述了数学发展的基本特征与规律。

    From exploration and development in the number system structure , we find it inspiningly meaningful to better understand the basic characteristics and regular rules of the mathematics development .

  14. 本文在论述绞盘机卷筒主要参数&卷筒直径的确定原则的基础上,按优先数系提出卷筒直径系列后,研究了卷筒直径与钢丝绳直径的匹配关系。

    Diameter is the main parameter of the drums for forestry winches . Based on the established principles the matching relation between diameters of drums and cables has been studied .

  15. 人们已经越来越多的将模糊数系与区间分析集值映射联系起来,于是形成了较系统的的模糊数理论,但还有许多工作值得我们去探讨。

    Many scholars contacted the system of fuzzy number with interval number analysis , and set valued maps , so the systematic fuzzy number theory formed , but there are many valued problems that we should discuss .

  16. 肾小球细胞数及系膜区占肾小球面积比显著高于A组(P<0.05,P<0.01);P选择素表达明显增加(P<0.01)。

    Compared with group A , the glomerular cell number , mesangial area , and expression of P-selectin significantly increased in group B ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 , and P < 0.01 ) .

  17. 有效微观状态数与系综变换

    Valid Number of Microscopic States and Transformation to Ensembles

  18. 以自动图象分析仪测定各组肾小球系膜细胞数密度、系膜基质指数,对免疫组织化学反应进行半定量测定肾小球中IV型胶原(Col)、层粘连蛋白(LN)及纤维连接蛋白(FN)含量。

    The mesangial matrix index and numerical density of mesangial cells were assayed by automatic image analyser , and the quantity of Collegen IV ( Col ⅳ), Fibronectin ( FN ) and Laminin ( LN ) in glomerular matrix were assayed by immunohistochemistry .

  19. 结果:模型组小鼠第6、9、12周时肾小球系膜细胞、系膜基质明显增生,肾小球光密度、系膜区面积、系膜细胞数密度、系膜基质光密度均呈显著增高;

    Results : The glomerular mesangial cells and mesangial matrix were proliferative in the model group at the 6th , 9th and 12th week .

  20. 依据坐标系转换四元数与坐标系旋转角速度之间的关系,提出了基于视线角四元数序列的视线角速率自适应样条滤波算法。

    According to the equation of quaternion and Line-of-Sight ( LOS ) rate , this paper presents a self-adaptive spline filtering approach for LOS rate by LOS angle quaternion sequence .

  21. 研究了列车编组辆数、管系组成、管系泄漏以及支管长度和直径大小等因素对列车管充气压力的影响。

    How some key aspects , such as number of cars ( length ), train pipe system , leakage , the length of branch pipe and the diamond of the branch pipe and so on affect the distribution of the pressure in the pipe is studied .

  22. 结果观察组和对照组尿管保留时间,拔除尿管后膀胱自主排尿恢复时间,排尿恢复正常的例数,泌尿系感染、后遗症发生情况比较,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05、P<0.01)。

    Results As to the time of retention urethral catheterization , the time of recovering urination of bladder , urinary infection and commemorative sign , there were significantly differences between the control group and the observation group ( P < 0 . 05 , P < 0 . 01 ) .

  23. D系与B系的平均座位杂合度和平均有效等位基因数均高于A系与C系;

    The mean genetic heterozygosity and the average effective numbers of alleles of B and D lines were higher than that of A and C lines .

  24. 以系统粒子数不随参照系改变为基础,论证了热力学熵的Lorentz不变性。

    We have demonstrated that entropy is invariant under Lorentz transformation on the basis of the invariance of total number of particles in the system .

  25. 荧光定量PCR技术可以定量测定个体携带的KIR基因的相对拷贝数,对于家系分析KIR单体型是一有益补充。

    QPCR could be used to determine the copy numbers of KIR gene , and it was a helpful supplementary tool for certain KIR haplotype analysis .

  26. SLR和卫星测高的潮汐解被用来计算月球轨道根数相对黄道坐标系的长期变化和地球自转速率的长期变化。

    The tidal solutions obtained from SLR and satellite altimetry are used to compute the secular changes in the Moon 's orbit elements and the Earth rotation rate in the ecliptic reference system .

  27. 结果表明:在发芽率与苗高的反应上,保持系均比不育系敏感;而在根长和根数上,保持系与不育系也存在差异,且珍汕97A与V20A也不相同。

    The results showed that the radiation sensitiveness of the maintenance line is superior to the male sterile line in germination and seedling length .

  28. 另外,在43℃和44℃温度组,肠管左右侧和系膜对侧的腺体数丢失明显比系膜侧严重(P<0.01)。

    In addition , for the side 43 ℃ and 44 ℃ groups , the gland number in median and far side of mesenteric regions of colon decreased markedly than that in near mesenteric region ( P < 0.01 ) .

  29. 四元数是继复数后又一新的数系,四元数体上代数是复数域上代数的扩展。

    Quaternion is another new number system after the complex . The quaternion field is an extension of complex field .

  30. 数的起源和发展的过程及主要数系的基本运算性质。

    In this paper , we demonstrate the process of the origin and development of number and basic properties of main number systems .