
  • 网络Logging technology;well logging;Well Logging Technology
  1. 脉冲中子-中子(PNN)测井技术及应用效果分析

    Pulse neutron-neutron ( PNN ) oil well logging technology and its application effect analysis

  2. 2000~2008年放射性测井技术进展述评

    Review on Progress of Radioactive Well Logging Technology in 2000 ~ 2008

  3. 周渤然等.用CT技术确定砂岩的孔隙度.测井技术,1994,18(3):178~184本文首先提出用计算机层析(CT)技术确定砂岩孔隙度的原理和方法。

    Principle and method to determine the porosity of sandstone with CT technique are briefed in this paper .

  4. VSP微测井技术在四川盆地的应用效果分析

    Analysis of application effect of VSP microlog technique in Sichuan Basin

  5. 运用MDT测井技术准确识别疑难油气层实例

    Application of MDT Logging Technology in Accurate Identification of Knotty Oil and Gas Layers

  6. 对放射性同位素源X荧光测井技术的井液效应、并壁不平度效应和基体效应分别提出了实用的校正技术。

    The basic principle of radioisotope X-ray fluorescence logging technique has been described . Some practical methods for correcting unevenness effects , drilling fluid effects and matrix effects are presented .

  7. 本文首先就复杂地表常规微测井技术求取表层速度存在的问题,提出了多方位角逆VSP层析成像方法。

    The paper proposed the methods of multi-azimuth inverse VSP tomography to calculate near-surface velocity aimed replacing micro-log method at complex surface places .

  8. P.S测井技术的工程应用

    The application of well-logging with P and S wave in geotechnical engineering

  9. PND-S测井技术在特高含水油田的应用

    Application of Pulsed Neutron Decay-spectrum Logging ( PND-S ) in Higher Watercut Oilfield

  10. MDT测井技术作为一种20世纪末出现的高新测井技术,对于复杂油气藏勘探具有重要意义。

    MDT logging technology , as a new logging technology unseen at the end of the 20th century , is of great significance to exploration of complicated oil and gas reservoirs .

  11. 同时,还应用了国外先进的大位移井技术:MWD随钻测量技术、LWD随钻测井技术、GST地质导向钻井技术及漂浮接箍下套管技术。

    At the same time , advanced horizontal drilling technologies of abroad are also adopted , e. g. , MWD and LWD technology , GST drilling technology , and floating collar casing running , etc.

  12. 本文通过对FMI测井技术优势的分析,结合濮深8井的应用实例,阐述了该项技术在勘探、尤其是深层勘探的应用前景。

    This paper analyses FMI 's superiority in Well Pushen ( PS ) 8 , and discusses the application foreground in oil and gas exploration , especially in deep formation .

  13. 文章针对薄层电阻率测井技术,阐述了数字聚焦测井原理,研究分析了数字聚焦测井仪研制过程中的dUm信号电位差检测分析与对称监控环设计分析两个关键性问题。

    This paper expounds the digital focusing principle in well logging tools , and analyzes dUm signal potential difference and design of symmetrical monitoring loop .

  14. 本文提出的方法是大庆石油管理局自行研制的新的人工合成声波测井技术,它的分辨能力不但高于经常规方法处理的地震剖面,也明显地高于经国外的Seislog和Velog处理的剖面。

    The method introduced in this paper is a new synthetic acoustic log technique developed by Daqing Petroleum Administrative Bureau itself .

  15. 随着成像测井技术的发展,目前偶极子横波成像测井(DSI)可以获得可靠的纵波、横波时差和纵波能量等地层信息。

    Along with the development in imaging logging technique , some formation messages as P-wave transit time , S-wave transit time , P-wave energy and so on , may be obtained by use of dipole shear wave imaging logging at present .

  16. 在钻井过程中采用了三靶点井身结构、正电胶聚合物钻井液、双弓扶正器和弹力式浮箍,应用了MWD钻杆输送水平井测井技术。

    Well configuration of three target points was selected , and MMH polymer drilling fluid was used during drilling . Double-bow casing centralizer and elastic float collar were used in completion of this well , and drill pipe conveying MWD horizontal well logging technology was applied .

  17. 阐述了吉林油田近年引进的监测新技术&阻抗法环空五参数产液剖面测井技术、RMT(C/O模式)测井技术、能谱水流测井技术、电磁探伤与十六臂独立臂井径结合测井技术。

    Describes several newly imported monitoring technologies , such as impedance five-parameter annulus production profile log , RMT ( C / O mode ) log , spectrum water flow log , combination log of electromagnetic defect detection and 16-arm caliper , etc.

  18. 作者通过对近年来我国陆上油田应用MDT测井技术情况总结,对MDT测井技术的应用效果进行了分析和评价,并对该技术适用条件及部分问题进行了分析,得到了一定的认识。

    Based on summarization of application of MDT logging technology for China 's onshore oil fields in the recent years , the author analyzes and appraises the application results of MDT logging technology . The author also makes analysis of the applicable conditions for this technology and the related issues .

  19. 建议应尽快启动随钻测井技术和装备研发项目,坚持自主创新,借鉴国外先进技术,开展联合攻关,分阶段实施LWD发展计划。

    Suggest to start LWD research project as soon as possible , stick to independent creation , use the advanced technology of other countries for reference , launch an industrial joint research , implement LWD development plan step by step , and pay attention to intellectual property rights protection .

  20. 双频介电测井技术在河南油田的应用

    The application of dual frequency dielectric logging technique in Henan oilfield

  21. 复杂注水井吸水剖面流量计测井技术

    Flowmeter logging technology of water injection profile for complex injection wells

  22. 定向扫描成像测井技术及其应用

    Technique of Well Logging by Directional Scanning Image and Its Application

  23. 华北油田脉冲中子测井技术拓展应用研究

    Expanded application study on pulsed neutron logging technology in Huabei Oilfield

  24. 随钻测井技术最新进展及其应用

    The development of logging - while - drilling and its application

  25. 八臂磁组合测井技术在文留油田的应用

    Application of eight arms magnetism combination logging technology in Wenliu Oilfield

  26. 非常规测井技术在水平井生产测井中的应用

    Application of unconventional well logging technique in production logging of horizontal well

  27. 水驱油田剩余油的测井技术

    The logging technique for residual oil in water drive field

  28. 地球物理综合测井技术在我国地浸采铀矿山的应用

    The application of geophysical logging at in-situ leaching uranium mine in China

  29. 脉冲中子水流测井技术及其应用

    Water flow log technology by pulsed neutron and its application

  30. 油水井找漏找窜测井技术在塔河油田的应用

    Oil well logging to find missing and channeling techniques in Tahe oilfield