
suí zuàn cè jǐng
  • Logging while drilling;well logging during drilling
随钻测井[suí zuàn cè jǐng]
  1. J型γ闪烁探头为适应记录式随钻测井环境要求而研制的。

    J type γ scintillation detector head is developed according to the environmental demands of well logging while drilling .

  2. 随钻测井(LWD)技术的萌芽只比电缆测井晚10年。

    Logging While Drilling was born only 10 years later than wireline logging .

  3. 补偿波电阻率测井是哈里伯顿公司随钻测井仪器LWD的电阻率测井项目。

    The compensated wave resistivity logging is a resistivity measurement of Halliburton ′ s LWD .

  4. 结果在无MWD等随钻测井仪器的条件下,可保证在油层厚度仅为5~8m时准确入靶,并使油层钻遇率达到设计要求。

    Result Design requirements for entering oil-bearing formation ( 5-8m in thickness ) can be achieved through elaborate construction and analysis without MWD and the like .

  5. 随着自动控制、网络和计算机技术的不断发展,通过网络实现随钻测井系统(LWD)数据的远程传输,已经在国内外石油行业成为研究热点。

    With rapid development of automatic control and network techniques , network-based LWD Data Remote Transmission is becoming an investigating hotspot in the oil industry .

  6. 介绍了一种基于随钻测井(LWD)和录井资料实时识别钻井近钻头处的地层岩性的实用方法。

    This method , in terms of logging facies analysis , makes full use of the information while drilling to extract some specific parameters for identifying formation lithology .

  7. 国外随钻测井(LWD)技术快速发展日趋成熟,LWD已成为石油工程技术服务的主力装备之一,主要用于优化钻井工程和地层评价。

    Foreign logging-while-drilling technology is developing and maturing , and LWD , which is mainly applied to drilling engineering optimization and formation evaluation , has become one key equipment of modern petroleum engineering services .

  8. 本文阐述了核磁共振随钻测井(MRILWD)技术的最新进展。

    The thesis introduced the most advanced development of MRILWD ( Magnetic Resonance Imaging Logging While Drilling ) .

  9. 它是在地质研究的基础上,基于随钻测井(LWD)曲线,结合综合录井(钻时、岩屑、荧光)和气测录井资料,以井下实际地质特征来确定和控制井眼轨迹。

    This technique can determine and control well trajectory based on geological research , LWD curve , comprehensive mud-logging data ( e.g. , drilling-time logging , cutting logging and fluorescent logging ) along with gas-logging data and downhole geological characteristics .

  10. 建议应尽快启动随钻测井技术和装备研发项目,坚持自主创新,借鉴国外先进技术,开展联合攻关,分阶段实施LWD发展计划。

    Suggest to start LWD research project as soon as possible , stick to independent creation , use the advanced technology of other countries for reference , launch an industrial joint research , implement LWD development plan step by step , and pay attention to intellectual property rights protection .

  11. 随钻测井技术最新进展及其应用

    The development of logging - while - drilling and its application

  12. 随钻测井环境中地层横波速度测量的数值研究

    Numerical Study for Measurement of Shear Wave Velocity in Logging-while-drilling Environment

  13. 随钻测井响应反演方法及应用研究

    Studying on Inversion Method and Application of Logging While Drilling Response

  14. 环境因素对随钻测井测量结果的影响

    The Effects of Environmental Factors on the Measurements of Logging While Drilling

  15. 随钻测井地层评价技术现状与发展

    Formation evaluation measurement while drilling technology : today and tomorrow

  16. 对我国发展随钻测井技术和装备的思考

    Considerations about the development of China ′ s logging-while-drilling technology and equipment

  17. 随钻测井周期性钻柱结构声传播特性的数值仿真

    Simulation the Acoustic Characteristic of Periodic Drill String of Logging while Drilling

  18. 随钻测井资料解释方法研究及应用

    Research and Application of Logging Interpretation Method While Drilling

  19. 随钻测井自动分层取值方法研究

    The study on the method of LWD automatic selected - value by layers

  20. 基于随钻测井资料的地层孔隙压力预测方法研究

    Research on the Predication Method of Formation Pore Pressure Based on LWD Data

  21. 随钻测井技术进展和发展趋势

    Advances and Trends in Logging While Drilling Technology

  22. 应用随钻测井技术提高水平井开发效果

    Applying The Technique of Logging While Drilling to Improve Developing Effects of Horizontal Wells

  23. 水平井钻井的地质导向是随钻测井的重要工程应用。

    Geosteering drilling in horizontal well by logging is an important application of LWD .

  24. 对随钻测井曲线进行环境影响校正主要使用图版法。

    The environmental factor correction of logging curves while drilling mainly uses chart correction method .

  25. 海相碳酸盐岩地层随钻测井和测井解释的难点以及相关对策

    Difficulties of Logging While Drilling and Its Interpretation for Marine Carbonate Sequences and Their Solutions

  26. 随钻测井资料可视化解释软件设计与开发

    LWD Real-Time Visual Interpretation Software Platform Development

  27. 随钻测井技术的发展钻具深度与测井深度误差异常值探讨

    Development of logging while drilling technology Discussion on error between drilling tool depth and logging depth

  28. 地层评价随钻测井仪的新进展

    Formation Evaluation MWD Enters New Realm

  29. 随钻测井技术的发展

    Development of logging while drilling technology

  30. 利用同一口井中不同时间进行的随钻测井和电缆测井资料可以研究随钻地层泥浆侵入特征。

    Comparison of cable logging and LWD carried out in different time indicates characters of mud invasion .