
  • 网络random field;MRF;MRFs;GRF
  1. 离散分层马尔可夫随机场(MRF)模型由于层间具有了因果性,因而其非迭代的推导算法比非因果的马尔可夫随机场模型的迭代算法复杂度低得多,结果更精确。

    The noniterative algorithm of discrete hierarchical MRF ( Markov random field ) model has much lower computing complexity and better result than its iterative counterpart of noncausal MRF model , since it has causality property between layers .

  2. 它采用高斯-马尔柯夫随机场模型(GMRF)对纹理进行描述,模型参数即为纹理特征,参数估计采用最小平方误差方法获得。

    Image texture is characterized by the second order Gauss MRF model , and the least square error estimation is employed for the estimation of model parameters .

  3. 基于Markov随机场和模拟退火算法的SAR图像噪声抑制

    SAR Image Denoising Based on Markov Random Field and Simulated Annealing

  4. 基于非齐次高斯Markov随机场模型的盲目图象复原

    Blind Image Restoration Based on Inhomogeneous Gaussian Markov Random Fields Model

  5. 基于Markov随机场的三维物体识别算法

    Recognition of multiple 3-D objects based on Markov random field models

  6. 基于Markov随机场的彩色图像区域分析方法

    A Method of Color Image Segmentation Based on Markov Random Field

  7. 基于核聚类算法和模糊Markov随机场模型的脑部MR图像的分割

    A Kernelized Fuzzy C-means Clustering Using Fuzzy Markov Random Field Model for Brain MR Image Segmentation

  8. 基于Markov随机场模型的运动对象分割研究

    Research on motion segmentation based on Markov random field models

  9. 基于轮廓线统计量的前景分割Markov随机场模型

    Figure-ground Separation by Contour Statistics and Markov Random Field Model

  10. 广义模糊Gibbs随机场与MR图像分割算法研究

    Generalized Fuzzy Gibbs Random Field and Research on Algorithm for MR Image Segmentation

  11. 基于Markov随机场的新型景像匹配算法

    Novel scene matching algorithm based on Markov random field

  12. 基于Markov随机场的区域跟踪算法

    Region tracking algorithm based on hidden Markov random field

  13. 给出了多参数情形的Stone定理的证明,并由此推导出平稳随机场的谱展式。

    He proof of stone theorem for N-dimension and the spectral expension in stationary random field is given .

  14. B值随机场的Hǎjek-Rényi不等式及其应用

    The Hajek Renyi inequality for B valued random fields and its application

  15. 计算机视觉中的Markov随机场方法

    Markov random field methodology in computer vision

  16. 基于边缘检测及Markov随机场模型的遥感图像分割研究

    Research on Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Based on Edge Detection and Markov Random Field Model

  17. 提出了基于K-均值-Markov随机场的干涉SAR相关系数图组合分类算法。

    A K-mean and Markov random field combined classification algorithm is presented for the coherence map classification .

  18. 三维图象Markov随机场模型的数学描述

    3D Image Markov Random Field Model

  19. 本文根据马尔可夫(Markov)随机场模型和全局最大后验概率估计技术提出了一种模拟退火图像恢复算法。

    A modified version of simulated annealing algorithm for image restoration using Markov random field models is presented .

  20. 与此同时,我们用Markov随机场描述图像的空域约束信息,并且通过数据融合的方法将模糊分割结果与空域约束信息结合在一起,从而得到既包含像素数值特征又包括空域约束信息的图像分割场。

    Then , the Markov random field is used to represent the space constraint information of an image .

  21. 本文应用地理信息系统(GIS)技术,对岩土参数随机场的特性进行研究。

    This paper studied the characteristic of random field of soil parameter according to the technique of the geographic information system ( GIS ) .

  22. 主要工作及成果如下:1、将指纹图像视作二维随机场,提出了基于MeanShift算法的指纹图像分割方法。

    On the assumption that fingerprint image being regarded as a two-dimensional random filed , a new fingerprint segmentation method is developed based on Mean Shift algorithm .

  23. 然而马尔可夫随机场被证明是NP问题。

    However MRF is NP Hard .

  24. 最后,基于最大后验概率的框架,通过引入Markov随机场的先验模型,有效的控制了解空间的收敛。

    Finally , solution space was constrained by exploring Markov Random Field ( MRF ), based on the MAP frame model .

  25. 基于Gibbs随机场模型的医学图像分割新算法研究

    Research of New Approaches in Medical Image Segmentation Based on Gibbs Random Fields

  26. 本征正交分解(POD)是压缩数据和提取随机场本质特征的有效技术。

    Proper orthogonal decomposition ( POD ) is an effective technique for data reduction and feature extraction of a random field .

  27. 针对传统的模糊聚类算法鲁棒性差的不足,结合Markov随机场的提出了一种改进的模糊聚类图像分割算法。

    According to the traditional fuzzy clustering algorithm poor robustness , Combining with the Markov airport proposed an improved fuzzy clustering image segmentation algorithm .

  28. 本文提供了一种基于分形理论中分数布朗随机场模型和分形参数H值的X-射线原木漏节图像处理方法。

    A reliable method of X-ray image of log with knot-hole processing based on the fractal discrete Brownian random field model and fractal parameter H was presented in the paper .

  29. 本文的主要研究包括以下几方面。第一,以马尔可夫随机场为理论基础,构建而向Session过程的检索模型。

    The research of this paper includes following aspects . Firstly , taking Markov Random Field as the theory foundation , we build a session-oriented retrieval model .

  30. 此外,为了进一步提高检测精度,背景区灰度分布采用Gamma分布模型描述,提出一种基于马尔可夫随机场改进的水下声纳图像目标检测方法。

    Furthermore , in order to further improve detection precision , the Gamma distribution model is used to describe the background region gray distribution .