
  • 网络survey;survey grid
  1. 这就使我们有可能充分利用PPM作为总强度标量测量仪器的优越性,在重点地区布署以总强度测量为主的台站和流动测网,以尽力捕捉地震磁现象时空变化的全过程。

    This makes it possible to monitor in seismic region the whole process of the seismo-magnetic phenomena , specially and temporally with a set of dense observatories or survey sites using PPM .

  2. 方法采用普遍测网法实测该公路沿线边坡结构面,分析结构面的组合关系对边坡稳定性的影响;

    Methods Using survey grid method to measure structural planes alongside the highway to analyze effect of the combination of structural plane on slopes stability ;

  3. 克服矿化不均匀效应的X荧光取样最佳测网

    Optimum measuring net for correcting mineralizing heterogeneity effect in XRF sampling

  4. 高精度GPS复测网的形变基准解释

    The Deformation Datum Explanation of GPS Repeat Observation Network

  5. 我们重力测量组在1981年7月用三台LCR重力仪建立了重力测网。

    A gravity net-work was set up through a group of gravity measurements in July , 1981 with three LCR gravimeters .

  6. 重力测量测网的形状和大小有什么要求?

    What are the shapes and size of the gravimetric network ?

  7. 北京地区重力测网资料的处理和初步分析

    Processing and initial analysis of data of gravity network in Beijing area

  8. 正三角形投测网平差及归化改正

    Survey adjustment problem in an equiangular triangle projection net and naturalized correct number

  9. 不规则测网重力资料快速处理程序

    Program of rapid processing gravity data on irregular grid

  10. 心外膜标测网套电极的研制

    Development of a sock electrode for epicardial mapping

  11. 邢台流动重力测网前兆异常变化特征研究糖尿病视网膜病变的血流动力学变化及分期

    Study on the Variation Characteristics of Precursor Anomalies of Mobile Gravity in Xingtai Observation Network

  12. 对宁夏地震重力测网1987年以来的野外观测数据进行了统一平差处理和精度评定。

    The mobile gravity observation data in Ningxia region are adjusted and their accuracy are evaluated .

  13. 论工测网的层与级财产刑执行情况的调查报告

    ON LAYERS AND ORDERS OF ENGINEERING SURVEY CONTROL NETWORKS A Survey of the Enforcement of Court Orders Against Properties

  14. 本文以测量平差系统的可靠性理论为基础,对北京通县地区重力测网的可靠性进行了分析。

    In this paper , the realiability theory is used to discuss the realiability of gravity network in Tongxian area of Beijing .

  15. 文中还讨论了以一组标准模块组成的复杂测网以方便数据准备的问题。

    This article also discusses the complex measuring net with a set of standard norm blocks in order to facilitate the preparation of data .

  16. 利用冀鲁豫测网的流动重力5期观测成果,探讨了重力场变化与封丘地震的关系。

    In the light of the5 periods of mobile gravity observation results of the Ji-Lu-Yu network , the relation between the gravity and the Fengqiu earthquake is discussed .

  17. 用图解法对未检测到的小断层进行预测时,要考虑地震测网密度对断层识别的影响。

    The traditional graphic solution method for predicting small scale faults using Pareto distribution model does not take into account the influence of seismic grid density on the prediction .

  18. 首先必须设计和布置测网,选择一个测量基点,而这些测网交点便是重力测量的观察点。

    First of all , You have to design the gravimetric network and a base station . Gravimeter observation are usually made at the corner of the square grid .

  19. 针对四种不同测网(平面规则网、平面不规则网、曲面规则网、曲面不规则网)设计了相应的计算方法。

    Aim at four kinds of measures net ( flat regular net , flat irregular net , curved regular net , curved irregular net ) designed to correspond numerical method .

  20. 文章以河北平原地下水观测网为例,分析了观测网几个问题的表现和原因,并对国内外观测网优化设计的指导思想、技术方法的现状和进展作了简要介绍。

    In this article , some examples have been taken from Hebei Plain , where the groundwater is main water supply , to demonstrate these problems with monitoring networks and find the reasons .

  21. 在此基础上,分析了工区的地质及地球物理特征,野外工作的测网布设、工作方法及采集数据的质量评价。

    On the fundation of these , we analysed the geological and geophysical features of the work area , the layout of the survey grid , the working method , and the quality evaluation of the observed datum .

  22. 这六方面内容为:测网敷设,物探数据的观测及室内整理,资料成图,岩矿石标本的物性测定,物探工作方法选择,成果解释。

    The mentioned aspects include survey network , Geophysics data acquisition and processing , showing the data with different graphics , physics property analysis for rock samples , the Geophysics work methods and interpretation for the geophysical results .

  23. 在我国东部含油气区,由于村镇稠密、水网纵横、工业设施庞大、大小障碍物分布广泛,采用大面积统一规则的三维地震测网施工,遇到了许多困难。

    In hydrocarbon-bearing area in East China , 3-D seismic operation in an unified big-area seismic grid usually meets many difficulties because of multitudinous villages and towns , river network , huge industrial installations and widely scattering obstacles .

  24. 目前钻遇第三系的探井上千口,全盆地有密集的二维地震测网覆盖,局部地区还进行了三维地震勘探。

    At present , there are thousands of wells that penetrate the tertiary . The basin is covered by the intensive two-dimensional seismic grid . Moreover , the 3D seismics are still carried on in the partial region .

  25. 构造简单、平缓,目的层埋藏浅,地震测网密,地震资料质量较好,又有质量好的实测声波资料是制作高质量合成声波测井剖面的必要条件。

    The necessary condition to make good quality synthetic acoustic logging section is as follows : simple and gentle geological structure , shallow target stratum , dense seismic lines , good seismic data and nice real acoustic logging data .

  26. 本文提出了以目标元素的特散比为基本参数建立求解矿石目标元素品位的数理方程和判别主要干扰元素的判据,提出了克服矿化不均匀效应的最佳测网。

    Based on the basic parameters of the ratio of characteristic X ray to scattered rays from source of the object elements , a mathematical model for the object element grade of the ore and a judgement expression for main disturbing elements are presented .

  27. 选取了山西测网1997年&2006年重力复测资料,主要研究了重力点值特征和重力场变化情况,认为,重力场变化与山西境内的地震有较好的对应关系。

    Based on gravity reiteration data of Shanxi observation network from 1997 to 2006 , characteristic of gravity spot value and variation of gravity field are mainly studied . It is considered that variation of gravity field corresponds to earthquakes of Shanxi province quite well .

  28. 在海外地震测网稀或不规则、钻井少甚至没有钻井资料且地质构造复杂的所谓低勘探程度地区进行风险勘探,其并不十分明朗的勘探前景为我们提供机遇的同时也提出了挑战。

    When the risk exploration is carried out in the areas of so-called lower exploration degree abroad where the characteristics are sparse or irregular seismic survey grid , rare or without drilling data and complex structures , the unclear exploration prospect gives us a challenge while providing us a opportunity .

  29. 在深厚覆盖层地区开展工程物探工作,物探方法选择、测网布置、方法技术采用,对于提高水电工程物探解决地质问题的能力显得十分重要。

    For enhancing the physical exploration of hydropower projects and the capacity to solve the geological problems , it is very important for the regions with deep and thick overburden layers to develop the engineering physical exploration , to select the physical exploration method and to arrange the measurement network .

  30. 本文介绍一种利用低纬赤道带垂测站台网测量西移两日行星波纬向波数k的新方法。

    A new method has been introduced in this paper , which can use the data of ionosonde network at low latitude and equatorial zone to measure the zonal wavenumber ( k ) of the westward travelling 2-day wave .